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Qualitycraft Racing

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Everything posted by Qualitycraft Racing

  1. i got my scanner working so now i can share some of my original photographs heres bobby when he was still sweepin the floors
  2. man. kyle took some licks. that last one by joey looked really bad. and then to just get out and walk off ? and then try and refuse the track care center ?!?! i know many dont like him , but noboby can say he aint tuff. man, what a ride
  3. yeah those are all pretty good. cassie this may sound corny but i insist that my nickname be "The Devine" Brian Holland or Brian " The Devine" Holland. its a long story but basically i got my desire for racing and any talent that i might/will eventually have from my mothers side of the family and that is there last name.. as a kid i always said that when i got into racing i was gonna change my last name from holland to devine , but this is a whole helluva lot easier. plus it kinda sounds good. so i invite anybody to give me a hard time about it , but it means alot to me. my uncle was the late great " Bodachious Billy Devine" and i race his #77 and this will only help me honor him. thanks, and i'll see yall next time out.
  4. sometimes when i call freddy i ask for Fast Freddy Gierisch or fred Too Tall gierisch
  5. dayum , txtom , thanks for taking the time to type that out. since i have been under the hood for the last 3 days i can identify all the stuff youre talking about. thanks for speaking my language too. i'll get that MAF cleaner and get to it. thanks again
  6. hey thanks, now i wanna clean mine. when you say in the intake tube , how do you get to it? if im gonna clean my butterfly will it be right in there. i have to take the butterfly out correct? i'd appreciate it if you told me how. only thing is youre gonna have to be real specific. i barely know how to work on an easy old 350, muchless these new motors with computers and sensors and whatnot. anyway, if you have the time to post i'd appreciate it
  7. thanks 97car, and you are correct. i finally had found the tidbit of advice i needed. some guy online told me to clean the air intake and AIC with INTAKE CLEANER not carb spray and then to disconnect battery and reconnect then take for a drive through full cycle of driving conditions and it worked!! apperently after you clean it correctly you must reset computer and let it re-learn idle with a cleaner intake. the AC works and doesnt effect idle at all now no matter if its in park , drive ect.. thanks for taking the time to help me out, i appreciate it.
  8. wonderin if anyone knows about fords that dont idle right. i changed the fuel filter and tranny filter and the plugs . i also treated the intake with that seafoam stuff via the brake booster vacuum. the only thing that made it stop dying on me was the plugs, but now it will still idle from 400 to 600 up and down, up and down after the AC has been turned on and its in park. at least it runs now but the idle going up and down makes me think the IAC is acting up. any thoughts?
  9. thanks so much for that memory you had of him. thats what im tryin to get out of the people that have them. i know theyre out there, just dont know if they post on LSS. well thats cool that you worked with Jim, of course that'd be my granddad's brother. maybe you used to hangout with my parents when they were married, Craig and Joanna?joanna being billy's sister. i just turned 30 and have been racing for only a year and it seems my mother has missed it . she tries to make every race and its times like you described above that kept her in the stands when i rolled my car. everyone else took off runnin, busted through the gate and ran to turn 1 where i was. screaming the whole way. not her , she was parked in the bleachers and later said somethin like " i knew you were ok , ive seen Billy do much worse many many times". so anyway, thank you very very much for the reply.
  10. thanks alot for the reply. Billy was a very popular driver and a very likeable person. he passed about 8 yrs ago.
  11. he passed away a while back and honestly , he had some bad habits. but he was a hell of a racer and won all the time. he's the reason ive always wanted to race and the reason behind my #77. i grew up in the pits down there as a youngster and have alot of great memories, but would love to hear from people that knew him. like i said i was real young and would love to hear about him from his fellow racers point of view.
  12. speaking of packing the track.... why make false threats about not being able to race if you dont pack the track? not only is it a false threat its an extreme false threat. at other tracks ive heard if you dont pack you start scratch. that makes a little more sense. but friday night it was "if you dont pack you dont race". and of course not even 25% of the cars in the pits went out and the ones that did made 1 or 2 laps and then went to the infield or back to the pits. at STS owen has 95% of the cars out on the track and nobody pulls off untill he points them off the track. thats called respect. 2 races ago i told a buddy , thats it im not packing the track anymore, if everyone else is too good to go out and get muddy, so am i. so then friday we get the ultimate threat of no pack- no race. so as soon as the meeting was over i get in my car and go pack and i was the last one off the track. i'd say less than 15% of the total cars at the track made more than 5 laps. and what happened ? the show was stopped for 45 minutes to pack in the track. anyone who has seen my car after i pack the track knows why i have such an issue with this. and whats up with packing the track backwards? that just makes it more difficult to I.D. the heavier spots on the track. im not coming back for a couple weeks. i'd rather go get smoked by the LLM's in corpus.
  13. what i dont understand is , who cares if someone thinks they are good enough to no show 2 weeks and win the ship. by doing that they are stuck with any and all bad finishes they have. and by "saving your bullets" and showing up every week you still have insurance when the other guy doesnt anymore. i say this because the season is far from over. so the people complaning are 100% sure of what the future holds and what is in store for them as far as finishes?! me thinks not. if someone has the attitude of " i can miss 2 races and still win the ship" and then he goes and does it ?!? then he damn sure deserves it. i know the point is to not reward someone who supposedly doesnt fully support the track but come on. how are you going to to put a value on someones excuse or lack there of? the rule is in place to make it fair for people who have stuff come up in their lives and every rule will have people who use it to their advantage. by them using the rule , they are only effectively saying they dont need the rule in the first place, and will have a great finish every week and win the ship. maybe if it was 5 drops like some other tracks it would be different, but to me if someone wants to go race somewhere else twice a season cause they thin they "can" then thats fine. that essentially means they never did need the rule in the first place. i guess to me it seems like if you abuse the rule youre only making it harder on yourself to win the title, so if you do, you must be doing something better than everyone else. JMO
  14. i was wonderin what cars will be allowed ? my brother , who has never raced before , is interested but doesnt wanna take the chance of tearing up my car if he's gonna be up against LLMs or mods. any details you can give me will help him decide if he's gonna go for it or not. sounds fun to be crew chief for a race.
  15. yup, it was a great night of racing. i got my seat time, stayed outta the way and no damage to the car. thanks to everyone involved with putting on the show say , cassie , whats the link to the track photographer. i wanna get some pics of my car covered in mud
  16. cool thanks for the tip. did you end up getting a longer hose? the kit that i found comes with a 30'' hose
  17. yup after much research, i am going with the remote oil filtration. anyone got any tricks to the trade?
  18. i thought everything was pretty clean as well. great show all around. i watched the video and i gotta thank danny in the 82 streetstock for racin me and the #33 clean. the video showed how bad you needed to get around us and you were way faster but you kept it clean. thanks again danny
  19. thanks kenny. i had found the pf454 but wasnt sure. i'll grab a 25 and see if it works. thanks again
  20. thanks bullet. i'll have to measure the one i got on there. the one i did find measures 2.87'' high but its that darn 3/4. maybe a 4 and a quarter will work. my buddy told me about that remote filter deal for $50, but we thought that would just end up causin me more trouble down the line. what experience do you have with them?
  21. i wasnt sure where to post this question so , nick just move it where it belongs. i been scouring the internets trying to find a shorty oil filter to fit my sbc . if i am correct that would make it 13/16 , with 16 threads. anyway all i can find are 3/4 x 16 thread. can someone point me in the right direction?
  22. yeah that was a good interview. he seems to be doing real well. DW- " yeah you did alot of body work didnt you"
  23. i need a cam. how do we find out what kind i need.

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