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  1. well lets hear it WHO AM I alot of people think they know who i am but nobody no's fosho
  2. sp i dont think there was anything chicken sh___ about it it turned up as a racing accident i talked to steven and watched the video with him and pointed out a few things and none of it was intentional........... kevin had a good run into 3 and steven come down i dont no if he didnt see him or what they got together drifted up and steven came back down to try to protect his line and whamo hooked tires and the rest is kind of history if kevin had turned to the right when everyone is thinking or saying he did they would have ended up in the wall at the flag stand what was chicken poop is the guy who came out on the track and got into kevins face i think he looks familliar but not to sure i think that guy should be banned from the track for a few nights and whatever or if any car he is with should have been dqed for the night as stated in the rules at the thunder hill web site
  3. Way to go Steven glad I got to see you win another one............. good job keepum coming
  4. Hey Nick I think you lost him at ................At the end of every seminar
  5. wow what a sweet lookin ride i hear that stan makes miracles happen at his shop my hats off to you go get'em big guy ............... oh and next year show how you are supposed to win a championship
  6. i was just asking about good rumors and it turned into the damn ww3 and debbiec i was just giving him hell this time because he hasnt done anything "yet" because lord knows they need all the cars they can get especially after running all the poor boy racers outta there but i have a feeling an underdog will prevail in the next season or 2 and good luck to all hope the rumor is true about tracy [edited out by Nick Holt, 9/21/06]
  7. no debbiec he does that all on his own noone else gets a chance to make everything about him....................... abrungot ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i am your father
  8. rumor has it that a certain "pretty" little hot shoe from thr might be getting a full sponsored ride for tsrs for the 2007 season gee i hope to see that then ace can get whooped by 2 yes thats right two women on a regular basis i hope it works out will be an interesting season i also hear that stan eastly has his eye on a car for the 07 season can anybody confirm or deny ...............................................any more good rumors floating about
  9. big fat i know he didnt fight for just my rightsthats why i said ours
  10. nick you brag or atleast have made mention that you are proud to be a vet .................. witch meant you would have died for our rights....................... correct?....................... but yet you wont get in trouble for some speaking freely under the freedom of speech but yet you edit us for speeking freely so therefore in my eyes you are a hypocrite just my freedom of speech 2 pennies and i am out of here probably for good now but i can say i spoke freely and will continue to do so till the day i die because that is my right that millions of people have died for to protect thank you very much
  11. ok nickholt i am sorry but just let me post this one last thing from thrs rule book Each driver is responsible for the conduct of their pit crew and anyone signing-in on their race car. Pit crews and drivers should stay in their respective pit areas. If trouble starts in another pit area and you are there you will be considered at fault. Fighting will result in expulsion for the race night and/or suspension from future events. Fighters may be subject to a cash fine of up to $500.00. The fine money shall be deposited into the driver's point fund. Any driver involved in an altercation on the track, such as throwing a helmet, steering wheel, obscene gestures, recklessness or fighting may be subject to disqualification for the night and forfeit all points and purse money for the night. Any driver involved in an altercation on the track may be subject to a $500.00 cash fine. The fine money shall be deposited into the driver's point fund. If a driver is expelled for the night, the car is also expelled for the night.
  12. gee abrungot those several hits wouldnt have anything to do with the 44 cars driving style now would it??????????????????? i never said the whole class was rough drivers just one car and from my point of view "here in the stands" as it was put i think he should have been ejected for the night and the next race as well ................... hasnt someone posted on here that he was on probation for rough driving before............................ what else do you need to know ................. i have talked to several drivers and they all said they had no comment on his driving style said he was a good driver just poor style.................... anywho just my 2 pennies worth dont mean squat but hey you never know
  13. hey y dont ya take it to taylor and have the 10 car fix it for ya i bet he would jump right on it
  14. just looked at the results from last night and i was under the assumption that an ejection was the same as a dq or no show at all maybe thr officials can help me out with this
  15. ok so you may be right but what is the excuse for the other races when you hit him and everyone else i mean i seen you slam the 4 car in the feature last night and ................ isnt he your dad? it seems that you have kind of gottin out of control and dont care for anyone if they are standing in your way of the championship well i hope you sleep well at night noing that you are based out of the same shop and also the same blood and dont have any problems with slamming them in the turns and straits and no regard for other people safety on the track
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