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THE subway

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Posts posted by THE subway

  1. He's SCARED of my wife. She picks on the poor kid. At least she has somebody else to pick on now. I needed a break. Somehow subway found out about the spark plug incident. You have to talk slow but subway finally gets it. Something about an education in Bishop and asked not to return. Could be all the Budweiser though.

    Darin who the hell, in their right mind, ain't skeered of your wife :( ? By the way can't imagine how I found out about ol' Sparky. And on another note. I had a really good education from Bishop I just chose to strike it from my memory :blink: .

  2. Subway,

    You need to come out and go on a jeep ride. She will scare the hell of out you. I'm looking on ebay to see if they have any SPECIAL sockets for the impaired.

    Hey, all i'm waiting for is an open invatation. I enjoyed the Go Kart ride so much the Jeep sounds like a blast. Unfortuanatly Darin, I have already scoured E-Bay for

    " Dee-De-Dee" sockets to no avail.

  3. Dang subway sure is up late. Must be out with his girlfriend....oh what is her name?? OK MR. NEWMAN. Either that or you went and got your nipples pierced for the 2nd time with your other girlfriend....wait she doesn't come to sts.

    That crack about the girlfriend really hurt. No, not really, just jacking with you. I figured I at least had that coming to me. Hey, by the way I might have found you a sponser for thats pesky, missplaced 5/8 ths.

  4. Recently it has been brought to my attention that one of our Limited Modified Drivers needs a SPECIAL kind of sponsor. Anybody willing to donate a 5/8" deep well socket would be greatly appreciated. contributions shall be directed to Jason M. or his hero. This is just SUBWAY helping out my drivers. If anybody has any questions about the 5/8" please feel free to ask Mr. Jason.


    EAT FRESH!!!!!!

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