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Everything posted by bvfd_gordo

  1. I know the classes that are for sure is Bombers, Pure Stock, and Limited Modifed. The other classes are being reviewed.
  2. Is anybody going to reply to this I would like to know what the rules are going to be???
  3. Are the rules for the Endruo race same as the rules for the Bombers? Will 70 series tires be legal just for the Endruo race? What is the pay out?
  4. Would a THM200 R4 transmission be worth putting in a pure stock or bomber?
  5. I am getting a little of the subject here but I run a Bomber at STS I ran one night last year at CC and had alot of fun I asked Dan this year if the rules are the same between the two tracks for this class He told me that CC allows up to 75 series tires but STS allows 70 series which are on my car. He told me that he allowed one car the week before to run 70 series tires and the other drivers complained to much so he said that he would not allow them any more. If he truly wants more cars He needs to get rules that match STS classes exactly.
  6. One easy way is to work with the other track 5 miles down the road that pulls in 24 cars on avg. all year long. Schedule races on opposite nights with the EXACT SAME RULES.
  7. AMP energy drink.......Already ousted one crew chief so it MUST be the sponsor....it could NEVER be Jr. He needs to stop drinking the energy drinks go back to drinking BEER. Who knows he might be able to drive better DRUNK.
  8. Hell I am up to having my a$$ handed to me I will be willing to run my STS BOMBER with the Pure stocks if I could at least get some tires. Stephen do you have a couple of spares I could run one night? Never mind next race SOS is running a STS isn't running is going to be in October if I still have a car left I will run at SOS.
  9. I would like to see the rules in the fender classes be closer to the other tracks running in South Texas (STS, I-37, Edna) examples: STS- Bombers enrty level class at SOS they are illeagal for Bombers and way underpowered for the Pure Stock class STS- Pure Stocks At SOS most are illeagal for the Pure Stock class and way underpowered for street stock class If you can get rules to match up closer in the fender classes you might get more cars to show up on their track's off night.
  10. The Blue Angels don't fly at night it would hard to see what they are doing.
  11. The only other thing going on in Corpus is The Dirt Track is also running with atleast 80 carts/cars running.
  12. Thanks Stephan. When are ya'll going to come down and try your luck here?
  13. Videos by Donna is back at CC Speedway. Videos look really good.
  14. You can try Tractor Supply Co. good cheap paint $10 for a quart thin it down 50-50 I am not sure if they have a bright enough paint for you I know the have John Dreere green I think some other greens not sure though.
  15. I was planning on running at CC this year when STS was not running but the transponder just changed my mind I will not buy a $300 transponder just to run every other week or so. And I am not going to load my car and drive 45 minutes to get to the track and hope they have one to rent. [edited out by Nick Holt, 3/4/09] I would love to see the transponders at a track but for a driver to put out $300 to buy one when the track may run a full season they are asking a lot. I am not trying to bash the track just stating my opinon.
  16. Why is that the Bombers have to pull 16 pds vac. when the Pure stock pull 18 pds @1000RPM? I have a bomber that runs at STS with a BONE STOCK 305 I barely pull 18 pds @ 1000 RPM. Also stock 305 and 350 come with a 4 barrel Rochester Carb. You are asking for a 2 barrel Rochester Carb that comes stock in some V6. IF you have rules that are close to the other tracks like STS. I37. and Edna you would get more cars. JMO
  17. Where do you tie it in to the truck? Do you have to run a new wire?
  18. Where do you connect the auxillary power wire to on the 7 way plug?
  19. If you are in Corpus There is JK Kalb they do gauge repairs and calibrations you could check with them to see if they can help you
  20. If you look at an overhead photo of the track in the infield before turn one and after turn four there is pavement that loops into the grass and then back into the track. What were these used for?
  21. Despite several attempts to hot lap the track to dry it out Owen had to cancel the features. He was looking out for the drivers safety. Owen did a great job mother nature screwed us.
  22. It is not the "Cry Babies" that are doing this it is everyone that comes in the forum and stirs all the negative shit that hurts the track. People need to use this forum to focus on the postive things that Owen has done for the racers of South Texas (not just Corpus) This forum needs to be here to get information out to the FANS not to have fueds between drivers and tracks.
  23. The track has been very good this year. You might need to check turn 1 there should be a couple of connecting rods inbeded in the dirt when they came out of my motor last week. If you find them I would like to get them back trying to put the motor back together
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