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Everything posted by bvfd_gordo

  1. He is trying to foul mother nature to keep that wet sh*t way from the track this weekend...
  2. Here is a pic of GB in his dirt wedge at Riverside Speedway in the mid 80's [resized by Nick Holt, 2/22/08
  3. Owen needs to send a fake schedule to the National Weather Service maybe They won't make it rain on the days we are racing. Looks like everyone needs to make sure thier windshield wipers are in good shape on thier race cars. Instead of boat and trailer races it looks like we will be having just boat races.
  4. Owen Is any of the local classes going to be running this weekend??? I thought I heard that the Pures or the bombers may be running. Corey 93 bomber
  5. Netz You don't know who I am but I did race down at RGS the first race of the season It cost to much to race and I did not get crap back, luckly I have a sponser that paid for my fuel to go down and back. There were atleast 3 cars that were planning on going down there when STS was not racing but after we went there that first time we made it our last time. If Owen would increase the cost by $10-$20 for the driver I will be there every weekend I can when work allows me to. Corey #93 bomber
  6. Owen Great job with the interview. Corey #93 bombers
  7. Not a very good pic but there is GB shoting the hole in a pile up
  8. I was at the track last night till 11:00 pm. I personally know the women's restroom is being taken care of by volunters. STS is going to have the nicest Women's restroom for a racetrack in Texas. Corey 93 bomber Redneck Racing
  9. Does anyone have connections that may be able to hook us up with a couple of those Jet Dryers they use in Nascar?
  10. Owen can I run my bomber in the thunder class if we finish it tonight. The beer part will be up to dad put I sure can use some bbq since I didnt get none last week cause I was trying to load my pile of junk that was sittin in the infield. "THE GOAT"
  11. TJ Why do you want to run with the Thunder's??? Do you think it wont hurt as bad if someone hits you. Corey Bomber 93
  12. I guess this means south bound for me friday night
  13. Need to know if I need to drive 6 hours home to race Saturday. By looking at the radar it looks like it missed the track. Bomber #93 Corey Collier
  14. Riverside Speedway Trophey Dash winner Mickey Collier #93 [resized by Nick Holt, 8/23/07] Bubba Ford at Riverside Speedway
  15. What did Micheal Jack get DQ'ed for???? Corey Bomber #93
  16. Subway's favorite beer is OPB (Other People's Beer)
  17. Check South Texas Speedway Post there is a guy getting Pre-Order's for fuel in Corpus He might be able to Help ya'll out
  18. I dont think the school supplies subway has is legal now.
  19. I am about one mile North of the track and we are swimming in the wet stuff. It has been pouring down for the last hour. Corey Bomber #93
  20. Owen do you have the rest of the point standings???
  21. STS should start racing year around the off season can be when it is to wet to race. It would be the first track in South Texas racing year around.
  22. Where are the points standings for the rest of the classes??? Bomber #93
  23. How about some 4-wheeler races anything to get muddy and race.
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