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Chevy Orange

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Posts posted by Chevy Orange

  1. Ther are a lot of rumors and discussion about Romco's new owner starting his own truck class. The man has the connections, money and know-how to do it. Pay-outs are rumored to be higher than what we at ARTS are used to,running with Romco would definitley be very good exposure. But to quote Gunnar at our awards banquet -( We run with the WELL- known ARTS series--- and you run with WHO???-Never heard of them!!)There are not enough trucks to run two truck series-THAT IS A FACT!(8 or 9 trucks is not much of a show if we split the drivers!) I would like to know where all of the ARTS drivers stand on this issue?? This last year was Jon Garrett's first full year of running the series and I feel he did a bang up job for one guy who had the series dumped in his lap and was told to run it himself or watch the truck series DIE!! Jon has a family. like we all do and has to try to make a living and find sponsors and run the series and put up with all of the crap and headaches that go along with it!! He is working very, very hard to make the series better, more profitible, well-known, respected, and with a little patience we will have a series sponsor for next year!! Bottom line is; are we going to see a lot of fly-by night drivers leave to join;(Who do you race for?-Never heard of them!!) or are we going to support the series fans love to watch--The action packed, we ain't afraid to rub, competitive,fun, and comradery- filled, hurry back to your seat the trucks are about to race-ARTS SERIES!! And in case some of you are wondering what ARTS stands for---ALLSTAR RACE TRUCKS SERIES--The best thing going!!!!!!

  2. Hey Larry, Just like Charlie Brown You have to BELIEVE in the Great Pumpkin!! Watch out for the under dogs, you never know what will happen! We are not intimidated by any team or individual, we work hard and long with just a three man crew(two carpenters and a mechanic) and so far we have not done that bad!You have to BELIEVE!!!!!! And after all it is the month of the Pumpkin!!See ya in our mirror!

  3. Nick-Sounds like a great idea! I think it would help weed out the people who have a big mouth sitting at home in private, but lack seriously in the testicular fortitude department in person!Our team has nothing to hide and we are not hard to identify- look for the only bright orange pumpkin truck#21 in the ARTS series!--Curt Marcinik--Crew Chief ARTS#21 Truck series!!

  4. :rolleyes: Maybe some people do not realize that our Crate Motor is a sealed motor and we can not even do repairs , much less any modifications to it!! The 305 motors have much more leaway in the tweaking department! This is one reason I believe they are so close in power! Just look at Bryan Meredith running a 305 amd stomping the rest of us! Both motors are great and make plenty of power, but keep in mind all the power in the world is USELESS, if you can not apply it to the ground and keep your truck pointed in the right direction! -Handling,Handling,Handling!!!-That's what makes you Fast!!!
  5. :D Big Jon- our prayers and best wishes go to your speedy recovery!! We saw your leg that night and it was definitely a serious burn!Godspeed on your recovery, heal up for S.A. - somebodys got to give them boys up front a hard time and you do such a good job! If you need any thing at all Jon do not hesitate to ask,- You are the man and we all in the ARTS series owe you big time!!, for keeping this series going and exciting!! God Bless Jon!! -The #21 ARTS TEAM
  6. B) We love racing at Kyle, after all of the confusion and lack of meeting db requirements at the last race, I think I can speak for most of th arts racers in saying we would like to know where we stand on the muffler issue? The arts officials said the only truck that passed db levels was the #93 truck of Chett's. Our team went over and Chett was kind enough to let us inspect his exhaust system. Nothing outrageous or high dollar- headers into an x-pipe, then into two short, stage one flowmaster mufflers and then turned down under the middle of the truck and not out the sides! We do not want to see Kyle get shut down due to the excessive noise! If we have to run mufflers, so be it as long as it will keep us all on the track and having good racing!To sum all this up basiclly what is going to be required for all of us to have on our trucks , the next race after our break is at S.A., then back to Kyle, we would like everyone to have ample time to prepare and show up ready to meet db levels with no problem and go racing!!-Thanks!!
  7. #30 ARTS TRUCK/CERW; Glad we could help, if we have it in the trailer you guys(and the rest of the trucks) are more than welcome to it! As you stated, it is all about everybody helping everybody so we can ALL go racing! Sitting in the pits watching all of our fellow competitors race is nothing short of a major bummer!!(We have been there!) Brian is the points leader and it would be a shame not to have him in the race!-MAN THAT GUY CAN DRIVE!!--- Don't hesitate to ever ask for anything!!-See you at the track in August and YES our truck will be orange!!--Crew Chief Truck #21

  8. :D The crew and driver of truck #21 would like to thank everyone in the ARRTS series last Saturday, for a clean and well- run race!! Jon-You are doing a greatjob with the trucks -keep it up! Special thanks to; Chuck schoenfeld(#98) for selling his truck to us and getting us back on the track and racing!! Also a very hearty Thanks to; Steve Green(#52) for all of your helpful suggestions! Saturdays race just goes to show that we are all here to race,race clean and have a great time doing it!! We do not mind helping anyone who needs it, we lent #93 a rear end, and the points leader#30 a transmission, we have received so much help from others, we are more than happy to return the favors!! Isn't that what this is really all about - good racing and comradery in the pits!!-Thanks again to the whole bunch of great racers we have the privaledge of racing with!! - Crew Chief Truck #21
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