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Houston Hobby stocks?


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Good ole dale C. inspired me to look at the site because of the Hobby stock words..


I was thinking *(You mean i can run two tracks without a gear change)?


When reviewing the rules i found on the site.. i got extreamely confused..


Seems like HS, SS, and LM rules mixed up... mainly the HS and SS rules..


Camaro's are out... but Nova's??

108 WB is in..

Spoilers in

Tube A Arms ok..

Stock mount sway bar


Max wheel width 10"

Tires USRA, TSRS, or Houston LM take offs.. ?? so 970's???


Ride height 6"

weight 3200


Crate motor's ok


Anyone have any info on this class they would like to share?? i see there is a race 1/14 as well...

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HMP Hobby Stock rules were written with the Houston Hobby Stock Dirt Cars in mind. We also tried to write the rules close to you guys, but for the most part, it was for the dirt guys in Houston that wanted to get off dirt and try the asphault. We had a good series on Dirt [edited out by Nick Holt, 1/4/06] and there are a bunch of cars with no home that could run here. The rules will be looked at again in the spring to see what changes we need to make. Tight now, the purse is put up by our sponsor, Huff Industries and only pays 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. We are expecting 12 cars on 1-14. If you have any questions, call me at 281-541-1301.


Arthur Hermiz

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It no longer exists because it now has a home track! I consider that a major plus espicially for the drivers that supported the series through thick and thin every week.

Because our car count dropped off doesnt mean it was anyone or anythings fault. When you start off the way we did you could only go down. Throw in gas prices, some stubbern local promoters, adding TOPS and tracks that had to fight staying open on a consistant basis. It was alot to manage and it took alot of side jobs by me to pay for what we did including this years banquet. Besides excluding the track that nobody wanted to be at to begin with we still had car counts higher then what the track would normally have had. I look at the series as nothing but a total success and I am proud to have had the guts to do it, go up against the local piss poor shows and actually see the local tracks having to step up to keep cars. Everyone was a winner because of TOBA!

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AJ, SDRPhoto is still in business. That is the business I ran, not any of the tracks. I enjoyed racing TOBA when I could, but things just went down hill, that is all I said. As for the Asphault deal. We hope it goes good. We have 12 cars confirmed for this next race, including a couple of brand new ones. This is a deal that I think is going to stay and grow in Houston.

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I have edited and deleted a number of comments, posts, etc. in this thread. Discussing racing is one thing, but slamming other series, promoters, tracks, etc, is not encouraged here on TXSZ.


Thanks for your understanding.


Nick Holt

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