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DID you mean the night this old fart that hasnt raced in years past you up to get to her for you couldnt get by her lol .when she kissed me i believe you got the biggest smuch .ha .you just had to come and out do me ..and no i didnt get testy nick asked a honest simple question and got an honest answer .......... good to see you yesterday now stay in houston ..........

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Boy does that bring back memories.Are you going to run with us this year?There is a big break for air cooled cars this year.BTW Shawn,this photo is a couple of air cooled outlaw ministocks going at it at Riverside around 85 or 86.Notice the 10" tires.These cars were very fast and a lot of fun.Last I heard your car was hanging from the celing of Mikes garage.I still have mine too.Come race with us again. G.B. Great photo too.

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it looks like 85 gb .i ran some races and used to watch you guys get at it .in 86 i believe the outlaws as yah were called started raceen at cc . thats when david evans had that pinto wedge doug had that thunderbird .eric wilson raced a pinto ..you had the vw wedge , .doug turned a low 13.s are something in that thunder bird with 12 inch tires ..

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