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nick holt


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nick you brag or atleast have made mention that you are proud to be a vet .................. witch meant you would have died for our rights....................... correct?....................... but yet you wont get in trouble for some speaking freely under the freedom of speech but yet you edit us for speeking freely so therefore in my eyes you are a hypocrite just my freedom of speech 2 pennies and i am out of here probably for good now but i can say i spoke freely and will continue to do so till the day i die because that is my right that millions of people have died for to protect thank you very much

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Guest bigfat

In America when we have Vets that fight for your rights. They also fight for the right's of others. Like the Owners of this FREE message board. They, just like any other establishment, have the right to refuse service to ANYONE they see fit. It's not like he only faught for YOUR rights. Here are the simple rules that they ask you to follow. Don't break the rules and you won't get edited. Unless you're me. I never do anything wrong and get edited anyways :rolleyes: .

Texas Speed Zone asks that you follow the rules - and the spirit of the rules - listed below.



(1) No Soliciting.


(2) Do not post advertisements. We will be happy to talk to you about placing an advertisment on Texas Speed Zone. Just drop us an email at cnholt@sbcglobal.net


(3) No offensive language.


(4) Don't be abusive, disruptive or rude. This includes posting or sending personal attacks on other members or other offensive, defamatory or otherwise inappropriate material.


(5) Texas Speed Zone reserves the right to terminate any Texas Speed Zone membership at any time and for any reason.


(6) All members must have a valid email address on file or their membership will be subject to temination.


(7) Impersonating another member is not permitted.


(8) The Texas Speed Zone forums are designed to be a safe, moderated discussion board where topics of interest to the Texas racing community can be discussed in a calm, civil manner. We are not here to provide a soapbox for troublemakers or disgruntled individuals. If anyone has an issue with another member, a track or series official, sponsors, etc., please take the issue up with that individual.


A word about Security on Texas Speed Zone


The administrator of any website anywhere has access to all parts of the website’s software that are not “hardwired” into the software.


For instance, your email could be accessed by your employer, the server, the ISP or even the government. This is just how it is. Your phone is not secure either. Just about anyone with the right equipment can monitor all your phone calls – be they via landline, VOIP or Wireless.


The same is true of the PM system. PM's are "private" only in that other members cannot access your PMs. The site administrator, however, can access the PM’s. I thought this was common knowledge, but recently one of our members inquired about it and I felt that everyone should have this information if they didn’t already know.


So, bottom line is that any communications over the internet are not secure unless you see the HTTPS in the address line – and even then I’m not too sure that the information passes on a supposedly secure site is actually secure.


Thanks for your understanding and cooperation. We hope all of you enjoy the message board!!

Edited by bigfat
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Guest bigfat

then you should understand his situation. I understand that you're upset about what happened to Steve but they ask that you don't use this forum to publicise it. I used to do it all the time. There's no future in it. Good luck to you.

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For clarification OSBfan, the bill of rights does not give you the right to free speech on TXSZ, just like it does not give you the right to say whatever you want in someone's house. If I didn't like what you said as a guest in my house, I could ask you to stop speaking or just plain leave, and that would not be in violation of any of your rights.


What some people, including yourself, don't seem to understand is that lashing out at a driver, official, or anyone else for that matter on TXSZ serves little to no purpose. It's like standing in a crowd of people and talking bad about someone without that person having the ability to prove that what you're saying is right or wrong. That sux.

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OH SAY CAN YOU SEE.............................................................................

.............by the dawns early light brother. cue the break dancing monkey and smack that pig on its ham.


(you can't see it , but i'm doing my best ray charles impersonation.) AMERICA!

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Don't forget. "There's a $5 fine for whine'in" on here.


That quote is in the words of that great American ........ Sammy Allred. :D

Hey, Budman, he also says "Peel me a nanner, toss me a peanut,I'll come swingin' from a cocanut tree! Oh yea, don't forget...... Copenhagen, what a what a flavor.

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Those are your guidelines, maz, not TXSZ's. Our guidelines are published for all to see.


Of course, there's no way anyone can please everyone all the time. I just do my best to be consistent and try to keep things civil around here.


Nick Holt

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Nick's dedication to this forum has definitely kept it around for so long - over three years, I think. I certainly appreciate all he's done to keep this great communication tool alive and well.

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nick you brag or atleast have made mention that you are proud to be a vet .................. witch meant you would have died for our rights....................... correct?....................... but yet you wont get in trouble for some speaking freely under the freedom of speech but yet you edit us for speeking freely so therefore in my eyes you are a hypocrite just my freedom of speech 2 pennies and i am out of here probably for good now but i can say i spoke freely and will continue to do so till the day i die because that is my right that millions of people have died for to protect thank you very much


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