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It came to my attention this morning in an email I received from a driver. I heard that we bashed another track, I want to state one thing, I will not stand for bashing other people or other businesses, once you get to know me , you will see that. I work as a team and that is why we posted anything in this forum. I want to work with other tracks. I want to build something or somewhat what will make you happier to have fans happy, because the drivers put on the show.... Not the fans....The fans encourage the drivers.

The owners of the track keep the accomendations up for the drivers and fans ,,, Now if that isn't team work I don't know what is. I DO APOLOGIZE FOR ANY BASHING OR ANYTHING SAID WRONG. One more thing we only post to this site, we do not post in any other forum. If you see anything or hear anything please email me. P.S. I do have my aol messenger up if anyone wants to yak hwy16drags on AOL.

Edited by Txenergy
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Racers in general are gossip hounds and whiners!!!! :lol::lol: Don't get upset it comes with the territory!! :D:D


Everyone will get to know me... I'm very rarely upset. It takes me awhile....But on the other hand if anyone from my business is saying something wrong, then it needs addressing..

so your saying racers gossip as bad as women,,, LOL


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Don't go "bashing" women now, some might take offence to that :lol: j/k. I'm curious as to why you limit your posts to only one board. There are like a gazillion out there.

Lonesome Ford,


I wish I had time to go looking for forums,, you recommend one and I will post on it... My day is creating and meetings,, making things happen... I am on the motorsport lounge,.. I did post there this morning, I got an email and was told about that place...

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So what about women racers who gossip???


Women racers? Gossip?


Ain't that an oxymoron?


Or maybe it is time to reopen the Department of Redundancy Department....... :)

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Well, I cannot list forums here. I'll PM you w/ my email, contact me and I'll give you a list of 6 or 7 that are really good. I think *this* one is one of the best by far, but the more outlets the better I always say.

Edited by Lonesome Ford
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Well, I cannot list forums here. I'll PM you w/ my email, contact me and I'll give you a list of 6 or 7 that are really good. I think *this* one is one of the best by far, but the more outlets the better I always say.

Thanks, that would be cool!!Noone at work knows anything about racing so I have to get on the computer to get my daily fix!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Well, I cannot list forums here. I'll PM you w/ my email, contact me and I'll give you a list of 6 or 7 that are really good. I think *this* one is one of the best by far, but the more outlets the better I always say.

well maybe you might send me some info on those sights ..you may get luckyand get me interested in another one and loose my great imput ..on here .. wow wouldnt that be greatest thing that happend ..

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