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HMP - Bad Accident


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I was shocked to hear about the events. I agree with the fact they are good people. Met Gerald and Jason threw TAMS a few years back and can't ever recall having problems with either. I wasn't there so I have no clue as to how the events went down. I wish the best to all parties involved because there are no winners in this deal.


If you get barred from one track there are at least 4....uhhhhh....... 3.. uhhhhh....2 that will let you race at theirs. Car count is really important.


Not always, but usually thats what happens. Some tracks or series have a standing agreement not allow barred drivers to participate in their events. The second part of what you said is usually the difference in wether or not a lot of them stick to it.

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If you get barred from one track there are at least 4....uhhhhh....... 3.. uhhhhh....2 that will let you race at theirs. Car count is really important.


Not always

Got an example TAMS?

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First let me say that I am sorry for what happened to Hannah, and glad that she is going to be ok.


That said, I'd like to put my two cents in. All of you are so quick to judge and villafy Jason Boyd. I wonder how many of you actually know him, or his Dad, Gerald, personally. If you did you would know that Jason would never intentionally try to hurt someone. You would know that he and his Dad, Gerald, would give you the shirts off their backs. You would know that they are not wealthy people, and have had to work very hard for what they have, and as such would not be apt to intentionally tear it up. You would also know that he was leading the points and got into the other car to try to retain that position. So, intentionally taking himself out of the race and demolishing two cars doesn't make a lot of sense.


Wonder if you know that when Hannah had a mishap in practice Saturday morning, they went to her pit and offered to help with parts or anything else that they could to help her get her car back together so that she could race that evening? Bet you don't know that a not too terribly long ago Jason helped coach Hannah with her racing, and that Gerald helped set up Hannah's car. They have spent countless hours promoting racing and car count at HMP, and have been good friends to the Bakers and many many more of you as well.


I'm truly sorry that this very unfortunate accident happened, and very glad that things did not turn out worse, but it saddens me to see how quickly people turn on a very good and decent young man who has worked hard to acheive the success that he has.


Just wanted to put a human face on the monster you all have made Jason out to be.


I for one, count them as my friends. Thought many of you did too.


Gerald and Jason, keep your chins up.

I just want everyone to know that I agree with what was said right here in this box. I have known Gerald and Jason and their family for 6 years now and wouldnt trade my friendship with them for anything. For all you people on here talking crap about them is so uncalled for. I like Hannah and her family also but you have to take the bad racing accidents along with everything else. Jason got in the 8 car because he was leading the points and his teammate offered him the use of his car. Jason would not now nor ever intentionally take ANYONE out. So for all of you out there in race land, you need to know people before you start BASHING them. Gerald and Jason love ya'll always

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I don't know the guy and only saw a small part of the incident but, the one driver I trust more than any other driver in oval track racing, did see the incident. As he described it, it was very intentional. Drivers like Boyd, Young, Sirrizotti that are fast but only drive with a few brain cells working, are one of the reasons we probably will not be back to HMP this season. This crap is only fun when you can run against good drivers that are not only fast but, drive you hard AND clean. I miss the ROMCO days with Davidson, Grimes, Kelly ect.ect....

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Yes, some of us still wish for the good ole days of 'checkers or wreckers'.


Might be a good time to think about returning to go-cart road racing. In that venue, one's talents could be consistently demonstrated. Could really put on a driving clinic almost every race.

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How would track officials score that? Does he get credit for the additional laps run in the other car? For that matter, how would the scorers even know he had gotten in that car if the driver change took place in the pits, outside of their view? What's the rules when there is a driver change like this?



ON EDIT: Nevermind. I just went back and read THRRD's explanation of this. Turns out any points gained by the additional laps would go to the driver who started the race in that car.

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How do we know it was intentional? It's not apparent in the photos. Did anybody on here actually see the incident?

I filmed it...

Why so secretive with the film?Everyone is saying he said she said.If he deserves the slander fine,if not it needs to be chocked up as a racing deal.Post the film so everyone can make up their on mind one way or another.If he did it he did it and if he did'nt he did'nt.Pretty simple!!!!!!!

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Well....................... the credibility gap on here seems to be widening.


Bandit, if indeed it WAS intentional, as you say ........... That sort of misbehavior, at least in my mind, would be considered Unacceptable, Inexcusable and Unforgiveable!

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Yes, some of us still wish for the good ole days of 'checkers or wreckers'.


Might be a good time to think about returning to go-cart road racing. In that venue, one's talents could be consistently demonstrated. Could really put on a driving clinic almost every race.

I think it was "win it or weld it" pacecar. :)

I had this same thing happen in Dodge City Kansas one time. TXTOM can fill you in on the rest of what happened.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't know the guy and only saw a small part of the incident but, the one driver I trust more than any other driver in oval track racing, did see the incident. As he described it, it was very intentional. Drivers like Boyd, Young, Sirrizotti that are fast but only drive with a few brain cells working, are one of the reasons we probably will not be back to HMP this season. This crap is only fun when you can run against good drivers that are not only fast but, drive you hard AND clean. I miss the ROMCO days with Davidson, Grimes, Kelly ect.ect....


Bandit - who are you really? Adding Kyle Sirizzotti into this thread and in the same sentence with what happened to Hanna is unconscionable. Kyle is one of the cleanest drivers driving in that series currently. If you have a specific instance from the race on May 19th then let's hear it. I video taped the entire race and will be happy to share it.


Sharon Sirizzotti

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Bandit - who are you really?

Sharon Sirizzotti


I thought everyone knew who Bandit is.

Bandit, I think you agitated momma bear.


The problem with these "new generation" drivers is they are fast - sometimes - but they have no depth of experience; no finesse. They think it is their obligation to move a slower, or equal, driver out of the way instead of making a clean pass. There's a real art to passing on a short track or 1 groove track and it isn't hitting them in the ass so hard you drive them to the top of the track or turn them sideways in the middle of the turn in the way of oncoming traffic. The veterans Bandit mentioned know it, the Busch series that came to THR this spring know it, but some of those mentioned by Bandit are still too inmature or have no respect for other racers or their equipment.

At the THR modified race, my car was on the receiving end of one such driver. We broke a locker spring early in the race which made the car very loose in the turn. The driver immediately behind us, who was not able to close on us before the spring failure, suddenly found himself able to close up the gap in the turns but not able to pass off the turn - a formula for frustration. Not knowing what had caused the sudden looseness, we decided to pit at the next caution. Unfortunately the driver behind us decided he couldn't wait any longer and hit us in the ass so hard it bent the bumper and pushed us sideways in the middle of the turn. James caught it and still drove off the turn ahead of him. That must have really frustrated him because he hit us again and then again so that now the bumper was against the fuel cell. My thought was, if it's clear, go ahead and spin and put him to the back. Instead James caught it both times and still drove off the corner ahead of him.

We pitted, the other driver pulled up behind Chudimski and ultimately spun him out and had to go to the back. The following race was the HMP incident.

This is typical of what I see with many young inexperienced drivers. They think because they can drive a race car fast they should be afforded respect, when in fact, they cost us all and deserve the opposite.

So, Bandit, I'm with you all the way on this one.

Edited by hray
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"...have no respect for other racers or their equipment"


Speaking totally in general, over the years I have noticed young (or "new") racers aggression is inversely proportional to both the amount of racing dollars they, personally, have to come up with and the amount of hardcore fabrication / mechanical work they actually have to do themselves.


Just my opinion



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Hray, do you always have to blame someone else? You blamed the Dickerson for blowing a motor because he changed tires and you were too lazy to change gears. By the way, I think it was a old guy who said he was going to employ the win it or weld it theory and did it the next race putting a car in the wall on the first lap. It is not just the young ones involved.


It is also good to see young drivers doing well against the well seasoned vets. Keep up the good work.

Edited by mudpacker
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"It is also good to see young drivers doing well against the well seasoned vets. Keep up the good work."


That's absolutely right. One of the largest problems I see is that too many of people in the pits have (some) gray hair HAHA.



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"It is also good to see young drivers doing well against the well seasoned vets. Keep up the good work."


That's absolutely right. One of the largest problems I see is that too many of people in the pits have (some) gray hair HAHA.



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By the way, I think it was a old guy who said he was going to employ the win it or weld it theory and did it the next race putting a car in the wall on the first lap. It is not just the young ones involved.


Actually you're right, it isn't always the young ones. Inexperience and poor driving skills comes in all ages!

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Actually, Brad and Jay, TxTom and I go to the beauty parlor every two or three weeks to have them put in some grey/white just so our fellow "Senior Citizens" won't feel so bad looking at all our youthful looking dark hair...


And while on the subject of youth, I'm sure Eddie and most on here would agree that there are some young drivers coming along who display a substantial amount of maturity and common sense on track. Trey Mitchell and Dillon Spreen come to mind right off the top of my head.



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