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HMP - Bad Accident


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By the way, I think it was a old guy who said he was going to employ the win it or weld it theory and did it the next race putting a car in the wall on the first lap.


Actually, that was a term I came up with. I'm not stingy; anyone is welcome to use it. And yes, I am an old guy.

As for that particular incident, it is kinda apples to oranges. You are speaking of Eddy and Brandon at the 2005 Octoberfast. When they started that last segment, both the tires- which already had 150 laps on them- and the track were very cold. Eddy simply lost grip into one, and collected Brandon. They talked about it, were OK with it, and that was the end of it. And I wouldn't call either an old guy. Kinda in the middle.


The key here is that was a racing incident. Eddy did not go out there with the idea that he was going to stuff Brandon, nor was he going to chrome-horn him. Go back a race or two before that at SAS when Eddy spun himself off four to avoid hitting Brandon, when it got a little tight.


HRAY and JRACER98 got it right. A lot of aggressiveness when it is not necessary. And it is always the other guys fault. At Kyle a few years ago, one of these young guys tagged the wall. By himself. Only one other car on the track at the time, a half lap away. Youngster's parent was screaming that the other guy musta dumped fluid on the track; no way their kid made a mistake. I guess when they stuff their first street car into the side of a tree, it is the tree's fault, also.


To add to Jay's post about money input from the kids racing, add that several of them never turn a wrench on the cars. They don't have to fix the stuff they tear up.

Tell them to get off myspace or turn off the gameboy, and they'd be pitching a wall-eyed fit, and would rather not race.


There are kids driving with the attitude that "If I wreck it, Dad will write another check". Another aspect not mentioned is the ramifications of "an old guy" whipping ass on the 16 year old that just took him out. If Eddy and Brandon had gotten out of their cars after the Octoberfast incident and starting swinging, maybe an escort out the back gate and a fine. But had it been one of them and a 16 year old--Don't even want to think of the legal crap that would arise out of that one.


And no one here is saying that you have to be a certain age to race. But the maturity level needs to be there, as well as respect for the other guy.


And mudpacker is correct, it is good to see the young guys and the veterans racing each other. after all, the veterans were young guys themselves. And the youngsters don't start all of it. One of the quicker cars at Houston is sitting torn up because of a really ignorant incident brought about under caution by a driver older than the victim. But more and more, the lack of respect is hurting racing.

Look at the decline of the car counts. You can't blame it all on full inverts.


And as Nick stated, it does not apply across the board on the young guns. Not only Trey and Dillon as he mentioned, but there are others who drive with respect.

But they also have to work on their stuff, and that makes a big difference in how they race the other guys.

Stephan McCurley is an example. Cody Smith is another.

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Hray, do you always have to blame someone else?


mudpacker, I believe if you go re-read my story from THR race you will find that I also mentioned this drivers "assault" on James Cole's bumper. It was pretty obvious.


If a driver CAN NOT gain points or positions getting into another car, then why else would it have been done?


Not placing blame, wasn't there, didn't see it........just asking a general question.

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Which is exactly why the "all involved" rule came about. In a perfect world, everyone would drive with respect for both their equipment and every one else on the track, since that seems to happen less and less these days, yet one more rule gets added to the books.

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So Bandit just curious - if you are not going back to Houston to race just where do you plan on racing your Pro Late Model - to my knowledge there is only one track left (Kyle) if you plan on sticking around Texas and Texas Tom pretty much detailed it out that it is not feasible to go race out of state with a Pro Late Model because of the traveling expense. ??????

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1-crew, everybody keeps missing the point of the "all involved rule." It's not a rule change, just a clarification: if officials know who caused the problem (chrome horn or brake check), that car goes to the back. If they can't determine who's at fault, everybody goes to the back.

It still requires a call on the part of the officials. "All involved" is just the default ruling if they can't decide if it was a chrome horn or a brake check that caused the problem.

And it makes it "iffy" to try either trick, because if you're caught, you're busted, and if you are sneaky enough to make it a close call, you're still busted. Either way, you aren't keeping your spot unless you are really sneaky, and being really sneaky is a lot harder than just learning to drive.

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