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Season Change


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I would like to take a poll. Or maybe "think outside the box" , a little. I have mentioned my idea to a few people and have gotten mixed responce's. Start the season some time in September ,and run to the first week in December . Have a mid season break and start back up some time in January and run untill may. My opinon is that cooler is better . If the track promoter gets more fans in the stands because its cooler it is easier to sell advertising . because there is more exposure. If the promoter makes more money he can pay out more money which inturn creates more intrest in the sport (ie) more cars better competition = more exciting racing and thats what the fans want to see and will come back week after week to see.

So lets hear it from everyone why it wouldnt or would work . Even if it was only one track in the south centeral area of Texas that did it , that would mean racing almost year around. I have been going to stock car races since 1962 and started driving in 1969 and have been driving off and on till today. Just an Idea that just might be what the doctor ordered for the state of racing in Texas.

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I would have to agree about the cold. Most parents aren't going to come out and take the chance of kids getting sick and missing school. Well, those that are not associated with a car any way. If they do come out they won't stay for the whole night. You'll start to lose your crowd shortly after the sun goes down and the colder air sets in. That causes left over food that didn't sell and paying concession employess to stand around. You'll get a better crowd in the summer months and have better concession sells as well. JMO.

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Walt I dont race and I dont live there right now. I am from Bishop I know the weather. If you do race past sept. race during the day not the night time.

I agree with the day time racing in these cooler months. Winter months in Texas can get down right nasty once that sun goes down but during the day it is usually much more bearable. I like the idea of starting in September and then the break during the holidays at end of year and then starting up again in mid Jan. The best way to go is during the day and Sunday afternoon racing has always been popular in other parts of the country. Great idea kscollier93. Also promoters, look how much you save on electricity alone. :D:D

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cold doesnt bother me but the rainy months are september , october, cold ass months are mid jan, to end of febuary then starts march april may showers again.... i believe u wont get much racing due to rain outs.... this year was a little differ having rain all summer that just dont happen down here........... but i am up for racing all year around even if its every other weekend during the winter or once amonth just so racers can try something a little differ on set ups to see what will work for a points season...... :D

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We really dont get this much rain very often. Its somethin that happens every3 years or so. Just happens to be a wet year and it just feels like the season is dragging on and on due to all the rain. Sucks but isnt crap we can do about it but wait and race we can. I am ready to get back to racen and get this season over and hope we can a better one next year meening less rain and more racing. Sucks when the rainouts happen leaves nothin to do on the weekends ather than spend time with your kids and wife. The kid part is good but hanggin out with your wife all weekend sucks lol. :D

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We really dont get this much rain very often. Its somethin that happens every3 years or so. Just happens to be a wet year and it just feels like the season is dragging on and on due to all the rain. Sucks but isnt crap we can do about it but wait and race we can. I am ready to get back to racen and get this season over and hope we can a better one next year meening less rain and more racing. Sucks when the rainouts happen leaves nothin to do on the weekends ather than spend time with your kids and wife. The kid part is good but hanggin out with your wife all weekend sucks lol. :D


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