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Great Racing


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I haven't been out to the dirt track in a while, so forgive me if this is the norm. What a great night of racing! I can't believe the huge car count and talk about a big crowd. Even with 22 races the staff kept things moving right along. There was serious action in all the classes--I hope all the cars are repairable. The mod that flipped, I hope you aren't too sore today. What a wild night for those modified!! Dr. Danger was cool too. I stopped at a gas station on the way home and some stranger asked what was going on at the track because they could see the fire and smoke. CRAZY! My family had a really good time.

I almost hate to say this part, but I feel it should be addressed. The bathrooms! In the women's about half were out of order and the rest of the bathroom--nasty. The sinks, toilets, floors,etc... There were stalls with no toilet paper and half the paper towels were empty. Now I know some nasty woman must have made those messes, but I didn't and why should I see it. As for the towels and toilet paper, maybe leave a few extra rolls in there. Honestly, there is no way those bathrooms started out clean. I did not personally see the men's, but I sent my boys in to use it and they came back outside and said they would rather hold it than go in there. They went at the gas station. I know there must be tons of things to do to get ready for a race and cleaning a restroom is not one of them. I'm sure there is someone who would be willing to do such a job for a pit pass and a meal or something else easily payable. The customers should be equally as important as the drivers. I'm sure when I speak for most women and moms, the bathrooms are a big deal!!

That being said--what a great Saturday night!! Please don't turn this into a war of words-I am not downing the track, just bringing something to their attention. I am a paying customer and everyone of us should matter. I'm sure from all the comments I heard in the bathroom, I am not alone in my opinion. Great job STS on an action packed night!!

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It was a GREAT show and with over 100 cars things went really smooth. corpus owes a big Thank you to Owen and the whole staff for putting it on. Yes the restrooms were dirty but thats all the night was really fun and if DRIVERS WIFE wants to clean the restrooms then Owen or us other fans would pay her way in and buy her a burger. LOL

GREAT SHOW AND GREAT SERVICE will recommend to all that there is something really going right out there.

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I haven't been out to the dirt track in a while, so forgive me if this is the norm. What a great night of racing! I can't believe the huge car count and talk about a big crowd. Even with 22 races the staff kept things moving right along. There was serious action in all the classes--I hope all the cars are repairable. The mod that flipped, I hope you aren't too sore today. What a wild night for those modified!! Dr. Danger was cool too. I stopped at a gas station on the way home and some stranger asked what was going on at the track because they could see the fire and smoke. CRAZY! My family had a really good time.

I almost hate to say this part, but I feel it should be addressed. The bathrooms! In the women's about half were out of order and the rest of the bathroom--nasty. The sinks, toilets, floors,etc... There were stalls with no toilet paper and half the paper towels were empty. Now I know some nasty woman must have made those messes, but I didn't and why should I see it. As for the towels and toilet paper, maybe leave a few extra rolls in there. Honestly, there is no way those bathrooms started out clean. I did not personally see the men's, but I sent my boys in to use it and they came back outside and said they would rather hold it than go in there. They went at the gas station. I know there must be tons of things to do to get ready for a race and cleaning a restroom is not one of them. I'm sure there is someone who would be willing to do such a job for a pit pass and a meal or something else easily payable. The customers should be equally as important as the drivers. I'm sure when I speak for most women and moms, the bathrooms are a big deal!!

That being said--what a great Saturday night!! Please don't turn this into a war of words-I am not downing the track, just bringing something to their attention. I am a paying customer and everyone of us should matter. I'm sure from all the comments I heard in the bathroom, I am not alone in my opinion. Great job STS on an action packed night!!


Driver's Wife Hi My Name Is Anna Major and these are not war word's. I just wanted to let u and any one that read's this, that I did clean the women's restroom's. Just to go in detail i used bleach, pin oil, and a air

freshener. Some ladie's came in and used the restroom's while i was cleaning and said it smelled good, I did

do may job and it was done well. I dont know at what point of the night u went to the restroom's. But they did start of clean. I was trying to take care of the coustomer's. It took me three hour's to clean the restroom's. Maybe they needed to be cleaned again during the race's, I dont know, but i did try. I had alot

of other thing's to do, saturday night. Sorry u were not happy with the restroom's.


Anna Major

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Anna you did a great job Thank you for all you do out at the track. It is my fault the restrooms are the way they are, the restrooms are in need of some work and I have just not had the money or time to spend replacing toilets and other things. I have this crazy dream of an air conditioned, tiled floor, wonderful smelling womens restroom at the track but I have not even come close to finding the pot of gold to help pay for it.


I apologize and I will work on making it better.



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owen the old saying is ..split everything down the middle with a women ..and always give her the better half ..... got to make them happy ...its a shaim that someone before her made a mess out of those rooms ..a women should know better ..the men;s welp thats another story ...

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Speaking for myself, I have a "bathroom buddy" because I can't go that long without talking...LOL and besides its a great place to talk about you men without yall hearing us! :lol: Personally I go to the racetrack to watch the races not worry about the bathrooms..It is a racetrack for goodness sake I wouldn't expect the bathrooms to be too fancy or spotless. Just my opinion.

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I was at the track last night till 11:00 pm. I personally know the women's restroom is being taken care of by volunters. STS is going to have the nicest Women's restroom for a racetrack in Texas.



93 bomber

Redneck Racing

Yep, I was out there Friday morning... the women's restroom has been completely renovated from what it looked like... new paint.. the works.... I might have to sneak in there for a pee now that it's so purty... gonna have to find me a wig and dress though..hehehe

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