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I guess I said that wrong. I meant the pit gate exiting the front straightaway at turn one to enter the pits. It's been several years since I was there, but I do know that now the pit entrance/exit is at turn two/back straightaway with an infield pit area for main events for spares and equipment but no tow vehicles.

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Is the track photo at North Houston Speedway? If I can find it, I have a video transferred from film made there in the mid 50s with Foyt, Rackley, Pierce, Wade, and probably the Burton brothers racing, among others. I remember attending a Modified Stock Car race there in the 50s that I believe was won by Harlan Richardson, but I'm not sure. I also recall someone ending up in a pond outside turn one. The way I remember, the speedway was about 1/4 mile paved oval running east/west, but I'm having trouble with which side the grandstand was on. I'm thinking north. When I attended an exhibition Stock Car race there in early '63, the grandstand was no longer standing.


Please let me know if you locate your film from North Houston. I would love to see them.


I can't tell you how many times I attended races there but saw very little. As I recall they didn't usually wet the track down and being a converted horse race facility, the dirt would really fly! Worst of all, it would usually blow north right into the grand stand. After the first lap, it sometimes became diffcult to see the race. I was surprised to see the remains of the track out in the trees on Google Earth.


Billy Wade raced cars for my grand dad out at North Houston (usually at Playland). I remember one evening AJ and Billy tangled in turn two (S/W corner). Billy was hospitalized briefly not from the accident, but from AJ firing a fire extinquisher into his face during the post-wreck confrontation which AJ is so well known for.


I recall horses were raced one time during a stock car racing event as a special attraction. I think the car track was made around the parameter of the horse track infield with little or no retaining fence for the cars. The horses actually ran on the lanes outside the car track. It was kind of an unusual configuration.

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I do need to locate those tapes. Most of what I have was copied from tapes that belong to a long time area racer that I had borrowed some years back. I assume Archie Lacy is deseased, but I did speak to someone from Lacy Pipeline by phone in the early 80s. The gentleman was inquiring about some concrete. I only remember North Houston as a paved track with a wall/guardrail on the main straightaway. I heard about a fire extinguisher incident involving Billy Wade, but the person with the extinguisher was not AJ, and was not another driver. I know who supposedly did it, but will not name him. From what I was told, it stemmed from an altercation involving Cecil Elliot. I suppose it could have been two different incidents, but I only heard about one, and I don't recall where it happened. In any event, I'll try and locate those tapes and let you know.

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Here's one of my favorite pics of all time ever posted on here. It's Foyt (emerging from his car) and Wade (upside down), after a tangle. Of course there's no way to know if the incident you speak of resulted from this. I think this was taken a Playland. It's a great pic, nonetheless.


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There are some interesting details visible in this picture.


The bumper is AJ's car is askew. Could have happened this accident, another time, or SEVERAL times :P


The heads on that car are huge - Hemi, Ardun?


The rear end center section on Billy Wade's car is silver. Would that be a quick-change?

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I do need to locate those tapes. Most of what I have was copied from tapes that belong to a long time area racer that I had borrowed some years back. I assume Archie Lacy is deseased, but I did speak to someone from Lacy Pipeline by phone in the early 80s. The gentleman was inquiring about some concrete. I only remember North Houston as a paved track with a wall/guardrail on the main straightaway. I heard about a fire extinguisher incident involving Billy Wade, but the person with the extinguisher was not AJ, and was not another driver. I know who supposedly did it, but will not name him. From what I was told, it stemmed from an altercation involving Cecil Elliot. I suppose it could have been two different incidents, but I only heard about one, and I don't recall where it happened. In any event, I'll try and locate those tapes and let you know.


Your assumption is correct. Archie passed away back in 1981. I am leaning towards your recall of the fire extinquisher incident since my memory is probably influenced by the intense rivalry that existed between Billy and AJ. I don't recall North Houston ever getting paved, but that just means I may be wrong on two counts.


There was a paved track (1/4 mile, north/south oval, start/finish on east side) somewhere north of Baytown we used to go to in the fifties. So far I have not been unable to determine what track is was nor the location. Any input would be appreciated!

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There are some interesting details visible in this picture.


The bumper is AJ's car is askew. Could have happened this accident, another time, or SEVERAL times :P


The heads on that car are huge - Hemi, Ardun?


The rear end center section on Billy Wade's car is silver. Would that be a quick-change?

I believe they ran quick change rear ends in those cars, not the poor boys.

And yes, A.J.s car did have the Ardun conversion. Here is a link:


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I have often heard of a track in Channelview, which I'm sure you know is northwest of Baytown. I have no knowledge of that race track and never attended any events there. I know an old racer that probably knows, so I need to call him. I think AJ and Billy became good friends later. The day Billy Wade was killed, a good friend called to tell me about the accident. My friend was friends with and visiting Bill Brashear, and he told me that AJ had just called Bill.

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I agree, a great picture. It definately appears to be Playland Speedway. I would guess back (south) straightaway in about 1955. I would love to know who it is over the wall in the picture, showing the top only. I attended races there in that era, but was about 8 at that time and have no recall of this incident.

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Somewhere in this history section is a modern picture of that #2 car. I'll have to search for it. Someone has it and has restored it. If anyone knows more about this, please post. Thanks.


That car needs to be brought out to HMP some night, driven around the track and put on display for everyone to see. What a great piece of history!

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Somewhere, I saw a video of that "restored" # 2 car taking laps at San Antonio Speedway, possibly late 80s. I saw the car in about '80 while it was being restored at a shop near US 59 & Old Humble Rd, which is near Bush Airport. So at least it was running a few years ago, and I'm fairly sure someone will post additional info soon.

I am curious about lap times, and if I remember correctly, the record for these cars was 14.98 for the Playland 1/4 mile. I would consider it flat, somewhat similar to Austin Speedorama. So for those tires on those cars, to me that's kinda quick for that era.

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I agree, a great picture. It definately appears to be Playland Speedway. I would guess back (south) straightaway in about 1955. I would love to know who it is over the wall in the picture, showing the top only. I attended races there in that era, but was about 8 at that time and have no recall of this incident.



57Tbird posted that "flipped Billy" photo for me some time back. It is from Archie's collection that was passed down to me after my grandma passed away. Just as you "guessed", it is from the south straightaway, Playland about 1955. You obviously knew without a doubt, didn't you!


I previously inquired about the poor schmuck over the wall, but haven't heard anyone come forward to claim the honor. The best I recall though, there were only two kinds of drivers at Playland; The ones that had gone over the wall, and those that were going to.

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I believe that is the car that Ronnie Chumley restored years ago. It was featured in one of the racing magazines. I think Chumley would be a good dirst person to talk to about that car.


Chumley is probably living around Magnolia, Texas. He was involved with that city for awhile.

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