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HI FOLKS!I NEED HELP!My name is Silvia Lacy.My husband William Archie Lacy IV and I moved to the US from Germany 9 months ago and we've been looking for his family ever since.His grandfather Archie Lacy used to race and had his own car shop.We have 2 pictures of him in front of his cars and when I saw the post (Archie Lacy pic.collection) I was so happy to have finally found something!!!His father William Archie Lacy III was in the Service and used to live with his German wife Dagmar in Virginia but then they divorced and Dagmar moved back with her kids Archie and Veronika to Germany.That was 20 years ago.My husband Archie tried to get in contact with his family who is living in Texas but nothing works.All the addresses we've got from his father in Houston TX,so far,are parking lots or Po.Boxes and never an answer.This is really not a joke and I am so sorry to bother you guys over here,but my husband just wants to get to know to his family,to find his roots.Everybody we called in TX so far hung up or couldn't help us.If anybody has any information about Archie Lacy's family in TX or about MR.William Archie Lacy III,please send us an E-Mail or give the person that knows a Lacy our E-Mail address.That would be great.My husband is such a fine person and it took us a lot to leave Germany and try it on our own over here just in order to find his family.But we have work and good income to live so our interest is not!!! money at all.Archie just wants to meet his family.He was living with his father here in the states the first 6 years of his life.No child forgets that.Please,if it is possible for you somehow,be so kind and help us!

Thank you so much.


E-Mail: bavarianangel77@aol.com

Edited by archielacy81
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I think this is a legitmate request... BUT... Do not provide information about anyone without getting that person's specific OK to do so.


The best thing to do in a case like this is to notify the person who is being sought and let him/her contact the people doing the seeking themselves...




Nick Holt

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I think this is a legitmate request... BUT... Do not provide information about anyone without getting that person's specific OK to do so.


The best thing to do in a case like this is to notify the person who is being sought and let him/her contact the people doing the seeking themselves...




Nick Holt


Hi Nick,

thanks for the answer.I know, you are right, but there are so many Lacys in Texas that I have to give out some information so that people don't get mixed up.Believe me we've tried so much so far and nothing worked.We just know that my husbands father lives somewhere in TX.All his addresses are not valid or parking lots,otherwise we would have gone there for a vacation.And about my husbands grandfather Archie.We don't even know if he is still alive.I just saw pics.on this site of him that match our pics.we brought from Germany.And we have a marriage certificate of my husbands parents,that's all.Well,I often see my husband sad because we couldn't find his family by now and I don't want his father to die before they even met again,that's why I try so hard to find him.Anyway.Thanks a lot




If you will search through the pages of this history section you will find quite a number of pictures of Archie Lacey and his race cars. Those should give you a good place to start your search. Good luck!



Thank you so much!It's so nice that even strangers care about our problem!Thanks

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I'm having trouble keeping up. Is your husband Archie Lacy's grandson or great-grandson? Although I hardly knew Mr Lacy, I remember him from owning and/or sponsoring race cars that raced in the Houston area during the '50s/early '60s. I don't recall his racing activity after that, and really don't have any more information.

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I think this is a legitmate request... BUT... Do not provide information about anyone without getting that person's specific OK to do so.


The best thing to do in a case like this is to notify the person who is being sought and let him/her contact the people doing the seeking themselves...




Nick Holt


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Hi again!First of all I'd like to thank all the people who answered so far!!!!My husband is smiling all over his face now!You guys in Texas rock,always helpful and friendly!Great!Secondly,I think I mixed it Archie Lacy is probably my husbands great-grandfather.My husband is William Archie Lacy IV and was born 1981.We just have a couple of pic.from his (great)-grandfather and the marriage certificate of my husbands parents...So it could be possible that Archie is the great grandfather instead of grandfather.I deeply hope,my husbands family gets in contact with him!!He is such a loving person who loves his mom but still needs to know his roots and has been missing his dad such a long time now!Thanks again folks!

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He lives in Buffalo Texas I sent you and Email with his address.


Unless he's moved in the last few months, this is not where Archie's grandson who sent me the pictures lives. Are you referring to someone else?



I was referring to Archie III not Archie II. Those pictures you posted are of Archie II. Apparently Archie III got divorced for the second time in Liberty County, from a girl named Linda in 1995 and moved to Buffalo. I thought Archie II would have been deceased by now. At least that is the address he gave when he renewed his TX DL in January of 2007.

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  • 6 years later...

Good morning,


I am a relative of Archie Lacy. He was my Great Grandpa. He owned several race Cars in the 1950's here is Houston and they raced every weekend at Playland Park. He had two primary drivers: Billy Wade and AJ Foyt. AJ's dad was the master mechanic. Billy Wade ended up getting killed in his first trip to Indy. Anyway, my email address is klacy01@yahoo.com if you're looking for more information. Best Regards...

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