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I had the pleasure of visiting the Mercedes Benz Fuel Cell Developemnent center in Germany and was really impressed with the research and developement that they have put into hydrogen powered vehilces. I rode in an A-class that really ran well. In fact they have been doing this for about 10 years. They have vehicles in California and buses that run in China. There was even a UPS van there that was in service. The only emission was a steady drip of water from the tailpipe. One version even used methonal to somehow produce hydrogen but this version was not zero emission so they stopped that.

Edited by poorboy
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... It's the soccer moms using a Ford Expedition or Chevy Suburban to take the kids to school and buy groceries...

And the people that leave their engines running for several minutes so they can have A/C or talk on the cell phone while one of them goes into the Stop 'n Rob, the grocery store, etc. ...

I'm wondering why some need a 6 mpg semi or a 7 mpg 2-ton to get those short track cars to the local track. Guess a 3/4 ton and an open trailer aint cool enough.

Because this is America and I should be able to drive whatever I please!!!!!!!!!!

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Landlord, you can drive whatever you please and can afford, but it seems a bit silly to drive something that gets bad mileage when you don't have to, then complain about the price of gas.

Our usual "government by crisis" mindset leads us to ignore a problem until it becomes a crisis, then try to fix it right now. It would seem to make more sense to look for alternate sources of energy BEFORE the oil runs out. That effort would be made easier, of course, if the price of gas and diesel was just a bit higher, so the companies trying to find alternative sources might have a reasonable shot at making a profit while they do it.

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are you saying the more profit the oil companys make with higher cost . will let them afford to look for alternate sources ..now why would they do that .thier money is in oil ..not farming ..what is an alternate fuel ...everything they come up with so far will someway hurt the tree hungers air they breath ..or leave us with no corn on our tables . ... now if the tree huggers will let the oil companys build new plants to produce fuel ..and let them drill in america for the oil we have under this great nation ..we can then somehow tell those rip off countrys . to drink thier own oil [[being nice ]]..will the cost come down most likely not ..will it go up yep im sure .but damn we will be produceing it ourselfs and wont have to play please send us some more oil crap .nore fighting for it somewhere else . and the damn price wont change cuz someone farted .....its like free trade .. we give it free .they sell it back to us .. btw ..if the gas price you mention should be higher ..then what aboult food ..beer ..all other pieces of life we need to have ..they go up to ...and then what will you have ..more poeple on the streets ..you maybe one of them joining the elete group of street liveing or me ..probably me first .some seem to have enough money to afford higher living prices ....btw they have wind farms and the tree huggers and bird watchers are fighting that aswell ..

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It would be an extremely short sighted approach for the oil companies to put all their eggs in one basket. The oil companies are not really just in the business of pumping and refining oil. They are in the business of producing usable energy. Pay attention to the word used and you can tell what spin is being put on whatever topic is being discussed. If the report is blasting high profits it is an "oil company". If it is about ethanol or biodiesel or wind farms, it is an "energy company". The oil companies are in the best position to really know what the world supply of oil is and what the trend is in the cost of recovery and refining. The have no economic interest in having us cut consumption but they have to be prepared to offer whatever the public will buy (ethanol, etc.). They are also in the best position to profit from whatever technology brings (fuel cells, hybrids, electric) because they already have the distribution infrastructure in place. They are going to keep close watch on developing technology, not with an interest to slow it down (100 mpg carburetors myth) but with an interest in being the first to bring it to market and profit from it.

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Landlord, you can drive whatever you please and can afford, but it seems a bit silly to drive something that gets bad mileage when you don't have to, then complain about the price of gas.

Our usual "government by crisis" mindset leads us to ignore a problem until it becomes a crisis, then try to fix it right now. It would seem to make more sense to look for alternate sources of energy BEFORE the oil runs out. That effort would be made easier, of course, if the price of gas and diesel was just a bit higher, so the companies trying to find alternative sources might have a reasonable shot at making a profit while they do it.

I don't know what seems silly about wanting to put my family in a solid (big) built Suburban for safety reasons.No,what seems SILLY to me is the government regulating everything in America BUT the price of gas!!!!!They bust up Ma Bell because they were charging $1.00 to much for a long distance phone call and then the energy company gets nailed for overpriced electric power,but the gas companies can get away with making Billions(spelled with a "B") last year and thats perfectly alright.Like O.T. said,the sad part is the price of EVERYTHING we consume is effected by the cost of fuel!!!!!!!When fuel hits the $4.00 mark things are going to get really bad all across this great Nation,just wait and see!!!!!! :(

Edited by landlord
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sitting here now watching the market on tv and listening to them talk about the oil.They just said right now at this time and date, the u.s. has the largest gasoline inventory on hand since 1994,so the producers have plenty of gas in their tanks,just going to cost alot to get it into ours.

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WAR...Bet a little of that is going there!

that to - ..the sad part is racen is going to suffer even more than last year ..with gate prices going up .parts prices going up .the tire bill going up ..its going to hurt ..heck wished my pay check followed the price trend ..lol ..last week the drivers figured to haul two cars up to red river from cc .was just aboult $800 .in gas alone .... this week went up more .28th of march ..probably $1000 ... if not more ...... we change prices constantly at work ..more than i have ever seen in the last three years ..cant keep up with it ..aslong as the oil company can get away with it ..who knows where it will be in april ....the thing that makes me mad the most .. oil company.s wont eat alittle anymore ..they simply push the raze button ..if we have a large surplus . then why are we getting screwed .

Edited by oldtimer
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This has got to effect the racing budget,especialy for the teams that travel alot!!!!!!In the last 10 to 15 years,short track racing costs have gotten completely out of control.Average Jo with an average job will not be able to afford racing in a few short years if these costs continue to go through the roof as they have.Racing has had many ups and downs through the years and the cost to go racing has steadily climbed higher,however,Fuel has never got this expensive this fast and if things don't level off soon it could get really bad for racing and alot of the other amenities that Americans take for granted!!!!!

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This has got to effect the racing budget,especialy for the teams that travel alot!!!!!!In the last 10 to 15 years,short track racing costs have gotten completely out of control.Average Jo with an average job will not be able to afford racing in a few short years if these costs continue to go through the roof as they have.Racing has had many ups and downs through the years and the cost to go racing has steadily climbed higher,however,Fuel has never got this expensive this fast and if things don't level off soon it could get really bad for racing and alot of the other amenities that Americans take for granted!!!!!

my son plays high school baseball ..they will have to travel .and it cost alot to follow the team ..just another exsample ..thank goodness that 99 dodge intriped gets aboult 28 ..

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