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First Trip to I-37


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Just a little background - I'm in the military and have been stationed all over this country (and overseas). I was brought up around racing and crewed a DIRT Modified and Sprint car back in the PA, NJ, and NY region before joining up with Uncle Sam. Since that time, I've made it a point to check out the racing scene whereever I go to the best of my ability. On Friday, I took the 40 or so mile trip down to I-37. It was the 73rd track I've been to in 18 states. Being my first time ever there, I can only go by first impressions from a FAN perspective.


It is obvious that there has been some work done to the place; the concession stand area looks pretty new and the new boards in the stands show that some effort is being made in the area of fan comfort. They've also recognized the shortcomings of pumping music through the normal PA speakers by having some good quality speakers placed in front of the stands.


All track personnel I spoke with were helpful and courteous and the admission prices were very fair. The food I had was very good.


I like the way the cars come down the lane between the grandstands and the frontstretch....some drivers were even waving. This is something that racing today (not just here in Texas) lacks - some fan interaction, and the ability to get up close to the race cars. Hearing and FEELING the rumble as they went by lit up quite a few kids (and adults) faces. It is a really nice touch that promotes the sport in a way that you can't attach dollar signs to.


The giveaways were awesome, the bike and the toy cars. As for the 50/50 drawing - I'll admit it - I was the original winner - I missed the drawing because I went out to my truck to get a sweatshirt and didn't realize it was my number until I was at the truck and they called it a 2nd time...LOL. By the time I got back over to the stands they were ready to pull the 2nd ticket and I wasn't sure where to go...all well that's life.


I appreciate how they kept the program moving with the threat of rain and less than ideal conditions...we could have been there a lot longer - and many tracks I've been to take the intermission to water the track. Thanks for not doing so.


The racing was clean, but hard. I saw a lot of give and take in all of the divisions. There was plenty of opportunity to take someone out, or just give that extra rub. Great job by all the drivers for saving the equipment to race another day - but still put on a good show.


I was disappointed in the modified car count. I realize there may be some issues there. I saw where Waco was running - and they only had 20 or so mods....I don't know if any that may have been at I-37 were there or not as I'm not as familiar with the racing around here as I would like to be. That said, the cars that were in the modified race - in particular Steve Whiteaker and Greg Dinsmore put on a heck of a show and proved you don't need 25 cars to have a good race. I was sorry to see Greg have some problems near the end. I only hope the problems can be resolved and the car count can come back up to at least 15-20 on a regular basis.


I enjoyed the little program you could buy for a buck. Again, a nice touch to inform the fans, provide a drivers roster and for the novice fan, explain the rules, the point system, division differences, etc. I referred to it quite a bit just to get to know who was driving what. Again, many tracks I've been to in recent years don't even provide a program.



I am concerned about the future of short track racing in this country. There is a vicious circle a lot of tracks face. Low attendance means low payouts means less cars means less attendance means no racing. We all need to work together to try and save our sport - I mean fans, drivers, promotors - ALL OF US.


I do have some suggestions for improvement which I will email to the track at the address on the official home page. My personal opinion is that getting on a message board and blasting a place isn't how you solve a problem. It is very possible that the issues I had are already being worked, but due to the short time constraints since taking over the track, they just haven't hit them on the priority list yet.


Thanks to I-37 Speedway and staff for putting on a good show. I plan on returning a few more times - best of luck to all of you....

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When I read the title to this thread, I said.. Oh, oh... here we go again..


But what a pleasant surprise. An honest, positive post! And taken the negatives (I bet there aren't many) to the track management off the forums..



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When I read the title to this thread, I said.. Oh, oh... here we go again..


But what a pleasant surprise. An honest, positive post! And taken the negatives (I bet there aren't many) to the track management off the forums..




Thanks Nick - and you're right - there aren't many negatives - less than a handful - and they are minor things that may just help a little...or very possibly already being worked.


Great post PAPosse. Thanks for the insight.


Have you made the trip to Thunderhill yet?


I made it up there for the NASCAR race last year - and plan on attending this year. I really enjoyed myself there as well.


Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get up there other than for that show.

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:lol: - nothing wrong with a little self promotion!


I've been to 3 tracks since being assigned here - San Antonio :( , THR, and I-37. A few years back I was temporarily assigned to Barksdale, LA. From there I drove over to Thunderbird Speedway in Crandall. Those are the 4 Texas tracks I've been to.


Did you guys run San Antonio early last year? I see the picture of the car and it looks familiar. The track was only 15 minutes from where I live, and it was some really good racing.


I hope to get to Waco later this year - probably one of the sprint car shows, and will probably venture out to Houston and/or Corpus. I really try to get to as many tracks as I can in the time I have. If I can catch a special event here or there its an added bonus.

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aww no it is at my back door, on serious note they got the best dirt track racing in Texas.

should be there now but hadhunny dues missing the Wing Modifieds :angry:


i promise you didn't miss anything on the wing dinosaurs.... LOL!!


i don't think you can compare texas thunder with cowtown or kennedale. if you think texas thunder has good racing go north and watch that up there!! kennedale average's 35 mods and sport mods.... two b-mains every weekend in each class!!


also this weekend the ASCS SPRINT CARS will be at HOT speedway in Waco, tx

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i believe you Kenny but I can't see myself going all the way to dallas just to watch or race a regular nights race. it would have to be a big event. three hours from leander wouldn't make the trip worth it. all I ever heard is that they put on great shows but when you look at the cost of the trip killeen is just fine.

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