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Did you guys run last night?


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Just curious to see what the results from all the races last night were. Thanks,



well your brother won both races ..surprise lol ..we finished fourth and last ..great no wreck and car was handling better . your dad came over and went over the car with me .and came up with some ideals and thoughts as to what i we should or could do to get this bent car better ..some of his ideals went along with mine .put all of it together and and alot better ... oh the last place finish ..well we finaly blew up a transmission . this trans lasted a few years and two different cars ..second gear desided it was through with racen ..that ok with us . better here than in kyle ..have a replacement ready ..anyway thanks to your dad ..he was a big help ...still have some work to do to getter back to 100 percent .but we are alot happier ..have something to work with now ...sometimes you have to tAKE A STEP BACK .CLEAR YOUR MIND GET SOMEONE ELSES IDEALS ADDED EM UP AND TRY EM .. ..

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that is good to know a ford won in the thunder class because the other two brands of car broke down last weekend there might be one more neon out next weekend pulled out tran today have all the fuel cell braces cut going to fix latter today or tomorrow need to get new numbers was told last year to heard to see on black car :)

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