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In Honor of the David Pearson Comments...


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Funny that this was posted because we said last week that we would want to ask you, What if anything would you change about racing to make it better or the way you would like it?


Would it be rule changes, qualifying changes, personality changes, team changes...etc...


I know you guys and gals talk about this one often so don't be shy, I will read from here or you can call in on Saturday at 210-656-3776 (ESPN) to the show on ESPN 1250 AM The Zone from 8-10 AM and tell us on the air...


By the way...THANK YOU to all of you over the past few weeks for your GREAT comments in here and on the air...I DO reference this place all of the time on the air!!! :D

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the qualifying procedures need overhauling, it's pointless when you qualify for a 3 1/2 hour race and 35 of the 43 are already locked in, odds are the top 35 would be in anyway but let's make something other than the pole be on the line, imagine if Carl Edwards had a bad run and missed the show!

I like NASCAR but this team deal feels like indy car racing, I grew up watching the 500, Penske, Pat Patrick, Foyt's teams etc, stock cars were always independent; Junior Johnson, MC Anderson, DiGard, Rod Osterland etc, no teams! I know it's money driven but it sucks!

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:D Hi dawn, Thanx for the opportunity to make a suggestion. I would do away with the guaranteed 35 starting spots for qualifying. It should be everyone that shows up gets to qualify, if you make the show, great, if not pack it up and you are done, see you next week. If your name is Gordon, Johnson, Stewart, Earnhardt, doesn't matter, TOO SLOW, GOTTA GO on the trailer that is. I would give a guaranteed qualifying spot to the previous years champion, rookie of the year, and maybe the driver with most wins for the previous season. Other than that, run what ya brung, and good luck. This would stop alot of the BS that goes on with the "New Breed" of PRIMA DONNA Drivers or drivers who are getting in because of "who they are" that's BS. This would also allow the smaller, not so well funded teams an opportunity to race. Just because an organization has "deep pockets" shouldn't give them any more rights than a smaller team. That's my 2 Cents. Thanx, Lenny66 B)
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Dawn, I have to agree with the 2 comments above. The top 35 is as Kyle Petty keeps calling it the closest Nascar is going to get to franchising. Let's look at other forms of motorsports and see what they do. For example, John Force is a 14 time NHRA Nitro Funny Car Champion. He failed to qualify on time for a couple of races and put his toys back in the box and supported his other teams that made it. It's not fair for the guy who's trying his hardest to get his 1 car team in the show when you have these 4 and 5 car teams that keep in the top 35 and it doesn't matter if they crash in qualifying they make the show, while the guy that showed up, ran his lap but was 6th fastest of the "go or go homers" he goes home and the other guy rolls his back up car out and starts at the back. This needs to go away because Nascar is going to start losing fans over stupid rules.


The other thing they need to do is get these ticket prices and the cost of going to a race under control. When it cost $1000.00 to take a family of 5 to the races for a weekend that's just absolutely nuts.

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I would love to see late model stock car racing. WWF-NASCAR went to Super Modified status over 20 years ago. No more Fords, Chevys or Mopars on the track, just modified race cars. Plus WWF-NASCAR has the distinction of fielding the ugliest cars on the planet. I watch the locals run stock cars and open wheel cars because it's a much better show. I will represent one more empty seat for WWF-NASCAR.....................

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funny years ago poeple said a two car team would not work ...well today they would be right ..two car teams would have a disavantage today ..this is getting old ..all these teams .. ten years from now if nascar survives . thiere will be only four team owners .and 43 cars on the track ..wonder how many hendricks will own ...its a shame that something that most of us watched in the early years and loved is something we are starting to despise ...





Edited by oldtimer
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what the heck??? just because the Silver Fox comes out of hiding and makes a few statements, its bash NASCAR week LOL


whatever , i get when your the top dog everyody gonna be aiming for ya, i get that.


i would like to see them start and end the season at Daytona, that Homestead race the last coupla years have been a yawn fest.


i feel Nascar has done their damndest to put on a good show considering all the input theyhave to absorb.


i dont understand why having the top 35 locked in (AFTER the first few races , same for everybody) is such a big deal.


i bet if i look deep enough , ill find some sour grapes.

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I say put a sponsor cap. say 10 mil max....its getting to expensive for most sponsors and it all trickles down

oh i agree w/ the no top 35 thing too



Well, I guess that would keep me out of NASCAR. I will stay down here in the short track world with my millions of sponsorship dollars!!! hehehe :lol:




And as for the price of NASCAR tickets. The ticket prices are not high. It is the fact that NASCAR is NOT a sport, it is a lifestyle. For you to enjoy that lifestyle, you must go on THursday, and stay til Monday, take a camper, and stay at the track. A family of 5 could go to Texas and sit in the Grandstand or infield for $300 or so, they are not the greatest seats, but they are good. 5 years ago, an infield pass for the weekend was $65. I got in free with my wife, but we had to buy everyone else tickets. And yes, it cost me over $1000 to go to the race each year, we did for 6 years working for the newspaper.

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i bet if i look deep enough , ill find some sour grapes.


<_< No sour grapes here, just a really disappointed racing fan. NA$CAR has gone way overboard on the "gotta be popular game", it reminds me of that other stupid show "American Idol". There is nothing wrong with getting new fans and people interested in racing, just don't forget those of us that were "FANS BEFORE IT WAS COOL TO BE A FAN". Some of the racing venues just plain suck!!! Fontana is boring, the cookie cutter tracks are just plain boring!!! And some of the pre-race "Hoopla" is getting ridiculous. It looks like a circus on the infield. The older tracks that lost races, should get them back. Some tracks don't need two races per season. As always, just my 3 cents. Lenny66 B)

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i bet if i look deep enough , ill find some sour grapes.


<_< No sour grapes here, just a really disappointed racing fan. NA$CAR has gone way overboard on the "gotta be popular game", it reminds me of that other stupid show "American Idol". There is nothing wrong with getting new fans and people interested in racing, just don't forget those of us that were "FANS BEFORE IT WAS COOL TO BE A FAN". Some of the racing venues just plain suck!!! Fontana is boring, the cookie cutter tracks are just plain boring!!! And some of the pre-race "Hoopla" is getting ridiculous. It looks like a circus on the infield. The older tracks that lost races, should get them back. Some tracks don't need two races per season. As always, just my 3 cents. Lenny66 B)

+ 1!!!!!

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The other thing they need to do is get these ticket prices and the cost of going to a race under control. When it cost $1000.00 to take a family of 5 to the races for a weekend that's just absolutely nuts.



I agree it is too high but try the NBA, NFL or NHL.... Very similar.



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i bet if i look deep enough , ill find some sour grapes.


<_< No sour grapes here, just a really disappointed racing fan. NA$CAR has gone way overboard on the "gotta be popular game", it reminds me of that other stupid show "American Idol". There is nothing wrong with getting new fans and people interested in racing, just don't forget those of us that were "FANS BEFORE IT WAS COOL TO BE A FAN". Some of the racing venues just plain suck!!! Fontana is boring, the cookie cutter tracks are just plain boring!!! And some of the pre-race "Hoopla" is getting ridiculous. It looks like a circus on the infield. The older tracks that lost races, should get them back. Some tracks don't need two races per season. As always, just my 3 cents. Lenny66 B)


hey now wait lol i dont like them cookie cutters either ,but the pre-race hoopla , ya gotta admit , where NASCAR was 20-30 yrs ago , i think its pretty neat myself...as long as all those people are out of the way when the green flag flies


BTW my sour grapes reffered to Mr. Pearson, certainly not anyone here on the board.

Edited by alttuede
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David Pearson = sour grapes? Say whaat? By racing with, and often outrunning "The King" at his best, David Pearson played a major role in making NASCAR the force in auto racing it is today. I often wonder, how many of David Pearson's many NASCAR wins paid him less than 1k, yet he was one of the best ever at that type of racing. Anytime he expresses an opinion about auto racing, hopefully I hear/read it.

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i bet if i look deep enough , ill find some sour grapes.


<_< No sour grapes here, just a really disappointed racing fan. NA$CAR has gone way overboard on the "gotta be popular game", it reminds me of that other stupid show "American Idol". There is nothing wrong with getting new fans and people interested in racing, just don't forget those of us that were "FANS BEFORE IT WAS COOL TO BE A FAN". Some of the racing venues just plain suck!!! Fontana is boring, the cookie cutter tracks are just plain boring!!! And some of the pre-race "Hoopla" is getting ridiculous. It looks like a circus on the infield. The older tracks that lost races, should get them back. Some tracks don't need two races per season. As always, just my 3 cents. Lenny66 B)


hey now wait lol i dont like them cookie cutters either ,but the pre-race hoopla , ya gotta admit , where NASCAR was 20-30 yrs ago , i think its pretty neat myself...as long as all those people are out of the way when the green flag flies


BTW my sour grapes reffered to Mr. Pearson, certainly not anyone here on the board.


:D My opinion on the Pre-Race Hoopla, was that just that, my opinion. It goes a little further though, I don't like the fact that some "celebrity" that doesn't know JACK about racing and could care less, except to have their mug splashed all over TV, get's to ride in the pace car, wave the checkered flag, get's to run around in the garage area, sit on the pit box. Then the celebrity/singer that feels the need to desecrate the National Anthem on live TV, just kills me. It's a circus, I know some people along with NA$CAR feel it's great thing to wade thru 2+ hours of BS, I couldn't care less. It sucks and it ain't gonna change. NA$CAR is forgetting about the old school fans and little by little the fans are forgetting NA$CAR!!! We need a new sanctioning body of Stock Car Racing to pop up and take the smaller teams and drivers and let's go racing somewhere else. Just a thought. As usual just my 3 cents. Lenny66 B)

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David Pearson = sour grapes? Say whaat? By racing with, and often outrunning "The King" at his best, David Pearson played a major role in making NASCAR the force in auto racing it is today. I often wonder, how many of David Pearson's many NASCAR wins paid him less than 1k, yet he was one of the best ever at that type of racing. Anytime he expresses an opinion about auto racing, hopefully I hear/read it.

young poeple dont know what real nascar was like .they arent old enough ..they dont know who and what those yesteryear drivers had to go through to make nascar what it is today .. hell they dont even know what a real race is like ..nascar spanking policy controls that ....and frankly id bet even richard petty has alot to say aboult it ..but cant .if you take 80 percent of todays drivers and put them in those old wonderfull real looking race cars .and let them race ...wow the crying that would go on cuz it wont handle and too damn heavy .and hot ..but put pearson ..labonty ..richard .and many others in them and they would drive the tires off of them ..

Edited by oldtimer
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BTW my sour grapes reffered to Mr. Pearson, certainly not anyone here on the board.


Sour Grapes??? David has no reason to have sour grapes. He has the second highest number of wins and didn't run in near as many races as others. He had a great career and won some of the greatest races ever! And David could win in a Ford, Mercury, Dodge or Chinese Mercedes! The Silver Fox was one of the coolest drivers to ever wear a helmet. One of NASCAR's most notables was quoted at Daytona when the Wood Brothers pulled in with their Mercury to set up shop: "I guess the rest of us are running for second place".

I don't think some of you guys ever saw a race before 1980.........................

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BTW my sour grapes reffered to Mr. Pearson, certainly not anyone here on the board.


Sour Grapes??? David has no reason to have sour grapes. He has the second highest number of wins and didn't run in near as many races as others. He had a great career and won some of the greatest races ever! And David could win in a Ford, Mercury, Dodge or Chinese Mercedes! The Silver Fox was one of the coolest drivers to ever wear a helmet. One of NASCAR's most notables was quoted at Daytona when the Wood Brothers pulled in with their Mercury to set up shop: "I guess the rest of us are running for second place".

I don't think some of you guys ever saw a race before 1980.........................


i never questioned the man s ability to turn a wheel, or whether the cars looked pretty or not , what i was at odds with is lack of gratitude for the sport that made him what he is , a nascar legend.


are you telling me he does more then Darrell Waltrip or Cale Yarborough or Bobby Allison to bring in the next generation???


when my kids ask about the legends , ill start with those guys that appreciate what theyve been blessed with.

Edited by alttuede
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