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If you dont like it, dont answer it or listen...


I think I will take your advice and not listen anymore.


If you can not take people standing up for and defending the hard work the promoters are doing, how about you not post questions like that on here. I appreciate all of the hard work the promoters and their staffs are doing. I have been there and seen what it takes and I do not like people that do not attend very much local racing stirring up trouble. How many races have you been to this year at THR, STS, I-37, TRP & CC Speedway all added together? All of those tracks have people working very hard to make them succesful and they do not deserve to have trouble stirred up by a less than regular attending person.



I agree 110%. Maybe prior to doing this YOU should go volunteer your time for a week helping before you, "YET", accuse any promoter of being anything! This is a Witch Hunt is all it is... :angry:

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If you dont like it, dont answer it or listen...


I think I will take your advice and not listen anymore.


If you can not take people standing up for and defending the hard work the promoters are doing, how about you not post questions like that on here. I appreciate all of the hard work the promoters and their staffs are doing. I have been there and seen what it takes and I do not like people that do not attend very much local racing stirring up trouble. How many races have you been to this year at THR, STS, I-37, TRP & CC Speedway all added together? All of those tracks have people working very hard to make them succesful and they do not deserve to have trouble stirred up by a less than regular attending person.


Part of what I love about this country is Freedon of Speech. I have never heard dawn's show(sorry dawn), but if she is helping promote motorsports, then I am all for it. One thing about life is, if you keep doing something and everyone just keeps saying your doing a great job, but knows you could do something a little better but don't say it, you are going to keep doing it that way. But if we talk about it, maybe something will get better. I know a lot of promoters, I work with several tracks in Houston. I have given all of them some constructive critisism, some take it as that, others don't. Some see it as a help, others call you a crybaby. The ones who listen have seen a rise in car counts, the others have seen a decline. If a promoter thinks he is doing no wrong, but he is losing cars, he will keep losing cars until it is too late.


Keep up the good work Dawn, maybe one day I will be able to listen to your show.

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Part of what I love about this country is Freedon of Speech. I have never heard dawn's show(sorry dawn), but if she is helping promote motorsports, then I am all for it. One thing about life is, if you keep doing something and everyone just keeps saying your doing a great job, but knows you could do something a little better but don't say it, you are going to keep doing it that way. But if we talk about it, maybe something will get better. I know a lot of promoters, I work with several tracks in Houston. I have given all of them some constructive critisism, some take it as that, others don't. Some see it as a help, others call you a crybaby. The ones who listen have seen a rise in car counts, the others have seen a decline. If a promoter thinks he is doing no wrong, but he is losing cars, he will keep losing cars until it is too late.


Keep up the good work Dawn, maybe one day I will be able to listen to your show.


Public bitch sessions do not help anything or anybody. Working together with the folks who have put their money, time and effort on the line does.


It is easy to take pot shots at tracks and promoters. Armchair promoters are everywhere and there are websites where all they do is bitch and moan and groan about how crappy this track is or how unfair that tech official is or whatever. The truth is that people who get on a public forum and rant about the "powers that be" are part of the problem, not part of the solution.


And I take exception to those of you who claim that the way to solve the current issues is to make them all public and let everyone take pot shots, promote their own particular cause or perspective, etc... The way to bring up issues is to go to the track, get involved with the staff by actually helping and making appropriate suggestions to the appropriate people.


Yes, the same folks keep telling me that I'm burying my head in the sand and ignoring the obvious problems racing is facing. But nothing could be further from the truth. I have had many productive discussions with track officials over the years and have served as a track/series official on several different occasions. But publicly complaining is counter-productive, puts the track/series on the defensive and serves no good purpose except to give the boo birds a place to show how much smarter they are than race officials.



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I think you over simplified things. It does not have to be either the promoters or the racers fault. There are a lot of other factors involved. The economy would be one.



By asking the question the way you did, you are "suggesting" it is their fault. "What is the problem with local racing" is the way to ask the question if that is truly what you are interested in.

true i have to agree with you ...you could not possibly point at just one thing .. and i no of noone who has all the answer.s .

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I only caught the last 15 minutes or so of the two-hour radio show yesterday. How many racers or folks from txsz called in to talk about the positives? I have listened to the show before and have heard different track officials on the radio promoting one track or another. I think it’s great when you can sneak a little free advertising in.

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Once again this board holds true...THREATS!!!


You guys READ INTO something that you ASSumed "I" said, and took it and ran the way YOU WANTED!!!


The ENTIRE point of my show, which you guys in here have just validated is what is killing racing here is the "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY" approach.


Do I know how to run a track? No, I have NEVER CLAIMED to Do I talk to PROMOTORS and MANAGEMENT including here in SAN ANTONIO... YES, AND WEEKLY!!!!!


I can tell you this, Debbie Williams and Chuck Licata could tell you EXACTLY what Mike and Chip and Myself do to PROMOTE and HELP THUNDERHILL...WEEKLY...and FOR FREE!!!


I spent 1 hour and 45 minutes yesterday talking about LOCAL SHORT TRACKS...


I can't make you tune in, I can't make you call in, and I sure as hell can't make you agree with me.


What I will not stand for is to be bad mouth or TAGGED as "HURTING LOCAL RACING" when all I have TRIED to do for the last four years with you is offer YOU a platform, the ONE THING ALL OF YOU BITCH AND MOAN ABOUT NEVER HAVING!!!! I offer you EXPOSURE...OPPORTUNITY...and I PUMP YOUR RACES WEEKLY in hope of PACKING THOSE STANDS and KEEPING RACING ALIVE HERE. Not good enough?



If you dont want to listen, or you want to make cheap shots about advertisers or whatever FINE.. OH, by the way... FYI... my show has always been a "PAID PROGRAM" ... which means I have to put up the money either myself or through sponsorship... I DO NOT GET PAID FOR TRACK SMACK!!! I do it because of the love and passion I have for the sport, oh and guess what, because NO ONE ELSE HERE in SAN ANTONIO is doing it for you guys. Don't believe me? AsK Chuck who has defended the way my show has been handled in the past. Ask Ricci Ware, who came on yesterday by the way...ask some of the drivers in here who have called in or known me since HIGH SCHOOL and know my charecter...ASK Doug with Hill Country or Direct-Flo heating and Air or others who were some of the SPONSORS to come forward in the past and PAY UP to keep my show on the air....Ask TQ or Jim Knutson from I-37 or John Webber from Hill Country Kart Club who have offered and are working hard to put deals together to continue to promote not just their product, but ensure mine stays there to continue to allow this OPEN PLATFORM to be there for LOCAL RACING!!


I have offered for you to call in, or come in and talk about yourself, your car, your sponsors... I told those of you HATERS in here yesterday, ball up and call in and tell me how wrong this article was, did you...NOPE... Its way too easy to grow a pair behind a keyboard.


So in closing I will continue to do what I do, I will talk RACING...THE SPORT I LOVE!!! I will be talking with the local promotors here though. About how some of its drivers seem to feel that what I do for the track and sport is DAMAGING.... I think Chuck and others who have done radio, or TV or write about motorsports would agree with me that I can FILL a show with just NATIONAL stuff with no problem.


In the end though I will run MY SHOW and talk about RACING and WHAT I SEE AND HEAR AND READ. I'd love for you to be a part of it with me and show this community just how passionate you are about this great sport. But I will not BEG you or kiss your ass or change. I am who I am, I know what all I have done and continue to try and do, and I do not need to justify myself, my show, or those folks who want to be a part of it to you.



Thanks to those who get it and support it...



Edited by Dawn
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I listened to the show and to be honest all that was even talked about was a couple people and past promoters calling in saying the same thing. Drivers and Promoters must work together. It was far from asking the question are promoters the problem like it was stated it would be. I was under the impression people had been lined up ready to tell all there bad ongoing issues and there were none really to speak of except the normal business related problems and bad commmunication. A past promoter came on live and talked about stuff from 30 years ago which was a nice story, gave his opinion but his story wasnt relivant to todays issues and problems. He pretty much even said that himself and had no answers about today. The area obviously has its issues with the lack there of ________. You fill in the blank but like I said before the show, it would have been very uncool to hang a tag on the promoters regardless the issues. If you can host a radio show and put that much effort into it then you certainly can make a couple phone calls and get people together to talk about it. Even though we were working on our race car while listening it was kind of a waste of listening.

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That is wonderful believe me when I say that. It really is like you said, nobody else is doing that. But in my opinion before you post a threatening comment like "ARE PROMOTERS SOME OF THE PROBLEM WITH LOCAL RACIN" maybe you should qualify everyone exactly WTH is going on. Because the show I listened to was pretty tame from what I was expecting based on the topic. After listening I pretty much said good its over without any mud slinging. Like I have been told by several people i come on strong with my opinions and piss people off so I need to do a better job of shutting my pie hole or getting my point across without raising feathers. Maybe some of that advise can be givin to you as well from one that has had it been given to. Good Luck..

Edited by Danielsen Motorsports
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Once again this board holds true...THREATS!!!


You guys READ INTO something that you ASSumed "I" said, and took it and ran the way YOU WANTED!!!


The ENTIRE point of my show, which you guys in here have just validated is what is killing racing here is the "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY" approach.




I have offered for you to call in, or come in and talk about yourself, your car, your sponsors... I told those of you HATERS in here yesterday, ball up and call in and tell me how wrong this article was, did you...NOPE... Its way too easy to grow a pair behind a keyboard.





she's right......she does alot more to help local short track racing than she ever will to hurt it. there are alot of things wrong right now. , and even though some 'people' might want you to only talk about the"rainbows and roses" right now it is pretty much sh-- pies and dry humps. i'm not saying go out and accuse someone of trying to meaningfully tear down the sport , but hell yeah tell people youre opinion and what you think about the situation. a promoter is no better than a racer and vice versa , WHEN YOU STOP LISTENING TO OUTSIDE OPINIONS and develope a know it all attitude , you are pretty much setting yourself up for failure.

these tracks did'nt start putting butts back in the seats without listening to some suggestions. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISM has started being labeled as a BASH,,,?,,then too many people are wearing their feelings on their sleeves.



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Dawn, You keep on doing what you are doing. I agree completely with the last two post, one from Crazyhorse and the other from Arthur. There does seem to be a problem with local racing nowadays and I for one believe some of the problem stems from a lack of communication among the affected participants. The attitude of my way or the highway does seem to prevail and it is damaging the sport. It does not matter who I am or for that matter what I say, but I can say I have loved this sport for just about my entire lifetime and I have never seen it this bad before. I have great respect for the participants both at the management and the competitor levels and I understand very well that lines of communication must remain open in order for that important third participant, the fan, to be satisfied and continue to return. I've seen too many tracks close because of simple failure to communicate so the time is here to stop that slow bleed of closed tracks. The economy is flat I will agree, but racing has survived much harder times in the past so the main problem is something else. Do I have the answers? Not really. But I do believe that open and fair

communication is a good start to finding answers.

I do not intend this to belittle anyone involved in this great sport because there are many out there who put their entire heart and soul into it. I say to them, keep it up. But lets talk. :D


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Texas Speed Zone is not "sweeping things under the rug." The people directly involved with TXSZ are all very up to date with the problems facing the Texas stock car racing community.


Debbie Williams has been directly involved in our sport for more years that she will admit, and not just with one promoter or one track. She's seen it all. Done it all. She knows what she's talking about and knows what she's doing (except maybe at 2:30 a.m. after a long race day).


Jay Hallas has his finger on the pulse of both the dirt track and asphalt track scenes. And he's not your typical "yes man" that hangs around tracks. He's a true insider with more racing knowledge than most will ever have.


Terry Dickerson, the site owner, needs no introduction, but to say he's unaware of the problems facing stock car racing in Texas would be absolutely crazy. He's been there, done that, and was on the verge of making SAS a true come back story when fate stepped in.


I'm not going to bore you with my racing background, but there's plenty of it.


All of us are convinced that the Texas racing community has, by in large, a decent, hard-working, dedicated group of owners and promoters at work at the helm of many of our Texas Tracks. Are these folks perfect? No more than you or I are perfect. Do they need honest, constructive advice? Yes, of course they do, just like you and I do.


In my mind, the real question being raised so dramatically by Dawn here is, "Just how should folks communicate with the powers that be?" I'm not going to speak for Dawn and Track Smack, but I will speak up for Texas Speed Zone since she's brought up the issue more than once in her recent posts.


Should TXSZ be available for people to post their complaints - legitimate or not? Their grievances - justified or not? Make accusations or place blame for perceived problems? Or similar scenarios? The answer to those questions is an emphatic, NO. Is making complaints or stirring the pot in public effective? Of course it is. Public pressure is a very effective change agent. The proper way to communicate those concerns, however, is one-on-one, person-to-person with the folks who can actually do something about the perceived problem(s).


Should TXSZ be available for folks to share ideas on how to promote racing in Texas? Should TXSZ be available for positive comments that help build up the sport? Should constructive ideas and suggestions be made here? Of course. Look back through the archives and you will see thread after thread that do exactly that.


A little TXSZ history might be in order at this point. At the beginning of TXSZ, there really were no off-limit topics. All anyone had to do was more or less behave, not cuss, bash nicely. You could call the Race Director an idiot, Hitler, tell the track owner how stupid he was, etc. Don't believe me? Go way back and you will see where several of us were attacked (rightly or wrongly, doesn't matter) on a regular basis. But over time and as new owners took over, the guidelines changed to become much less a bash site. And more recently, the current owner has asked that public criticism of tracks, drivers, promoters, owners, etc. be curtailed to a large degree.


As the person who does most of the TXSZ moderating, I do my best to keep the forum areas in line with the owner's philosophy. I know this does not sit well with some and I can understand why. A couple of you frequently write to me expressing your frustration with not being permitted to say whatever they like on here.


That being said, the vast majority of you appreciate the fact that TXSZ is not a bash site. One of the benefits of our no-bash policy is that track owners, promoters and series directors are able to get on here knowing that they won't get their brains beat out by boo birds and chronic complainers.


OK. I've explained it one more time, but I will not be debating the pros and cons of our TXSZ moderating policies in the forum areas. If you feel the need to express your thoughts on the subject, please feel free to email or PM me.


Thanks for listening.



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I will say this, because I am big enough to admit when and if I am wrong. The one thing I DID do wrong in this post,was forget to post where I was basing the question from and why Marc was coming on for the topic.


This was the current issue of Circle Track and a article they ran. http://marcmadison.bizland.com/2008.htm


He was interviewed in it. This was what I was referencing along with the NUMEROUS other times I have heard the issue brought up both in here and on other racing boards around the state and country.



Again, I am sorry for those who thought this was me coming in here and pointing fingers. I am not sorry though for asking questions.

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No one can accuse me of being anti promoter or anti track. There is a search feature on this board. You can find where I have said that profit is what fuels the free enterprise system and that track owners/promoters need MORE profit not less.

I have asked "What can be learned from areas of the country that have more tracks and better car counts RIGHT NOW?"

WE are missing something. Nick can testify that there are more tracks (each with better car counts) in Maine than in Texas....and they run late models.

I ask "Why"....Is there anything that WE can learn from taking a look at their business model or racer mentality?


By the way, we're just back from Red River with the mods. Results are 5, 42. 19, "another 26" , 98.

5 cars total. Laps were cut ( totally ok with that) and all cars finished on the same lap. NOW HEAR THIS...


OWNER SAID HE WOULD PAY THE ADVERTISED PURSE...750 to win. He elected to take the loss on our class in order to keep his word.

I know several other tracks and promoters that would do/have done the same thing under the same circumstances. THANK YOU RED RIVER SPEEDWAY.


It's tough out there on everyone right now.



Edited by jracer98
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corpus paid the trucks the full purse even though we were 2 under what he wanted at the end of july.....it's hard on promoters and drivers. but that is the stuff you'll remember. thanX again CCS , and now thanX RRS.

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ARE PROMOTERS SOME OF THE PROBLEM WITH LOCAL RACING, interesting way to start a thread, in the future it may you might not get attacked if you were to post the question in a different form like, WHAT DO YOU THINK PROMOTERS COULD DO TO FURTHER HELP IMPROVE LOCAL RACING.


The fact you have a local radio show about racing, in my opinion, tells me you care about racing and should be given the benefit of the doubt before someone starts bashing you. That said, the same benefit should be extended by you and the racing community to the track owners and promoters.


I only go to HMP once or twice a year, but I am amazed at the innovative approaches they have come up with to fill the stands and reduce the cost to the fans. Unfortunately, the car counts are low, which hurt the show, but that is not their fault, nor is it the drivers fault. Racing is just too expensive for the average person, I know there are cars parked out there for other reasons, but the economy is probably the main reason.


There are an endless amount of articles and threads written about this problem and what is wrong with local racing. I believe people are looking at it from the wrong perspective, the challenge I see is what is right with local racing?


Maybe you could do a show about what is working at the different tracks around the country.

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I told those of you HATERS in here yesterday, ball up and call in and tell me how wrong this article was, did you...NOPE... Its way too easy to grow a pair behind a keyboard.




I do not sem to remember that part but I do remember the part about if you do not like it do not listen. That was the advice I took. :)

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I told those of you HATERS in here yesterday, ball up and call in and tell me how wrong this article was, did you...NOPE... Its way too easy to grow a pair behind a keyboard.




I do not sem to remember that part but I do remember the part about if you do not like it do not listen. That was the advice I took. :)



This Saturday TRACK SMACK moves to 10-Noon on ESPN 1250 THE ZONE!!! I invite you to call in at 210-656-3776 (ESPN) and talk with us about all the days topics.


Dirt and Asphalt Driver Marc Madison will be joining us to talk about the Local Race Scene around the State and what may or may not be the problem at local short tracks.


We will take you out to FONTANA to see what's the latest in the Nationwide and Sprint Cup Series as we wind down the season before the Chase...


and as always we talk WHATEVER is on your mind... and you know I will be talking about NASCAR dropping the ball on the penalties for last week...


Hope you can tune in!!!



Then you did not read the VERY FIRST POST and sentence where I INVITE you to call in, then give the number... NEXT :rolleyes:

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Everyone came blame the promoters or the racers all you want but the real problem is the economy.Yes,it's true that racing went through some hard times in the past but nothing like the economy it's having to deal with now.The purses have not kept up with inflation and are the same or less than they were in the 1980's but the cost to race a car has absolutly skyrocketed.Example:We built a dirt late model in 1991 for $10,000(that was for a new car and motor)That same car now would cost over $35,000 but the purse is still the same or in some cases less!!!!Then throw in $4.00+ a gallon diesel to get the car to the track and the $8.50 a gallon race fuel and it all starts adding up.It really is that simple!!!!!!The only thing I see that Texas asphalt promoters are doing wrong is not making the class rules the same as the rest of the United States.They can't even agree on a common set of rules for asphalt tracks in the state of Texas(and there are only 4 tracks).For some reason they feel a need to re-invent the wheel and have cars that can ONLY be raced at THEIR track.The dirt tracks figured this out long ago and changed their rules to allow cars from all over and they are not feeling the economy sting as bad.This season,local dirt tracks have been having purse wars and special promotions which has actually helped the local racer.It's sad that you can race a $5,000 limited dirt car and make the same purse money as a full blown $40,000+ asphalt Late Model.Economics is the name of the game in the real world. ;)

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.They can't even agree on a common set of rules for asphalt tracks in the state of Texas(and there are only 4 tracks).For some reason they feel a need to re-invent the wheel and have cars that can ONLY be raced at THEIR track.The dirt tracks figured this out long ago and changed their rules to allow cars from all over and they are not feeling the economy sting as bad.This season,local dirt tracks have been having purse wars and special promotions which has actually helped the local racer.It's sad that you can race a $5,000 limited dirt car and make the same purse money as a full blown $40,000+ asphalt Late Model.Economics is the name of the game in the real world. ;)


I will agree with you on the economy part of your response and I fall into the category of folks with a car that can't afford to get it out and race. However, I have a few friends running sport mods and they try to make it sound cheap but it isn't as cheap as it sounds. I agree it is cheaper than asphalt, however.


As for common rules, the dirt guys claim to have them but dirt tracks have differences in each class' ruleset. The difference is that they will allow a nonconforming car to enter maybe with a weight penalty. As well, they may have common rules or not but the enforcement of rules at a dirt track(at least the ones I have been too as that is all I can speak about)is pathetic. Bomber cars with Eagle rods!! C'mon? Common rules aren't going to save the tracks. Driver's can't win enought to break even and the chance of them driving to other tracks to compete on off nights is slim at best. The track has to try and accomodate their current particpants FIRST. Without them no racing, no ticket money, no backgate money, no concession money.


We all know we are not going to make money at racing but you are right, purse money is thin at all tracks, including dirt. I don't know what the promoter's challenges are to garner sponsorship or what their business model for operating a track looks like. I was recently told by another competitor that if a driver couldn't break even finishing fifth, sixth or seventh, cars are going to stop showing up.


I will commend THR and Houston for increasing the efficiency in their nightly schedules. From a spectator standpoint, I by a ticket to see a show. The show should start on schedule and end at a reasonable time. Nothing is worse than rolling your car onto the track to start the race and half the stands have gone home to put the kids to bed. I still think many tracks have too many classes and this waters down the participation of each class. If you have 100 owner/drivers that are going to race something, why spread them over six classes instead of three. With today's fuel prices, they are going to support the home track or not race at all. And, races with 4 and 5 cars aren't much fun to watch.


As for racer's complaining, unfortunately, it is part of it. Try and name a track somewhere that ALL the local racers were pleased with how it was run. Doesn't happen with dirt, asphalt, drag racing or probably even lawnmowers.



Edited by turbotoddie
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To me the bottom line is how do you get more cars on the track?

As a spectator I will not pay any amount for a ticket to come watch

five cars run to run a "Feature Event"

How many complete cars are just sitting in the shop or the weeds because

of changed rules or lack of funds??

The cost versus break even ratio of racing is worse than ever.

If you have a family as a racer you can't keep punishing them for your "addiction"

by spending the family budget.

Back to the top.. million $ dollar quetion is getting more cars out

Most Promotors are doing everything possible!!!

More cars = More people in the stands = More concessions sold = Successful Track and Promoters!!!

Maybe fewer classes of cars??

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Turbo-there is more to common rules than going to another track on an off night.The main reason is racers hate/can't afford rule changes and this leads to alot of parked cars.You are very wrong assuming cars won't go to different tracks.My brother has been known to race Beaumont on friday,show up and race Willis on saturday,if he gets out early enough(and the cars not damaged :huh:)he will stop by and start scratch at Cleveland.This is all possible because of common rules(and he is not the only one doing this).Another good reason for common rules is for car resale/availability/affordability.With more cars out there for sale they are more affordable and you have a bigger market looking at your ride(that you have more money in than you will ever admit).Just think about it,if a guy/guys get mad at the way the track is being run(calls,tech,purses,etc...)they can race a different track without incurring any additional cost.What promoter wants racers to be able to do that?this is the main reason that the tracks/promoters don't like common rules.The dirt tracks went through all this in the late 80's/early 90's(low car/spectator count)and the I.M.C.A. stepped in and stopped all the maddness with a common set of rules.(the stockers are still at the mercy of the tracks)The dirt tracks today are plentifull and have nice car counts and I believe that this is one of the main reasons.If you guys don't believe me just pick out any decent paying dirt track and go visit!!!!P.S.if anyone does show up to one of the above tracks,stop by the limited #21 and say hello!!!!! B)

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Bombers....Street Stocks...Late Models....Modifieds.


Any other "fan only" votes out there?


Listen to the customers....and ya jus mite get sumwareeee....



I know some will take that as a bash towards any of the classes I have'nt mentioned but....if there were 20+ cars in every class this wouldn't be a discussion and the stands would be full.I don't have any current class of car that I don't like to go and watch but....something has to give.

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