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Turbo-there is more to common rules than going to another track on an off night.The main reason is racers hate/can't afford rule changes and this leads to alot of parked cars.You are very wrong assuming cars won't go to different tracks.My brother has been known to race Beaumont on friday,show up and race Willis on saturday,if he gets out early enough(and the cars not damaged :huh:)he will stop by and start scratch at Cleveland.This is all possible because of common rules(and he is not the only one doing this).Another good reason for common rules is for car resale/availability/affordability.With more cars out there for sale they are more affordable and you have a bigger market looking at your ride(that you have more money in than you will ever admit).Just think about it,if a guy/guys get mad at the way the track is being run(calls,tech,purses,etc...)they can race a different track without incurring any additional cost.What promoter wants racers to be able to do that?this is the main reason that the tracks/promoters don't like common rules.


I see your reasoning but most local racers aren't going to be able to race but once a week if that right now. As for the tracks, you are right, they don't want their hometown cars going somewhere else because they might get wrecked and not make the next hometown show. It's catch 22. I don't think tracks are overly concerned with making a driver mad and having him leave but they are concerned with losing their car count because someone can offer more purse on the same night. Can you blame them? As for rule changes, I fully understand. Being a part timer, the amount of seat time I have received from my car never justifies the cost when a rule change comes along. However, I know it is part of the game. I am not against common rules but I hope folks can see both sides of the equation. As for me, I wish I had a hometown track.


Totally see your point about being able to have a broader selling/buying market. Very good point.



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Mary Ann asked me to post the following note, along with a link to the video she mentions below:




I unfortunately have been unable to get on TXSZ at all, when several people on Saturday evening asked me if I had read the thread that was started by Dawn Murphy. I said no, and many briefed me on it. The good, as well as the negativity, kinda of saddened me to once again feel the need to defend. I will say, I was happy to hear that many were defending the Promoters and remaining tracks, and I personally want to say thank you to those!


As a Promoter and Owner of a series and racetrack business, sometimes it seems to be thankless job, not always, but sometimes it seems to get the best of me. I think I can also speak for others in my shoes. Sometimes after a hard week or weeks and an event is completed, you think, why do I even do this? THEN, you get an email from one person that just simply puts it all back into prospective for you and I wanted to share this one with each of you!


Hi Mary Ann,

I am sorry to say that it does not look good for us this weekend cause we blew a motor this past Saturday night at HMP. However I wanted to share something with you that my son Jake made for me it well it brought me to tears. I hope you like it. Please pass this on to Lucian, Suzy, Eddie and Sandra




Bruce Wright

Bandolero Bandit #96




I hope you will take the time to listen and look at the incredible pictures of a very happy little boy sharing his feelings with his dad! I think this is a shot in the arm for why I do what I do. The song he chose, the pictures he chose, say it all!


I remember those days with my parents at our local racetrack, I wasn't racing, but my family was there having great times together while my dad was racing.


With these days and times, with families dealing with drugs, gangs and the pressures that our children and grandchildren must deal with on a day-to-day basis and then to see one little guy like this, that because of a family sharing racing together, just says it all to me!


Point to all of this . . . sometimes the negativity of this sport can get the best of you, the constant critiquing, gossiping, having to spend what should be my time with my family, reading and worrying about making people think I do not care enough to read what they think. In reality, there is not enough time to spend reading a thread this long with what it already takes to do what needs to be done. I promise each and everyone reading this, without the staff that I have, and the incredible husband who allows me the opportunity to do what I love, I could not do what I am doing as a Promoter, as good or as bad as it may seem to some of those out there. Remember, there are many eyes that read this website and get influenced and never ever make a post on here. What is said and expressed on here goes very far, good and bad.


I hope each of you are having a nice Labor Day with your family, as that is what I am going to do, today is one of my granddaughters' 3rd birthday!



Mary Ann Naumann

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To MaryAnn & Deb,

Keep up the great work Ladies, the hardest working Ladies in Racing.


To Dawn,

It was an Honor to be on Track Smack last Saturday, keep doing what you are doing.


To all the Texas Racers and Families out there,

Keep the Faith and God Bless.


Together we can make a difference,


Marc Madison

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Maryann I have known you for alot of years, not telling our ages,LOL,you are the finest, most sincere, loving lady I know. You always have a smile and a hug for eveyone. It is all worth it, I know. When all the kids, grandkids, and all their friends hang out at your house(not just because you have a race shop) call you Mom and Grandma, or Dad and Grandpa it is all OK. Take Care my friend. God Bless.


course they come for eat too. LOL


EXCEPTIONAL VIDEO. Makes you sit up and take notice. Thanks for sharing.

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Wanted to pass this along. This past weekend having been an off week we decided to come out and watch THR. We brought the whole family all 5 of us and had a real nice time. Of course beings I am a dirt racer I still prefer that over asphalt ;) but had fun nontheless. Good program ran quickly, except for the stunt man taking out turn 1. Hope his car survived.

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To Mary Ann Naumann.

I do not think this forum ever intended to single out THR but rather was speaking in generalities. Maybe misworded somewhat but the intent is really to get all sides talking moreso than putting the blame on one side. I personally believe you run a good show Mary Ann and I admit I sometimes do disagree with some things, (who doesn't) I still feel that you run a quality show. I believe Dawn is genuinely concerned about the future of racing here in South Texas and since she does have a show through which people can communicate I say give her the green flag to do what she feels could be constructive for the sport. :)

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Being a former racer and now working more with tracks/promoters I've seen this arguement from both sides of the fence. I think Marc's article was spot on the money...there is and always has been a wall between drivers/promoters. Now this isn't to imply it's ALL drivers or ALL promoters, either. The problem is when an issue(s) comes up whether it's real or percieved, neither side is sure how to deal with it. Drivers want to take an immediate stance and few know how to correctly address the issue(s) and just try to start a pissing match. Promoters will in turn immediately turn a deaf ear to this, as would ANY business owner, racing related or not. Conversely there are, and always have been, promoters that are not willing to accept even the best expressed collective criticism or suggestions. The problem is each thinks they than can do without the other.....WRONG.....Neither is anything without THE FANS!!!!! The fans help the track with revenue to keep the gates open. The fans help pay the purse for the racers. Without them, both sides are screwed.


One other point I'll respond to here is common rules.......While Todd is partially correct....I think it's more that tracks are afraid if a driver goes elsewhere he'll be treated better/fairer or paid more. Thus not return...this goes back to the real vs. percieved issue(s). Now if EVERY track would treat EVERY driver the same and EVERY driver respected EVERY promoter the same, there wouldn't even be reason NOT to have common rules. Basic human nature keeps this from happening, not one side or the other. People are different, ideals and values vary....it's why we are ALL individuals, not robotic clones.

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Once again this board holds true...THREATS!!!


You guys READ INTO something that you ASSumed "I" said, and took it and ran the way YOU WANTED!!!


The ENTIRE point of my show, which you guys in here have just validated is what is killing racing here is the "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY" approach.




I have offered for you to call in, or come in and talk about yourself, your car, your sponsors... I told those of you HATERS in here yesterday, ball up and call in and tell me how wrong this article was, did you...NOPE... Its way too easy to grow a pair behind a keyboard.





she's right......she does alot more to help local short track racing than she ever will to hurt it. there are alot of things wrong right now. , and even though some 'people' might want you to only talk about the"rainbows and roses" right now it is pretty much sh-- pies and dry humps. i'm not saying go out and accuse someone of trying to meaningfully tear down the sport , but hell yeah tell people youre opinion and what you think about the situation. a promoter is no better than a racer and vice versa , WHEN YOU STOP LISTENING TO OUTSIDE OPINIONS and develope a know it all attitude , you are pretty much setting yourself up for failure.

these tracks did'nt start putting butts back in the seats without listening to some suggestions. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISM has started being labeled as a BASH,,,?,,then too many people are wearing their feelings on their sleeves.



what he said

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