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Asphalt Limited Modified Rule Revisions


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They are a minority as far as the ones that go to a IMCA sanctioned track from the Houston area. I have won an IMCA championship and I am very familiar with IMCA. Brett and I have talked in the past and Houston was not one of their better markets. I personally like IMCA it just unfortunately hasn't worked in Houston.


The 10lbs of dried mud comment was for entertainment purposes only.

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...There are IMCA track in the houston area or with in a short drive ....


Where? Which ones? The tracks in the Houston area that I know of that: Gator (50 miles north of Houston), 105 (50 miles north/northeast of Houston), HRP (25 miles east of Houston), GTRP (80 miles east of Houston), Edna (100 miles south of Houston). Of these, none are IMCA.


Where are these tracks? (I would love to run IMCA. Much cheaper engines than the UMP/USMTS-capable engine I currently have.)

Edited by CC57
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What Brad is trying to do in houston is a great thing. The Houston area does not have any IMCA sanctioned tracks. They all run Limited rules, so he has wrote his rules to fit that area the best he could and at the same time leaving it open enough to alow us IMCA guys to go give it a try if we want with little change to our cars. And the changes wont take place until next season. As far as THR goes I(Eric Robbins) aproched them with the idea of running sportmods at their track. They were kind enough to listen and give us a chance to show them that there is enough intrest to run a class there. All the tracks in the THR are ARE IMCA sactioned so I felt it would be best to run IMCA rules. Please keep in mind that I am just a racer with an idea and dont have a clue on how to run or promote a class. Yes it would be best if both tracks work together with the class, But at this point we need to show both track that there is enough intrest to suport such a class and that us dirt racers arnt to hard headed to work together to make the class grow, other wise the tracks are not going to suport us and let us run.

Thank you for your suport. Eric Robbins

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This class will be the top class at HMP. But all the crying and complaining before the class has even had a chance to even run a race is gonna kill it. I went to Smiley's today and convinced 2 guys there to go and try it. I even offered them tires because I am not running. The way I read the rules, most cars built before this year that are racing in Houston can convert for a couple hundred dollars, plus tires. Lots of the guys will be running at HMP on Sat and then running to the dirt track to race the same night. If they can do that, than I think we got a good thing. Reminds me of the guys who complained about the prostocks. we made provisions for them to come race(we had to change our cars from our normal rules) and no one showed up, even for $1000 to win. Brad, stick to your rules. Don't let anyone force changes. Keep control of it yourself and you will be sucessful. I will be there in spirit this weekend. God luck to all the limited guys, you guys will love it, I know I love racing on that track, it is awsome.

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This class will be like the pro late model, modified,truck class,with just a few cars as usual. Series is wanted, but leaving it up to the individual tracks does nothing for the class as has been proven there is noe real leader of the group this way, the tracks need to work together. It looks like Monroe is successsful with their class you would be better to follow their lead at both tracks and the biggest problem with asphalt tracks is EVERY SINGLE TIME they try to save a racer money you better hang on to your wallet.

Edited by 97car
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That is why this class will be sucessful, it has a leader and the track will not dictate it. Last time they had this class, it had 15-20 cars every race. They pulled them out for reasons that rollercam can explain if he wishes. Man, a bunch of you guys just can't see any positives, can you?

My old sales manager called them johnny na sayers!!!!!!!! :lol:

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First off for those of you that like IMCA so much. Isn't that because IMCA makes racing afordable? That is what these rules are designed to do. If you look close enough you will notice that these rules are the Linitied Modified rules from years ago back when they first came out. If you remember the class was originally designed years ago to be affordable and make it easy for anyone to build a home built car and race it. All these rules did is make it very easy for anyone to build or race a simple cheap car. I have seen the progression of limited cars. The manipulaiton of the rear control arms, engine placement, upper control arm location, engines turning 7500rpm, twisted clips, revalvable shocks, guess what whether or not you have seen it. Guess what!! it is happening. I have seen it, I have talked to the chassis builders. If you want to run that way then go ahead. I do not know who's fault it is that the original rules got out of hand. whether it was the racers wanting an edge or track owner's and tech men allowing it. These rules are made to make racing simple and easy. I doubt some of you have even really read these rules or compared them to your current rules because if you did you would recognize there origin from years ago. Not to mention it gives the part number to the rev box so you would know all you need to do is buy it and it will work with your hei. The rules do not say anything about running an msd box besides if you could read you would see that you don't even need that box till next year. Also do you have a car with lead melted in the frame rales? If so I am sorry it is not legal at HMP if you do not then what's your problem? I read a post along time ago that sums this chatter up best, the guys that win and are competitive and have common sense are not whining on the forums they are at home getting there cars ready to race. Now the man posted his phone number if you have a real question then call him if not then I suggest doing what I am about to do and get to back to work.

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I like IMCA because I know my stuff will be legal for a long time. I can build a car, use it for a few years and sell it without ever having to waste my money making it meet the new rules. When they do change a rule (IE tires) they give you lots of time to use the old stuff while phasing in the new stuff. In my opinion, that is what has made IMCA succesful.

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I have just a few comments, some have been said so I will put my spin on it.

It doesn't matter if it is IMCA Sportmods or Limited mods. The 2 are very similar in rules with some exceptions. The trracks around Houston run Limited rules, so in my opinion, HMP should use those rules, to start with.

This class is the fastest growing class in TX, LA and OK. That in itself should say something. If the rules are right or at least real close people will come.

I'm from the Corpus area and was the first person in the area to have a Limited. That was 2006, now there are over 30 cars in the area and more coming all the time.

Keep the rules simple and close to the same, with the exception of tires, and I'm sure the same will happen at HMP.

I myself used to race asphalt and would be interested in possibly putting my car on the asphalt, if it was just changing tires and set-up. JMO

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as far as getting a car to run on asphalt from dirt it isn't hard ,just ask for help most guys will be glad to help ,just take the advice with a grain of salt because some people will tell you one thing knowing it to be wrong ,i would ask one the more experienced drivers or crew members ,JUST DON'T ASK WHEN THEY ARE BUSY WITH THEIR OWN CARS, we were lucky to have some really good friends to ask when we raced B)

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I spoke to Brad on the telephone today. He explained his rationale for the rules he has come up with. Although it will rule our teams out of running at HMP, I now understand why he has done what he has done with the rules. I'm not going to try to explain that rationale on here, but I'll just say I hope it works, and we'll just have to be satisfied with running the SCS at THR.

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