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Who Won Saturday?

S.S #81

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Poorboy I dont know what that means,every class was contested right to the end and every winner had a workout.I sat in the stands for the SS race and the audience was really connected.With the 34 car right behind the 5 car on a restart with 3 laps to go the finish was not decoded until the checkers.The True Stock race was the same with the 55 batteling the 37 to the end.That Joe Arce drives a car harder than anyone I know.I really dont think the guys that finished the race think of themselves as loosers.I sure dont.I saw the post that you insulted Mike with and started a feude with a couple of racers was elimanated by Owen.Are you trying to get it started here?I dont think it will work,CC people are not that small minded.There definatrly was a high level of energy at CC Speedway last Sat.

Edited by thumper
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No, here we don't go again. LOL


I'm sorry that Owen is having to face some of the same problems moderating his South Texas Speedway forum that we face over here. Bashing, picking fights, using the internet to stir the pot just to start some crap is difficult to control and even, at times, difficult to detect. I remember not too long ago thinking how much fun a thread seemed to be, only to find out that the folks involved were not playing at all, but taking a personal feud public.


Now thumper seems to work very hard at keeping his posts as positive and helpful as possible and poorboy has a well earned reputation for poking fun and getting people to see the funny side of things, so I really didn't catch that this one might be about to turn ugly. It's very difficult to stay on top of all the threads and make wise decisions about whether to edit, delete or let it stand. I just do my best and I'm sure Owen is doing his best too.


So, I'll try to stay on top of this thread and if it looks like it's going downhill, I'll step in as needed.



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One man injured . cars detroyed needlessly, fights, cops called, lots of respect lost. Yep everything sounds awesome to me GB. But what really pisses me off is I had a possible ride for the October races at the track I really love (CC Speedway) but I refuse to go there now. Enjoy your 4 cylinder racing.

Edited by poorboy
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Sounds like a nite I have seen at every track.That does not mean everyone is a looser.And I dont expect to stand by and let everyone be called that.The people that loose are the ones that cannot control their temper.That has always been true.Im sorry you lost your ride but remember now the cars are much faster than when you raced there.You might be uncomfortable at the new speeds.You are always welcome to re-join the 4 cyl ranks.We do not get so emotional as do the V8 cars.We race for fun and always have and still do a great bunch of people.You can look down at us but until I see a V8 driver winning in a 4 cyl I must think they are not ready.Apples and oranges.Im proud to be associated with all the racers at CC Speedway as they are as good as any racers anywhere.When you find the perfect place that has everything for everybody,please tell me so I can go there.Especially if they pay Thunders a lot of money. :lol:

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But what really pisses me off is I had a possible ride for the October races at the track I really love (CC Speedway) but I refuse to go there now. Enjoy your 4 cylinder racing.

If you don't like what you see at a track or a series, how about joining forces with that track/series to make it better instead of standing on the sidelines or sittng behind a screen name tearing it down?


No more CC Speedway bashing, please.



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Gb I hope they are faster, I was running street tires when we raced before. And I don't look down on 4 cylinder racing, I just fell when a driver has mastered the Thunders mayb they should move to Prosedans or a V 8 class. Thats my opinion. Glad your proud, I just try to set the bar alittle higher. LOL :D:D:D:D The smiley faces make an attemted bash seem ok, isn't that what they are for.

Edited by poorboy
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LOL The smiley faces make an attemted bash seem ok, isn't that what they are for.


Yeah... a smiley face makes bashing just fine... NOT!


My favorite goes something like this: "Now Nick, don't take this as a bash. I'm just telling the truth here, but you're a sorry [edited out by me] and you're so [edited out by me] that a moron could do a better job than you. As far as I'm concerned you can [edited out by me] and rot in hell. Don't take this the wrong way, Nick, this is NOT A BASH. I'm just telling the truth here since everyone needs to know what a [edited out by me] you really are."


Gotta love it.



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I am also a 1 man show AND travel almost 300 miles to race.And I win enough to not pay out of pocket for that privalage.How much could I pay out of pocket to race?Maybe 30$ a week.So what would you do,sit home or race Thunders?For those with bigger pockets,a noisy big car might be more fun.I could have bought 2 Harlies for what I spent racing modifieds.No regrets but I aint gonna do that again.I cant believe you did not have fun with your Scirroco.Could again.Somrday Oldtimer will figgure out their team is missing out in a lot of track fun too.Politics should not get in the way.Corpus fans deserve better.They should be considered too.Especially from all you home boys,they appreciate you more than you might give them credit for.Us out of towners they can take or leave.

Nick you forgot the smiley faces.

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No grudge match. That means I would have to borrow a car. I would have to work on it for a month and still not be happy. Gb I had alot of fun in my Scirrocco. But I push myself for more. The power of a v-8 is extremely hard to make fast as you know and one of the biggest things in racing is trying to make things work. I'm struggling with that right now but some of the people I'm racing against are what I consider to be extremely good racers and have raised the bar for me. That is what racing is to me. Even with all the stress and hard work it is fun and relaxing. I actually spend less than most people, I buy everything used or build it myself. I do race out of my pocket but not at the expense of bills, savings and a retirement plan.

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