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Pro Trucks Purse Increase at Thunderhill Raceway


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I am very disapointed in the truck competitors, you guys have complained for a few years now that there hasnt been a place to race and if the tracks payed we would be there..................Both tracks have done this and the trucks that are showing up are still the same trucks that showed up for the past few years. What is it now? Do you guys need some help getting them together? Whats keep them in the garages? Lets go guys support the tracks, they are listening but its hard to do for the racers if the racers wont show.


J.C Umscheid

UMSCHEID Race Services, INC

817 783 7383

512 496 0195



JC, it's not like those of us who have trucks sitting in the garage are protesting. There are probably a wide array of reasons some teams are not racing, mostly due to lack of extra spending $. Mine's for sale, buy it. Or better yet hook me up w/ a crate motor & transmission and I'll go racing again :) Take care bro.





in response to your response to me, im not jumping on the ones sitting in the shop as much as the ones that Go to the races and expect people to travel to their home track but wont travel to the other tracks. All though it would be nice to have the truck sitting in the shops, barns, field wherever they may be to come back and race. Call me let me know what you may need. Lets get your stuff running again!!!


J.C Umscheid

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Not to use this as an excuse, but if something happens and you miss a race, you are out of any hope of finishing well in the standings unless several other trucks miss races. IE: we blew a motor in Houston during practice and didn't make the race and fell to 10th in points. Unless the world ends, we won't crack the top 5. It won't stop us from making the races, but it could be a deterrent to others. Maybe an idea would be to throw out the worst finish or a missed race. I think the #72 is in the same situation at Kyle cause he blew a motor there. Just an idea. The 56 blew up the first race at HMP. He and the 13 are together. Same situation. Doesn't TSRS have something similar in their rules?

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Well lets see if we can talk to Jack and see what a fair weight rule is and lets get it done... The money is their $1000.00 at HMP 13 or more and $1000.00 at THR 15 or more which I wish they would lower. But no $50 entry fee HMP which is great. How many USST TRUCKS might be interrested. Maybe someone could bring a USST TRUCK to Kyle June 27th and we could see some lap times....I also feel the new Track at Ft. Worth will run the USST type Truck and we will have to make some ajustments for racing there...... Thanks D.L.

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Throwing out races to manipulate the standings is a slap in the face to a lot of people. The guy who works two jobs, secures enough sponsorship to race the whole season, and does enough preventative maintenance to keeps his car/truck together deserves to have an advantage in the points system. When you go dropping races, because driver "A" wants to go fishing, or has a date with a hot chick, or blows up or whatever, or is 3# over weight, or 1/16" too low, is that fair to the guy who makes every race and is never DQ'd? Nope And if the 305 is not competitive, why would you buy one? Points are probably over-rated anyway unless there is a substancial amount of money involved. The Tracks have put up decent purses for the Trucks Pro-Late models, and still the same few diehards show up. The races have been great. Thanks diehards, THR and HMP, the racing scene is still pumping.

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Throwing out races to manipulate the standings is a slap in the face to a lot of people. The guy who works two jobs, secures enough sponsorship to race the whole season, and does enough preventative maintenance to keeps his car/truck together deserves to have an advantage in the points system. When you go dropping races, because driver "A" wants to go fishing, or has a date with a hot chick, or blows up or whatever, or is 3# over weight, or 1/16" too low, is that fair to the guy who makes every race and is never DQ'd? Nope And if the 305 is not competitive, why would you buy one? Points are probably over-rated anyway unless there is a substancial amount of money involved. The Tracks have put up decent purses for the Trucks Pro-Late models, and still the same few diehards show up. The races have been great. Thanks diehards, THR and HMP, the racing scene is still pumping.


I wasn't talking about throwing out races cause someone has a "hot date" or wants to go fishing or got DQ'd for not passing tech. I'm talking about people who show up every week and because of an issue beyond their control weren't able to make the race. I can name four instances.....June 13th at HMP A Street Stock broke the frame at the firewall. He was there and was trying to make the race. Myself blowing up in practice. The #56 truck blowing up in the heat race in March. The #72 truck blowing up and catching fire at Kyle and missing the next race trying to get his truck put back together. See the difference? This is not an idea I threw out so everyone could lose thier minds and start griping. Ideas were requested on how to get the truck count up and this is one. No one likes it then it won't happen. Oh and if you make every race, you can throw out your worst finish other than a DQ.

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Did they let you drop races when you were a Nascar Craftsman Truck driver? If you failed to make a race, that is just the way it was, right? Same here, noone is keeping you from getting two trucks, or two motors or two whatever. Any way, what I am trying to say is the best prepared guy should have an advantage. Part of being prepared is having sufficient equipment at the track to chase points if that is what you are doing.

Edited by maverick
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another way to get more trucks would be to make it fair between the crate motors and the 305's




How do you feel they arent competive? I know a guy who is wanting to put his 305 back in the truck as soon as it gets back from th engine builder. Just wondering what your talking about...... Hows your truck coming anyways?



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The best-prepared guy does have an advantage, duh. He gets to choose which races to drop. In addition, this isn't supposed to be a NASCAR season. You want to run, what, 25 or 30 races? In that case, missing one or two won't hurt, particularly as everyone else will likely also miss one or two. The idea is that if you miss a race in a ten or 15 race season, you're done as far as championships are concerned, so why not park the race car and go fishing? And, there goes the car count.

I'm not as nuts about car counts as most, but do think it's a good idea to try to cut folks a bit of slack.

We aren't so much worried about your blowing an engine as we are about your wife telling you there is no freakin' way you are racing this weekend, it's great-grandpa's birthday and you are going, got it? Or you aren't going to miss your kid playing for his high school in the state baseball finals.

It doesn't give the guy who misses a race and has to drop it an advantage. The advantage still goes to the guys who are lucky enough to make every race and can CHOOSE which last-place finish they want to drop.

Edited by tqj3
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Did they let you drop races when you were a Nascar Craftsman Truck driver? If you failed to make a race, that is just the way it was, right? Same here, noone is keeping you from getting two trucks, or two motors or two whatever. Any way, what I am trying to say is the best prepared guy should have an advantage. Part of being prepared is having sufficient equipment at the track to chase points if that is what you are doing.




If you have the disposable income to have two race cars, multiple motors and transmissions to race the local short tracks, please contact me. We have several sponsorship opportunities available to help aleviate that excess cash!!!!

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TQ, "Duh", Let me explain. Driver "A" wins 5 races and places 2nd five races out of ten. Driver "B" wins 5 races and has 4 2nd place finishes. Driver "A" never misses a race, sold his deer rifle so he did not have to miss a race, but still is tied with driver "B" becasue driver "B" did not change his oil and blew up one race. At the end of the day, they are tied. "Duh" Driver "A" should have an advantage, dont cha think?


Dont get me wrong, for the track and the guys who cant make every race, dropping a race is cool. I was just trying to give kudos to the diehards who never miss or have an excuse or whatever. And Bluemoon, with your Nascar Craftsman Truck experience, you would be a great choice for a potential sponsor. I am sure they are out there. Dont give up trying. I am retired and on a fixed income, so sorry, I am not a good candidate.

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I know a way to get more trucks. Let the USST trucks come run. We will be more than happy to add weight. :rolleyes:

I wouldn't be against bringing my USST down, but I'd like to see a comparison before I go throwing a ton of lead at my USST. I just wanna go fast :lol:

Edited by Bull10
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TQ, "Duh", Let me explain. Driver "A" wins 5 races and places 2nd five races out of ten. Driver "B" wins 5 races and has 4 2nd place finishes. Driver "A" never misses a race, sold his deer rifle so he did not have to miss a race, but still is tied with driver "B" becasue driver "B" did not change his oil and blew up one race. At the end of the day, they are tied. "Duh" Driver "A" should have an advantage, dont cha think?


Driver A wins in your example. At HMP, in the event of a tie, drivers that participated in the most races wins. Since driver A raced 10 times vs driver B's 9 times, driver A wins. We try to be fair to all and since most of our racers do this as a hobby for fun, we allow one drop for unforseen circumstances, low budgets, and other important life events.

Edited by Houston Motorsports Park
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Why would your trucks need lead to race against USST trucks? Don't they have more HP, tube chassis, etc, etc?


We've raced against these trucks before, you aren't going to be competitive. You may run mid pack, and luck out with a top 5, but you aren't going to beat a purpose built late model style truck, against these arts style trucks.

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'was it over when the germans bombed pearl harbor?' let him go marc,,,,he's on a roll.

somebody please put jon in a truck, one of the best damn drivers out there and a guy that has done more for the trucks then just about anybody. he needs to be racing!

i'd see if you could drive the 28 but then i wouldn't get to race against you.

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