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Live updates from I-37 Raceway, 5/8/09


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Talk about hot and windy. Was 102 in the pits. The press box is shaking from the wind. The wind turbine generator east of the track must be doing 500-600 RPMS...


Eric and I are headed to the pits for some interviews. We had a chance to talk to track promoter Jim Knudtson who shared a lot of thoughts with us.


Be back in a few...



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Frontrunners heat up first.


Les Bettis and Jarret Payton out drove the rest with some great side by side action the entire race. But Payton pulled into the pits on the last lap. Daryl Stewart second with Jacob Gonzales in third. These cars look like FUN!

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Limited Late Models have their first 8-lap heat up next.


Andrew Hesler out first with Moe VanKirk, Richard Bartosh third with John Farquer fourth. They string out a bit in that order as the laps click down.


With two to go VanKirk and Bartosh catch the leader who got a bit wide in 1-2 a lap earlier.


VanKirk outpowers Hesler down the front straight and takes the win with Hesler second, Bartosh and Farquer.


Second Limited LM heat has Wesley Skains on the pole... Howie Marcx outside pole.


Gary "Taz" Hunter loses power on the green flag, pulls into pits. skains out first with Marcx in hot pursuit. Hunter back out, but a lap or two down.


Skains claims the easy win over Marcx and Hunter.

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The first Pure Stock heat has John Heil, Jake Kruger and Lynn Hardy in the lineup... All pavement guys here for some fun.


William Saunders out first with Janel Hilla not far behind. James Watson a distant third. William Cavender fourth.


John Heil holds his steering wheel out the drivers window as he circles the track.


Saunders, Hilla, Albert Mares in third. Heil, Kruger Hardy way to the back, but having fun!


Heat two for the Pures up next....


Marc Roy on the pole. Dennis Jasik outside pole. Roy out first. Jason Kelly takes over second on lap one and sets sail for Roy. Kelly and Roy get after it with Kelly blowing by Roy with two to go after Roy got wide in turn 2. Dennis Jasik finished third.


Heat number 3 up next for the Pures. Phillip Haywood and Charlie Earnhard in row one.


Haywood out first but Sean Terry gets under and takes the lead on the second lap. Charlie Earnhardt now challenging for second but he gets hung up in lapped traffic and drops back. It's all Terry.. but the yellow's out for a spin by a lapped car.


Sean Terry, Haywook, Charlie Earnhardt finishes third. Richard Fitch fourth.

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Two Heat for the Street Stocks.


First heat has Chris Brock and Don Lewis on the front row.


Brock out first Bijah Fowler jumps quickly into second. Lewis third with Don Lewis now in fourth.


Quite a battled for second which Lewis wins over Fowler who now has his hands full with Wade Jones.


Brock way out front with almost a half lap on Lewis and Jones who took over third from Fowler.


Brock, Lewis, Jones Chico Cox taking third just before the checkered.


Shawn Moore on the pole with the sharp 55 Chevy of Frederick Gierisch on his outside.


Moore out first with Tommy Casey roaring into second on the first lap. Casey then blasts past Moore as Justin Henley makes it past Moore as well to take over second. Eric Knudtson then gets by Moore and joins the top three.


Casey hols on for the win with Henley a three car lengths back. Knudtson a strong third.

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Two heats for the Limited Mods.. also known as SportMods or Sports Mods...


Larry Jernigan and Dennis Hilla on the front row.


Larry Jernigan out first with Hilla in hot pursuit. Chris McLendon and Aaron Lunsford right there with the leaders.


The top four are nose to tail.. Brian Rye gets in the mix.. but pulls into the pits after a bit very close racing.


Larry Jernigan, Chris McLendon and Pat Lyon take the top three spots as a couple of cars take out an infield tire or two at the end...


Second heat is delayed to remove a rattle snake in turn one.. never seen that one before and I've been racing a while.. Looks like about a three-footer.


Mickey Helms on the pole... but Kris Rye out really quick over Wesley Malcher as Chris Swenson roars past everyone to claim second at half way. Rye has a five car length lead but Swenson seems to be closing the gap and is right there with Rye at halfway.


Meanwhile Joe Spillman breaks free of the pack and takes over third.


Rye, Swenson Spillman in third at the checkered.

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Frontrunners 12-lap feature up first after intermission.


James Samford, Jessica Mares, Wes Bettis, Jarrett Payton, Daryl Stewart, Jim Knudtson


Samford out first with Bettis and Payton quickly into second and third.


Payton takes second over Bettis on lap three as the cars string out a bit. Samford still leads at halfway.


Not much action as Samford has a good solid lead over Payton who has good real estate back to Bettis...


Yellow for a bumper off the Payton car in turn 1-2 on lap 9.


Samford a good start but Bettis and Payton get together in turn two on the restart to bring out the yellow again.


So it's Samford, Payton who got re-instated, Jessica Mares in third, Jasik in fourth on the restart. Bettis to the rear.


Samford takes the checkered with Payton a few car lengths back. Bettis back to third.

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Limited Late Model feature up next - 15 laps.


Gary Hunter, Howie Marcx Richard Bartosh up front. unter pits as the green waves.


Andrew Hesler spins down the back straight on the second lap to bring out the yellow.


Bartosh, Marcx now up front for the restart with one lap in the books. VanKirk in third.


Bartosh out first, VanKirk quickly into second. Marcx back to third. Skains spins in four to bring out the yellow. There's a tire out in the exit of turn four after Marcx snags a couple as he swung wide exiting turn four after the yellow flew. Bartosh pits ....


VanKirk now in the lead with Marcx in second. Hesler in third.


VanKirk out smoothly as Skains and Marcx get after it for second. Skains on a mission as he clears Marcx.


Skains now sets sail for VanKirk but gets way wide exiting four on lap six losing a lot of ground.


Andrew Hesler into the tire wall in turn 3-4, goes up in the air, rolls over once and lands on all four back on the track. Fire quickly breaks out in the engine compartment. Fire crew there in a hurry. Hunter OK. Car not. Red flag.


Six laps complete. VanKirk, Skains, Marcx at the restart.


The top three are all alone as Gary Hunter is a few laps back after suffering what seems like ignition problems early.


VanKirk almost into the back of Hunter, giving Skains a chance to get to his back bumper for the last two laps.


And Skains makes a muscle move under VanKirk in turn one to force his way past on the bottom side with sparks flying on the last lap. VanKirk spins, but since it's on the last lap the checkered flies for Skains as VanKirk sits in turn two...

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Pure Stock will run a 12-lap B-Main -- top six cars to move up to the A-Main.


James Watson and Mike Brown, up front. William Cavender and Jake Kruger, Mark Crudimsky, John Heil, Adam Torres.. a couple of others..


Mike Brown out first. Heil quickly in to second. Cavender third and Kruger fourth and Mark Chrudimsky fifth in the early going.


At jsut past halfway a yellow flies - Watson pits with fluid coming from the car. Chrudimsky parked up in turn two.


On the lap 8 restart it's Brown, Heil, Kruger, 007, Richard Fitch in fifth.


Heil goes oustide Brown and takes the lead going trough turn 1-2.


Heil leads with two to go as the field strings out a bit except up front where Heil and Brown get after it... Heil wins out and takes the checkered, Brown second. 007 third Fitch and the 83. Whoever was last was also sixth, so the finishers all advance.

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Street Stock feature next. 20 -laps


Up front is Chris Brock and Shawn Moore.


Moore out with Brock right there. AJ Wernetter makes a great outside move to take over third over Tommy Casey at the end of the first lap.


But suddenly Wernette gets wide coming off turn four, comes down in front of a group of Justin Henley, Tommy Casey and Bijah Fowler who end up locked together at the exit of turn four. Wernette sent to the rear.


Only one lap in the books.


On the restart it's Moore, Chris Brock, Frederick Gierisch, Don Lewis, Chico Cox, Wade Jones, Eric Knudtson and Casey...


Moore out first and looking smooth. Brock falls back a bit as Lewis makes his way to third and JOnes moves into fourth.


Yellow at the end of lap 3 when Don Lewis goes up in a ball of fire going into turn three..


It's Moore, Brock, Cox, Jones, Gierisch, Knudtson, Casey, Wernette, the 99, Cody Clark, Justin Henley...Three laps in the books.


Brock goes way wide in turn one, gets sideways and AJ Wernette gets into him to bring out a yellow... Still 3 laps in the books.


Leader spins coming to the green in front of the field at the exit of turn four.. everyone somehow make it by...


Now Cox takes over the lead as Moore goes to the rear. Jones now in second with Gierisch in third, Knudtson fourth.


Cox out cleanly with Jones not far behind. Wernette spins.. not yellow and again, no yellow. He pulls into the infield.


Cox , Jones, Knudtson, Casey back up to fourth at the end of lap 7.


Moore and Brock back up to fifth and sixth by lap 10.


On lap 13 Jones makes a great inside move on Cox to take over the lead and takes Knudtson with him, Dropping Cox to third. Casey a distant fourth.


Knudston gives Jones a mirror-full but lapped traffic slows Knudston a bit.


Jones takes the checkered with Knudtson, Cox, Casey and Moore the top five.

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IMCA Sport Mods (Limited Modifieds) up next for their 20-lap main. Fifteen cars in the lineup.


Larry Jernigan and Wesley Malcher on the front row. Kris Rye jumps out quickly from his third spot.. but a mess in turn one-two on the start back in the field a bit. .. not sure who was involved but a complete restart is called for.


Kris Rye again tries the inside but Jernigan closed the door before he could get by... whoa, another mess in turn one with four or five cars getting tangled up.


Complete restart once again, but single file this time. Jernigan, Malcher, Kris Rye, Aaron Lunsford the top four in line.


Kris Rye quickly into second using hte low line... two cars tangle in turn four... So.. we'll try for the fourth time to get this race under way. Is there a full moon? Yep...


This time they make it and Rye scoots to the lead making quick work of Jernigan who falls to second. Chris Swenson is just plain tearing up the field and has moved way up to second by the end of the third lap.


Yellow of a spin by Dennis Hilla and another car in turn four brings out the caution with three in the books.


On the restart Eric Madden, Dennis Hilla and Lunsford tangle in turn two.. caution flies.


Top cars are Rye, Swenson, Helms, Jernigan, Malcher on the restart.


Spillman moves to fourth as Swenson and Helms battle fiercely in front of him.


Caution flies for a spin by Lunsford in turn 1-2. Lots of yellows in this one. Only six laps complete.


Swenson tries the high side on the restart but doesn't make it work as Helms takes over second using the low side.


Pat Lyon off the track into the boonies off turn two. Caution... then red as the safety crew rushes to find him out in the boonies...


Up front it's Rye, Helms, Swenson, Spillman, Jernigan, Malcher, McLendon with only seven laps in the books.


Madden spins down the front straight on the restart.. yet another yellow... Up front it's the same as before.


Swenson gets a huge jump on the restart.. maybe too huge as the track goes yellow....


Rye out smoothly as Swenson again tries the high side - takes over second from Helms..


But... another yellow... at the end of the 8th lap... for a spin in turn 1-2 by Lunsford.


Rye up front, Swenson second, Helms third, Spillman fourth...


Swenson again on the high side as Rye and Helms work the low nose to tail. At the start of lap 12 Swenson noses in front, but Rye stays side by side still on the low side... Spillman spins down the front straight for guess what... another yellow!


Rye led the last lap by a nose, so on the restart he's up front with Swenson in second, Helms third, Hilla in fourth.


Somthing goes wrong with Swenson's ride as he slows... Helms takes over second. Rye opens a goodlead over Helms...


Hilla spins with Spillman in turn four.. caution period. Spillman out after too many spins..


Rye, Helms and a suddenly fast again Swenson up front on the restart.. Takes over second and makes a strong move on Rye going down the back side with one to go.... Takes the lead going down the front straight as the white flag flies... Swenson, Rye, Helms, the top three.


Lots and lots of cautions in this one... Swenson played his outside line to perfection and got the lead on the only lap that counts...

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Eric and I have to miss the Pure stock feature... sorry.


But Cassy sent me a text message this morning with the car numbers. I don't have some of the names, so if you know who they are let me know.


1. 31 Lynn Hardy

2. 23 Sean Terry

3. 01 Mike Brown

4. 3 Albert Mares

5. 7x Janel Hilla

6. 8 Dennis Jasik

7. 15 William Cavender

8. 9 Phillip Haywood

9. 07 Richard Fitch

10. 24 Mark Roy

11. 57 Jason Kelly

12. 98 William Saunders

13. 29 Charlie Earnhardt

14. 007 Roy

15. 30 John Heil

16. 83 Bryon Reed

17. 70 Johnny Fitch

18. 21 Mikey Faulkner

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The track was a bit muddy last night (but fun) and I pulled off in the heat race because I thought the checkered was thrown. From my view it was since almost my entire windshield was solid mud. Oh well live and learn it was only the heat. Had a blast good job I37.

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There are a few drivers that were not there last night or had just left early from frustration and were wondering how our back-up car (which was driven by Andrew Hesler, who is okay by the way, just alittle sore) was after the rollover in turn 3-4. Well, I could tell you but I think a picture would say enough...................






The car did what it was supposed to do thou..... keep the driver safe.... and it did just that.... We are all glad that Andrew is okay.

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Okay, there are a few corrections that need to be made........


In the Pure Stocks - Dirty 30 John Heil - DQ'ed - rough driving

In the Street Stocks - 41 Wade Jones - DQ'ed - refused protest

In the Limited Late Models - 58 Moe VanKirk - finished 7th

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Okay, there are a few corrections that need to be made........


In the Pure Stocks - Dirty 30 John Heil - DQ'ed - rough driving

In the Street Stocks - 41 Wade Jones - DQ'ed - refused protest

In the Limited Late Models - 58 Moe VanKirk - finished 7th

I want to make it clear that there wasnt a refused protest and there is no way im letting someone i dont trust take my motor. we had agreed on following the protester to there shop that same night, but i guess they didnt like that idea so tech man changed his mind

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