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$1,000 to Win June 20, 2009

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Dirthammer, you are probably right. I may be off base discussing a class that I don't even have a car in. So, if I may indeed acquire a car, and only after I have made a few laps in this class, then I will post my thoughts and opinions for making this class successful. In the meantime, I will read the important opinions of the 6 or 7 racers who have made this class what it is today. Good luck to you guys. I hope it works out.


Somebody want to discuss go karts. I do indeed have one of those......


Thumper, if you want to argue with me, just PM me so I can get it off my chest!!!!

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I applaud C.C. Speedway for trying to build the class. I am speaking as a long time fan (50 years) who has seen quite a lot. To start you get your core group together to start the class.That is already done.Now to grow the class quickly you are going to have to draw from the dirt guys.After all that is where 25-35 of these cars are now. The promoter over there is established and has a good reputation with all that have raced for him several years now.This is not a dig on the C.C. guy as the Shady Oaks guy has the same challenge being a new promoter to this area. That will take time but to do it it you have to do what you promise , be consistent with rules and tech and as stated by gordo the rules have to be where it will be as easy as it can for the dirt guys to race at a minimum changeover.In short build trust. The more cars you can draw the more fans that will check it out.Remember most dirt fans are used to 15+ counts in each class and 3 wide racing so the show has to be good not single file follow the leader racing.Good luck!

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A class that involves dirt one week and asphalt another should also involve rules that are conducive to equal opportunity at a fair cost for those involved and dont want to have to take out a second mortgage to do so. Having said that, I dont have the experience or knowledge to comment on the rules. But I bet there are plenty of experienced racers and promoters that can or would understand what it would take to make rules including tires that would make it attractive to run both surfaces. Completely unbiased comments on what the tires, rules, etc. coming from those folks that have been there and done that. It would be cool to see these cars run on both surfaces with an equal opportunity to win rule wise. Of course knowledge and setup would rule in the end. And it of course helps to have a wheel man driving the car. LOL

I believe there is a fair and unbiased conclusion to the discussion here concerning this class, just need the better heads to put it together. In the end the racers and what matters most wins. The fans and the sport. Just a thought

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Yes I hope CC Speedway does well and hopefully can build up ALL their classes but they struggle to get 10 cars per class and that's not intended as a slam against the track. It's apparent everyone that runs there is enjoying it, but from a fan's perspective I would much rather go to a track that has the car count and the better show. I think making the rules comparable is the right thing to do that way you can draw from the dirt track or the other tracks to make sure they have a good shot at your track. Look at STS for a second, not all of their drivers are locals. They work with Edna and I37 and hopefully next season with Shady Oaks, hence the car count and entertainment is high. As for being a low budget racer, is asphalt really less expensive than dirt? I'll tend to disagree but I'm just speaking as a fan. I've seen hard impacts on dirt and those cars continue on and are running at the end. If you have a hard impact on asphalt the car is done for the night. Of course it's not a perfect world and there are bad wrecks on dirt but typically asphalt wrecks and wear and tear are more frequent than dirt. Remember that STS built from a core of CC racers too and where did they come from? CC Speedway and several are running the Sport Mod class and it's a very competitive class from top to bottom, there are at least 10 drivers that can win on any given night in that class. I remember growing up at CC and to tell you the truth, I'm still an asphalt fan at heart but I can't see paying $10 a night to see on a good night, 10 cars a class and again not trying to slam the track. I remember CC Speedway with 20-30 cars a class and it being competitive and entertaining, right now it's not, but I hope they get there. Even the touring series that come down don't bring the numbers they used to. When we're home, we will go to STS and on the 20th we plan on being in Edna and were pleasantly surprised to see alot of the CC area guys there last weekend so I think alot of the CC area drivers have made their choice. Good luck with not only this race but all races in the future and hope we can have two successful tracks to enjoy in CC.

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when owens moved to open sts .it left cc with out a manager .. cc had a good car count .with its closeing it left all those drivers with no place to race ..so they followed ..... the last two years havent been good to cc .for reasons i wont attempt to explain ....dan has taken it over and looks like he is trying and succeding in getting cars to come back out ... this is a up hill battle . i havent heard many if any complaints comeing from the drivers ..i think over all they are haveing a good time ......... the fans are injoying themselfs ... the future looks bright for cc .it will take some time ... anyone that goes out and watches ten cars race .is supporting the tracks future ...

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I am getting a little of the subject here but I run a Bomber at STS I ran one night last year at CC and had alot of fun I asked Dan this year if the rules are the same between the two tracks for this class He told me that CC allows up to 75 series tires but STS allows 70 series which are on my car. He told me that he allowed one car the week before to run 70 series tires and the other drivers complained to much so he said that he would not allow them any more. If he truly wants more cars He needs to get rules that match STS classes exactly.

Edited by bvfd_gordo
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I just want to comment on the misconception that 10 cars can not put on a good race. Of course, it would be much more exciting to see more cars, but those "10 cars" at CC have been putting on some awesome shows for the fans. It has not been "follow the leader" racing. It has been door to door to the finish line, edge of your seat, action packed racing. Every week the crowd gets bigger and sometimes even the car count. If you are saying otherwise, you have not been out to watch the races, you are just judging by the number of cars in the results. ;)

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First let me start by saying this is Donna, not Mike and that I am the one that has made all the post under crash76. I do not want Mike to take the blame for anything I have done as he has raced at ALL the tracks on these forums at one time or another and had fun at each and every one of them. So with that said, it seems as though I opened a "can of worms" so to speak by posting an innocent ad for a one time race event with an increased purse in the sport mod class on all the tracks forums. It was never my intention to make anyone angry or ruffel anyones feathers. It was only meant to get the word out to all the drivers that MAY want to race for the money for one night. So for those of you I seem to have offended, I apologize and to the ones that backed me and saw what I was doing for what it really was, I Thank You.


Donna Carlock

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I did not mean to imply that 10 cars couldn't put on a good show. We have attempted to go to CC Speedway a few times in the last few years and it's not the same for whatever reason. Maybe Dan is on the right track and I really do hope so. As I've previously stated, it will be really nice for a fan to have two premier racetracks to choose from in CC and especially since STS doesn't run every weekend. Mrs. Carlock, there's nothing wrong with trying to promote a race I know the intentions were good but maybe it was just bad timing since everyone else is doing some "special event" races too at the same time. I also know that your husband has run all over Texas and has for a long time, he's been a long time supporter of racing in this state. Again, I wish CC Speedway the best of luck to continue to improve things out there.

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there were not ten last night ..but did not need em .......... i could not take my eyes off that feature race ..there was side by side racen .slideways racen.. drag racen .alittle wall bangen.. position shuffle almost every lap ..... i agree with budman they are alittle ugly ..but ugly put on one hell of a race .and anyone who did not see it .missed something ...i would stayed up all night watching a race like that ........ folks it does not take 20 cars to make a great race ....in fact that many most probably been a long drawn out race with wrecks. those guys were fast last night ......they even got a wow out of my son ..lol

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Glad the race went well. Pretty impressive driving in a 9 car field at STS too with a 14 year old pulling away from everyone else. Lots of good races at both tracks evidently which is something everyone can hope for. Again, hope next Saturday goes well for CC too but we'll be in Edna. Old Timer, 10 cars can race hard, some of the best races I've seen were five car races, on both asphalt and dirt. Also, 20+ drivers don't always mean accidents galore, especially when you have 20 quality drivers on the track at one time. The old CC Speedway Bombers had 20-25 cars every week and rarely were crash fests unless someone lost their head and did something stupid and don't think some of the dirt touring series guys have too much of a problem with cautions either or the dwarfs, at least the ones in Edna since I haven't seen what was formerly TDCA run this season, sorry forgot what they're called this season. Point being, both tracks seem to be putting on a quality show regardless of car counts.

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Well,I read over this whole thread again and noticed something missing.All the talk about romancing the sport mods is important but the most important thing is missing from all our posts.Thats the consideration of the fans,the very people who make all racing for money possible.While its important for a racer to get the best deal for his team its also important to give each teams fans something back.Theres no question the Edna show will have more cars and many teams are going,most of the familys that support us weekly are not going to afford to go to Edna.STS is closed that nite so where do the regular Sat nite fans go??Do the dirt guys really want them to stay home?Every car has a fan base regardless of where they race.So if someone with a sport mod that cannot make this trip to Edna stays home and not races their fans are cheated.When I raced dirt my fans were excited to see me.Back on the asphalt,same thing.Especially the kids who like Thumper and want the pictures and candy I give away after the show.We race for their approval,not our vanity.


As far as this race,anyone can be in it for the price of a pit pass.Nobody is guarnteed a win regardless of tires.If someone wanted to race more than once at CC the Goodyears are a good investment.For a one time shot,the leftover Hoosers will surfice.Or buy Goodyears and resell them afterword.Heck,the frontrunners might break and a backmarker could win.It happens.I have several sets of tires I bought for special events uised one time only.I think I have about 25 tires that dont match the track I run on now.That was my choice.Ive never won the top money at any of my big race events but it sure was fun to be a part of the event.I also learned a lot that helped me later.


Now to knock my track because it doesnt live up to someones expectations gets my hair standing up.You want to race here.GREAT.Everyones welcome.You dont,thats cool,your having fun already where your at.But to think CC Speedway has to do everything the way the other track does just for whatever scraps STS might throw at them is bunk.Theres no way to carbon copy an asphalt track program after a dirt program, period.They require different things.I dont know how much more common rules can be than running the same rules.


Finally,the reason CC Speedway can put on a great show like Sat nite is because of the way the line ups are.The hi point guys start in the back every race and have to race every car to win.I missed a few races so I started near the front.I won but the race was not a good show because I had to go hard early on to get away from the faster cars.For this reason I will petetion the track to use points averages and a guy like me will start in back even if I only make 1 race but win or finish well.No fan likes watching a race where the fast cars start in front and the slower cars never get a chance to race them.Racing faster cars for position makes for better drivers slow or fast.


In short,all this tax and bailout stuff going on in Washington really got me depressed like everyone but the happy faces of my fans was the uplift I needed.It reminded me why I do this.I dont have any fans other places,just the track.Any track.Thank you race fans.I will try to entertain you.


Now Im done with this thread.Let the whining begin.

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well gb the feature race was great for aboult two laps .heck jr even passed you for the lead for a short lap ..lol .and that faster than you ford mustang was fighting to get around jr ..for three or four laps ..... he finaly motored passed jr .but it was to late .you had already built up a big lead ...i dont think i ever saw that wabbit run so hard to get away from those fords ..must have been the battery..lol ..... now we will work on the 3 car .and find some more speed . like alittle more adjustments to take the push out ..alittle more ponies .....then it could get interesting ..

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I have spent hundreds of dollars just as a spectator at both tracks,and I will continue to suppoprt both of them.I recently have been going to C.C. because of my brother racing in the sportmods, and a good friend racing in the super streets,even though it kills me that my best friends race at the dirt track. But I need to support my brothers. There having great success. And even with the low car count, I can honestly say that the races are very entertaining. I plan on someday finishing my car to race at C.C.( even though i know I will suck) but I want the car counts to grow. The dirt is obviously not hurting for cars, so I think my decision will only better the situation. I commend Dan on his tire choice, simply because if he were to copy other track rules, I can only imagine what others would say about him trying to rob cars from other tracks. He's not trying to steal cars , he's simply trying to get all those cars in peoples garages collecting dust to come out and play. Theres alot of cars that are unaccounted for,and they need to be told or helped to bring them back out. JMO We are blessed to have two tracks in one town ,let's not screw that up! Fred Arredondo

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I have spent hundreds of dollars just as a spectator at both tracks,and I will continue to suppoprt both of them.I recently have been going to C.C. because of my brother racing in the sportmods, and a good friend racing in the super streets,even though it kills me that my best friends race at the dirt track. But I need to support my brothers. There having great success. And even with the low car count, I can honestly say that the races are very entertaining. I plan on someday finishing my car to race at C.C.( even though i know I will suck) but I want the car counts to grow. The dirt is obviously not hurting for cars, so I think my decision will only better the situation. I commend Dan on his tire choice, simply because if he were to copy other track rules, I can only imagine what others would say about him trying to rob cars from other tracks. He's not trying to steal cars , he's simply trying to get all those cars in peoples garages collecting dust to come out and play. Theres alot of cars that are unaccounted for,and they need to be told or helped to bring them back out. JMO We are blessed to have two tracks in one town ,let's not screw that up! Fred Arredondo


More Like thousand's in beer money Lol

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I have spent hundreds of dollars just as a spectator at both tracks,and I will continue to suppoprt both of them.I recently have been going to C.C. because of my brother racing in the sportmods, and a good friend racing in the super streets,even though it kills me that my best friends race at the dirt track. But I need to support my brothers. There having great success. And even with the low car count, I can honestly say that the races are very entertaining. I plan on someday finishing my car to race at C.C.( even though i know I will suck) but I want the car counts to grow. The dirt is obviously not hurting for cars, so I think my decision will only better the situation. I commend Dan on his tire choice, simply because if he were to copy other track rules, I can only imagine what others would say about him trying to rob cars from other tracks. He's not trying to steal cars , he's simply trying to get all those cars in peoples garages collecting dust to come out and play. Theres alot of cars that are unaccounted for,and they need to be told or helped to bring them back out. JMO We are blessed to have two tracks in one town ,let's not screw that up! Fred Arredondo


More Like thousand's in beer money Lol

sam hes a SEASON TICKET HOLDER....lo :lol::ph34r:
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