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Updated NWS Forcast for Kyle Tx


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Well, with the big line of storms coming this way....It looks like Thunderhill is gonna get a pretty good rain shower until about 1:30-2 pm...After that it looks like it will clear up..


I guess we'll just have to wait and see how wet it gets there.


i think you are right! rain until this afternoon...at 5:20 this morning, kxan is showing the rain to be thru georgetown and up to I-35...they say it will be out of here by this afternoon and at 5p should be clear! here in buda, there hasn't been a drop yet, but radar shows it coming. weatherman says it's not near as bad as they first thought!!



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Well, with the big line of storms coming this way....It looks like Thunderhill is gonna get a pretty good rain shower until about 1:30-2 pm...After that it looks like it will clear up..


I guess we'll just have to wait and see how wet it gets there.


i think you are right! rain until this afternoon...at 5:20 this morning, kxan is showing the rain to be thru georgetown and up to I-35...they say it will be out of here by this afternoon and at 5p should be clear! here in buda, there hasn't been a drop yet, but radar shows it coming. weatherman says it's not near as bad as they first thought!!




WOAI in San Antonio just said that the rain should be completely clearing outta the area by noon...So as long as it doesnt rain TOO much before noon, it looks good.



...As I say that it starts raining outside.

Edited by trbfan
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It is rainning here too, but nothing bad came through in the night. I never heard a sound.Hopefully the weatherman got it right this time and it moves on through. It looks like it is, so maybe a little slow start today but hopefully good to goooooooo! It looks like with in an hour of two from now the line will have completely clear us here. I'm in Fredericksburg. No water standing on the ground. Only a little in the parking lot.

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I'm in San Marcos, not far from the track. The front is passing through, bringing rain. You can see the clearing line on the radar image, so it looks promising for a nice day after the storm line passes through the area. Austin news is saying that the rain should stop around noon, with clouds clearning out in the afternoon.


I'm sure the pits will be very muddy, but hopefully we can still get everyone parked. Although I haven't spoken to Mary Ann yet this morning, I will recommend that we move forward with our plans as scheduled. We may be delayed and hour or two, but hopefully it will be "all systems go" for a full weekend of racing.

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When the rain clears out, how long will it take for the track to dry out and what kind of a schedule we will have for the day? Will the classes scheduled to race today get any practice at all if the track is only dry shortly before all the qualifying is to begin? Just curious how the days events will progress and what time we should arrive at the track? Do not like to transport the naskarts in the rain unless we absolutely have to. Would like to wait til the rain stops to go to the track but do not want to miss out on practice.

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Not to be negative because I would like to race tonight too. But with this amount of rain and the track already being pretty wet or damp in the infield and outfield, it wouldnt be smart to run tonight. Every car off the track will make a mess on the track with mud and a lot of cleanup time. Brian had a race after a bad weather week and nearly ruined the track. They totaled about 10 cars that night. It was just a bad night. I think the late models finally got on the track at about 2am and there were 3 poeple left in the stands. They also had dirt coming out of the asphalt for months and it made for slick racing. Also the pits are going to be real muddy. You have to think about that too.


I think tomorrow is a better day for racing. But you never can tell what will happen.

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The flood warning are probably going to be lifted early they said. It's moving on through.


If the sun comes out like they say we should be alright. Just a little delayed maybe.


I guess it all boils down to how much rain the track got though. They said we didn't get as much rain as they first perdicted. So, maybe just maybe we will be in good shape.



And Reb, no that is not positive.


And I just looked at the radar again, half of Gillispie county is already in the clear.

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That I am not believing. You can see it clearing off and moving out.


I just report what I sees.....The messanger is INNOCENT!!!


That is true, but the radar is going to be the best forecater this late in the game.


I would think they could at least get the qualifying done today. Maybe the features that are scheduled today might need to be moved to tomorrow, but I bet we can qet qualifing in this evening.

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That is true, but the radar is going to be the best forecater this late in the game.


I would think they could at least get the qualifying done today. Maybe the features that are scheduled today might need to be moved to tomorrow, but I bet we can qet qualifing in this evening.


thats what should happen chase.

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