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wake up call!


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:( Sorry for your loss Jr.. :angry: Teenagers also have no respect for an old man in a wheelchair! I know anyone in our family would be willing to help in any way we could just let us know. :rolleyes: I remember as far back as Longhorn Jr. was one to go to if you needed help and it has continued to the last race at THR. Everyone needs to pitch in and pay him back!! Edited by wheelchair49
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I appreciate everyones concern, I have been in contact with the insurance company, which is USAA and they more or less didn't want anything distrbed until the adjuters, one for the strucure and another for the vehicle. The last time when the fire marshalls were they were giong to interview the people that werre on the 4 wheeler at 318 am Sat. but they were leaning toward the cause being an electrical problem.

Thanks everyone


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Shawn I am truly sorry for your loss and I know how you guys fell I lost a house to a fire last year it wasn't much but is was mine and it was kids that started it they started a fire up next to the house in high winds two nights ina role nabor ran them off the first night and they came back the next night and got er done but I cantell can tell you one thang don't count on hays county to find or do anything about those kids they won't spend 10 minuets onthe investagation.

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