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"My stupid foot......." (Junior Miller) lol



The one thing that is pretty cool about this show is that it's the first true representation of the passion of short track drivers in stock car racing. Everything before now has looked blurred and not too accurate. Remember "Days of Thunder"? This has come a long way.

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It was a good show, I really liked the part when they said that there were 17 to 20 THOUSAND spectators every saturday night. I believe it I have been there and seen it myself. You could leave that track and find another one within an hour and the same senario, lots of spectators and cars. I have a program from Bowman Gray from 1994 or 95 I'll have to dig it up.

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  • 2 months later...

Yes, I'm still watching it - haven't missed an episode.


It's quite an interesting show, especially for those of us who are familiar with stock-car racing. As you mentioned, the drama is a bit much, but I'm sure the drivers are encouraged to add fuel to fire to make the show more interesting. They don't use the black flag, and it looks like drivers are encouraged to put each other out of the race. The talks with the wimpy track manager are really a joke.


On the positive side, the good guy (Tim Brown) is leading in points, so hopefully the good will win out in the end.


Like I said, it's a good show. In real life, it would be a disaster for the drivers, I think. But the fans would love it.

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i think alot of this show is staged or at the least telling them somewhat what they want but its still worth watching for me. At 10 pm on a Sunday isnt anything else worth watching. However 20,000 fans woow there is no way most of those hiks are paying more than a $1 to get it if that! I personally think all the fans are getting in free while the show is there taping. I think next years Dirt Knight Series of the USMTS Mods will be much better but until then this is fun.

Edited by Danielsen Motorsports
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I couldn't believe he worked for waltrip either! At least SOMEONE is winning in that shop! LOL.


I don't believe the racing is rigged or anything of the sorts. I just think the sound effect add-ins, added radio messages and the "radio MC" are a little much.


I have a sudden urge to go eat at a certain BBQ joint after the episode (before last night's) though!!

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Bowman-Gray website list admission as $10 for 12 and older and children 6 to 11 for a $1,5 and under free.looking at the #'s in the stands on the show,has to be a pretty good take when you throw in the concessions.

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I keep wondering if they ever tagged along with Lightswitch Flemming when he took the late model out? Every time I see it sitting there in his shop I wonder if he races it, or if it belongs to someone else.

I guess it's a good enough show, but every time I start to wonder what is wrong with those people I have to remind myself that they most likely edited out thousands of hours of good footage so they'd have time for the unnecessary drama on each episode. I've got to say this though, that looks like a tough track!



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