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kyle's take on danica


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I guess Kyle hasn't been buying his seat all these years. :blink:

do you think that even occurs to him?

he was a waste of a real good seat for way too long. used his daddy's name, and sad to say but very true, his sons name after his death. ......and he looks like he lives in a van down by the river.

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I think they own that river... I think Kyle knows he is lucky to have been in such a prominent family, I think thats why he does so much for charity's.



While Kyle was not the greatest driver he has been a class act in many ways. What he does or has done for charities is just phenomenal. He became a ton more involved in charities after the death of his son Adam. All in all he is a good dude

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I guess Kyle hasn't been buying his seat all these years. :blink:

do you think that even occurs to him?

he was a waste of a real good seat for way too long. used his daddy's name, and sad to say but very true, his sons name after his death. ......and he looks like he lives in a van down by the river.


Just curious, how did he use his sons name after his death? I choose to believe that the things he did were in his sons honor. I can agree with most that he was a waste of a good seat but man I find it hard to say anything about the guy concerning his sons death. Not cool in my opinion

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If they wont allow the guys to really race each other and keep up all these boring races. She will be the only reason I will watch a race next season.


Looks like they will allow bump drafting again and also looks like they will dump the wing and bring back the spoiler as well as allow a larger restrictor plate for Daytona. Could make the competition better, we will see


Very cool. THat might get me to watching again. If they dont keep fining drivers for racing each other. :)

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my personal opinion:

1. leave danica in open wheel racing...she's not THAT marketable

2. stop MARKETING racing and PROMOTE RACING again

3. see #1

4. see #2

5. danica isn't gonna save jr...or nascar


1. Look again, she is one of the most marketable racers out there, not far behind JR and Gordon.

2. Marketing and Promoting is pretty much the same thing.

5. JR doesnt need saving as he is still one of the most marketable racers in the sport, huge fan base despite his recent lack of success.

5a. Nascar is in the same boat as many companies in the country with the current economy. Danica can actually help in that matter whether we like her or not

Edited by champ1796
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Fact is there aren't many blue collar racers in Nascar anymore. And that is sad. Take away Jr.s plate wins, and he, in his words, Ain't Dun Much. He talks like his dad, but he sure don't drive like him. He won in the Nationwide series because he was in superior equipment. Now this circus with Danica. Her and Jr. are a good match. They will definately make some money and bring a different fan base to Nascar, unfortunately it will just make for more boring racing and people turning their attention away from the racing. Can you say.....DVR

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Well NASCAR attendance and TV ratings are declining rapidly. The races are getting quite boring. I read the rear wing may disappear and a more traditional spoiler will be back.And the front splitter will be gone.That should make the car racier.Danica cannot hurt NASCAR. The IRL was nothing before she brought all the attention to it.Really the pressure is not as much on her to perform at a high standard but on all the rest of the drivers to put on a good show for the bump in fans and tv viewers she will definately bring. IRL has had some damn good racing that a lot of fans would not had seen if she wasn't there.If the racing is good and she struggles new fans may keep tuning in anyway.If the guys race like they have the last two years and she struggles back to square one. I for one am pulling for her as the better she does the more NASCAR benefits.

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Fact is there aren't many blue collar racers in Nascar anymore. And that is sad. Take away Jr.s plate wins, and he, in his words, Ain't Dun Much. He talks like his dad, but he sure don't drive like him. He won in the Nationwide series because he was in superior equipment. Now this circus with Danica. Her and Jr. are a good match. They will definately make some money and bring a different fan base to Nascar, unfortunately it will just make for more boring racing and people turning their attention away from the racing. Can you say.....DVR


I have been using the DVR or Tivo for racing for quite some time as Nascar just isnt what it used to be when the likes of Earnhardt, Waltrip, Johnson, Allison and many others made the sport. The fact that it isnt all blue collar now is due to the fact that it has grown so much. Growth that was spurred by success. Who was the last successful blue collar racer? And why arent there more blue collar racers now? Money is the answer and it is part of the equation with growth. Junior comes from a blue collar family that with their success allowed him to do what he is doing now. Danica brings the female aspect to the sport along with her marketability because of that and her looks. Inevitable stuff in a growing sport. There are plenty of racers out there that may never get their shot and others that get one handed to them like Jr and others including Menard and countless others. Some are just in the right spot at the right time. Even some of the more popular blue collar guys like Ken Schrader, whom is as much of a racer as anyone, had limited success even when he was in a good ride. Racing is a tough deal even for those that can drive the wheels off of a car. Junior and his situation with Danica will have no impact on blue collar racers in the sport in a negative way. What it will do is bring more recognition to the sport which is always a good thing. As fans all we can do is support the local venues and hope that one of the blue collars get a chance. Roush has something called the Gong show where he gives promising drivers a shot and I believe he has even contacted some of the local Texas drivers with this program. Nothing perfect about Nascar and plenty of things wrong with racing in general. I personally dont have any idea how you could fix it when even the small local venue drivers argue over personal gains versus what is best for the sport when it come to rules and such. Opinion driven forum here and I am no different, this is just my opinion

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he had no sponsors , he was holding on to any hope of racing the following season , talking about retirement (prolly cause richard was tired of paying his way). adam died, he rolled into adam's sponsors and rode it out like a tribute. which in some ways i'm sure it was, but it also gave him more time in a race car.

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OK, Heres my take on it. Ya we all know Kyle was an ok driver. He had alot of help and couldnt quite keep up. I think todays driver is quite different from drivers of late. Take Dale, Cale, Buddy, and several other drivers from the past. They were all rough as hell and didnt have to smooze the media. Dale finally caught on a few years before he died. I think the cars are way more technical now and the slightest adjustment will put you in front or the back in a hurry. Todays driver has to be a movie star, engineer, spokesperson and a racecar driver all rolled up in one. Danica has the looks for marketability and lets face it, she can drive a car. I dont think there are to many people that can get in a car and go 200 plus and withstand the G's they pull and not have alittle talent. I'm not a fan of hers in the least, but she can drive open wheel. Weather or not she does anything in NASCAR remains to be seen. I do know this. If she was driving back in the 70's and 80's she wouldnt stand a chance. One final thought. If nascar wants the ratings back they have to get back to side by side racing with alittle bump and grind here and there with drama in the pits occasionally. Drama and controversy sell tickets. Old rivalries sell tickets. People want to see some action and drama. Thats what keeps us coming back for more. All we can hope for is alittle Patrick Bush Gordon Kesolowski Edwards slap down at the end of Bristol. HAHAHAHA

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the one time i dont agree with crazy ..kyle used his son .s name . cuz that was what his son always wanted to do .and to suggest he used it to get his way ..... well im just flabbergasted you said that ...i do agree he rode in on his daddys back pocket in a race car ....so what .. bobby did it on terrys ..dale did it on sr.s ...my son will do it on mine .......... kyle has worked hard for his sons dream ..he didnt use his sons name to get any further in life ..my bet would be kyle would trade everything he has to get his son back ..//////

Edited by HiTech
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the one time i dont agree with crazy ..kyle used his son .s name . cuz that was what his son always wanted to do .and to suggest he used it to get his way ..... well im just flabbergasted you said that ...i do agree he rode in on his daddys back pocket in a race car ....so what .. bobby did it on terrys ..dale did it on sr.s ...my son will do it on mine .......... kyle has worked hard for his sons dream ..he didnt use his sons name to get any further in life ..my bet would be kyle would trade everything he has to get his son back ..//////


I'd give up EVERYTHING to have my son back...EVERYTHING!!!!!

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who wouldn't? but the circumstanse arouse and he was there for it. i'm not saying anything morbid. that's just the situation.

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ok...one final thought, then i'll go away on this:

thank GOD for local dirt/asphalt circle track racing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

y'all make racing what it should be...and the GIANORMOUS difference is that y'all still race from the HEART!!!

and i am sooooooo glad that each and every one of you are at the tracks every weekend pouring ur hearts into this sport that we all love so much...

i'll dvr nascar for a while and see what happens, but i'm very sure that this year will prolly be the year that nascar loses yet another fan...sad as that is to say.

but, i'll be at the tracks around here watching y'all doing what most of the guys in nascar seem to have forgotten with their fame & fortune...

thanks to all of you for what u do week in and week out all year long!!!


(oh, aaaanndd...COME ON FEBRUARY!!!)

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This should piss-off a few folks on here :lol:



You will not want to miss this -------> Click HERE






--------------> Click HERE

what they going to name it .stomp........lol

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DANICA .................. because it sounds soooooo Exotic!



You're just jealous because I had her pegged for stardom way back years ago. :lol::lol::lol:




Oh, and incidentially H/T, there is absolutely no truth to the rumor she is going to start her first nationwide race with one hand tied behind her back, just to make it fair. :P

Edited by Budman
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OMG. The gimick money machine has already started. And theres only 1 reason that she is still in IRL and got into NASCAR. LOOKS. thats it. She hasnt done anything that money couldnt have done for 1000 other good drivers. She will do what all the other female gimick drivers have done in NASCAR. Nothing at all, except piss off other drivers and crash a lot. She will only last as long as NASCAR needs her to so they can make money. She will not stay because of her little talent.


So this is the last I will post here on the topic of Danica. I refuse to keep the NASCAR gimick machine running. And thats what it has done, and thats why they did it. It's already working.

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