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Thunderhill Muffler Requirements

Chevy Orange

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B) We love racing at Kyle, after all of the confusion and lack of meeting db requirements at the last race, I think I can speak for most of th arts racers in saying we would like to know where we stand on the muffler issue? The arts officials said the only truck that passed db levels was the #93 truck of Chett's. Our team went over and Chett was kind enough to let us inspect his exhaust system. Nothing outrageous or high dollar- headers into an x-pipe, then into two short, stage one flowmaster mufflers and then turned down under the middle of the truck and not out the sides! We do not want to see Kyle get shut down due to the excessive noise! If we have to run mufflers, so be it as long as it will keep us all on the track and having good racing!To sum all this up basiclly what is going to be required for all of us to have on our trucks , the next race after our break is at S.A., then back to Kyle, we would like everyone to have ample time to prepare and show up ready to meet db levels with no problem and go racing!!-Thanks!!
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Just asking but are you saying you did not have to install mufflers before you raced the other night.



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If you're looking for an inexpensive "quick fix" type solution, check out the products offered by walker/dynomax. We're using a flowmaster Y pipe into a dynomax muffler that measures 6" round by 16" long (4" in&out). The muffler itself is much like the Coleman muffler that many of the late model and SS teams are using at THR. The beauty of it is that the muffler retails for about $75, so if you plan on using it at THR only, you could have a system that would not break the bank. If we are mandated to run a Colmeman or Howe next year, we'll go with the Coleman from what I've seen at the track thus far.


Good luck,



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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
:blink::o In case the ARTS guys didn't hear, Mufflers can not exit from the side of your truck at THR!! This is the latest on the muffler battle at THR! We were told this on Aug 14TH at SAS! Just thought I would pass this on to any of the racers who missed the SAS race!

Every car/truck we have dB checked at THR this season that had the exhaust system exiting at the side has not passed the dB check on either the front or back straight depending on which side of the vehicle the exhaust exits. This includes even the 4 cylinder cars. If someone will come up with an exhaust system that exits to the side of the car/truck that actually meets the 96 dB rule I will reconsider the "must exit under the car" rule. Just make arrangements to meet me at the track during any Thursday practice session and I will be more than willing to dB your system.


Keep in mind that all cars/trucks competiting at THR are checked from the inside of the track on the front straight and from the outside of the track on the back straight. We have two identical dB meters and take readings on both the back and front straight at the same time.


We have found that this is the most effective way to keep the noise down where at counts - at our neighbors' homes just north of the track.


Thanks for your understanding.


Nick Holt

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Not trying to start anything but why does arts allow two diffrent motors???you might not beable to see it o nthe 3/8 mile tracks but 77 did all his passing on the strait aways. 30 had a 305 and 77 had the crate. I just think it would of been a better show if all competitors were on the same motor.

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ARTS has had the 2 engine rule for 2 years now. Alot of dyno tests have been performed to insure that there isn't that much of a difference between the two. At Octoberfast last year, the 60 was running a 302 and the 66 a 305 along with the 350 of the 77. Those three were right together for of the race until the 60 and 77 got into it, and Jon came away with the win. If your truck is set up correctly, there isn't much difference between the two engines.

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Every car/truck we have dB checked at THR this season that had the exhaust system exiting at the side has not passed the dB check on either the front or back straight depending on which side of the vehicle the exhaust exits.  This includes even the 4 cylinder cars.  If someone will come up with an exhaust system that exits to the side of the car/truck that actually meets the 96 dB rule I will reconsider the "must exit under the car" rule.  Just make arrangements to meet me at the track during any Thursday practice session and I will be more than willing to dB your system.


Thanks for your understanding.


Nick Holt

2weeks ago we put a muffler on the truck and still exit at the side and we passed with 92-93 db

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This thread is about the muffler...I edited my post earlier cause someone told me it would turn into a deal about crate motors...I was only kidding around with my pumpkin friends who beat me fair and square at SAS...this was the first win by a crate motor this year...


Todd put on the best slide job I have ever seen in my life in turn 3-4 (Cup or anywhere else)...I laughed out loud in my truck when it happened and said holy crap, I couldn't believe it....no doubt he had a strong motor, but he also drove a hell of a race...he also had a killer move on a restart were he bolted up the hill at the last minute and no one could do anything about it...I saw what he was doing and had some more choice words of grudging respect...there were other 350's behind Bryan...The 77, 8, and 21 earned what they got...it ain't all about the motor...besides, the crates may be strong there and give something up at other tracks.


I enjoy racing against those guys. I am sorry if my post trying being funny took anything away from any of those guys.

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2weeks ago we put a muffler on the truck and still exit at the side and we passed with 92-93 db


Did I dB check on both the front and back straight, or just the front straight? I really can't recall. I guess I've dB'd too many cars/trucks this year to keep each individual dB check fresh in my mind..


Nick Holt

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OK, I remember now. We fit the truck in between practice sessions on a race day.


On the front straight it was at 92 dB. But remember, it has to be 96 or less on the back straight too. Hopefully it will be...


Nick Holt

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:rolleyes: Maybe some people do not realize that our Crate Motor is a sealed motor and we can not even do repairs , much less any modifications to it!! The 305 motors have much more leaway in the tweaking department! This is one reason I believe they are so close in power! Just look at Bryan Meredith running a 305 amd stomping the rest of us! Both motors are great and make plenty of power, but keep in mind all the power in the world is USELESS, if you can not apply it to the ground and keep your truck pointed in the right direction! -Handling,Handling,Handling!!!-That's what makes you Fast!!!
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