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Prayers for Larry Walton, RWRacing's Dad


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Please put Larry in your prayers. He was admitted to South Austin Hospital tonite with GI BLEED, and bycubitus ulcers. He will be there for a while. Room 454. God Bless you all.


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Get Well Soon!


Best Wishes to the Walton Family.

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Hello Folks

Mom wanted me to let yall know that Dad is home from the hospital and is progessing well. He is still confined to the bed, for several weeks with in home care



We want to thank you all for your prayers and phone calls and e-mails and vists to the hospital to see Dad I know it did a world of good for him....


God Bless U all



Jackie Jax

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Thanks to everyone for your prayers,emails,visits,phonecalls, and posts on TSZ. Larry is still bed ridden and will be for a while. He is getting in home wound care, physical therapy, and he has all his family and friends, and especially the racing family for support. Like Jon T, Larry is a tough old bird,LOL, and he has a great spirit to aid with the healing.

God Bless all of you and if there is anything we can do for anyone please do not hesitate to ask.


Love to all

Joyce Walton

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