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Hello Everyone. With tracks cranking up their regular race seasons we want to share some important reminders and new information as everyone sets their sights on the 2012 Allgayer, Inc. Street Stock Shootout of South Texas.


*Series Schedule:

Race 1 - May 19th- I37 Raceway, Pleasanton

Race 2 - July 14th - Texana Raceway Park, Edna

Race 3 - Sept 1st - Shady Oaks Speedway, Goliad

Race 4 - Sept 22nd - Cottonbowl Speedway, Paige

Race 5 - Oct 6th - South Texas Speedway, Corpus Christi

If any track has a rain out on our scheduled event or cannot host the event for other reasons, we move on. There will be no make up dates pursued


*The Mulligan

The series is a chance for drivers to run together from different tracks with slightly different rules, but with give and take so everyone can run together. This series attracts competitors from distances apart from each other as much as 350 miles. While everyone is excited about the series, we've had requests to consider incorporating the ability for a drop. We will call this the "Mulligan". With rapidly increasing fuel prices and the forecast that they will remain high this summer, we've been asked to consider the ability to provide for one drop. Let's assume we have no weather issues and get all five events in. If you attend all five events, of course everyone has an off night now and then and you will get to drop your worst night. Under the same theory with all five events being held, let's assume that you have a family event or need to be strategic on your money because of fuel prices and decide you can't attend one of the five events, we will drop your non attended event. Now, let's assume that weather becomes an issue for one of our scheduled events. We are then able to hold four events. The drop is out the window and points will be considered for four events. No drop for four or less events. Drop is if we get all five events in. The people have spoke and we have listened.


*Event Procedures

Each event the driver will draw a pill which determines his/her starting position for their heat race. This is done by the track following their normal process


Based on an avg. car count of 30 cars we will have 5 heat races. We will have a 6th heat race at events we have over 35 cars. Heat races will be 10 laps on the smaller tracks and 8 laps on the bigger tracks.


The top 3 heat race finishers, in the 5 heat races, will advance to A Main. (15 drivers)

The top 2 heat race finishers, in the 6 heat races, will advance to A Main. (12 drivers)


All heat race winners will return to the infield during entermission for a (2) lap hot lap for each driver that will be timed. The best timed hot lap from each heat winner will determine how the winners line up in the A Main event. Example: If we have 5 heat races then the 5 winners will do time trials for starting positions 1 thru 5. The fastest driver will win pole position for the event and be rewarded with those prizes.


Any driver that does not qualify thru the heat race must race his / her way through a B Main. Most likely all events will consist of (2) B Mains with equal amount of cars in each. B Main lineups will be based on heat race results. B Mains will be 12 laps on the smaller tracks and 10 laps of the bigger tracks.


All A Main's will be a min. of 25 laps!



*Purse. Each track has committed to the following as the minimum purse*

1 $400.00

2 $200.00

3 $175.00

4 $150.00

5 $125.00

6 $100.00

7 $100.00

8 $100.00

9 thru 24 $75.00

*Must make the A-Main for the track to pay. The tracks are not paying non-A Main qualifier money*



*Race Bonus Money. We will pay bonus money as noted below assuming sponsors are identified for each bonus at each event. As of this writing, several are already identified and posted on another thread. Follow the thread on sponsors to keep up with what is sponsored as well as what sponsorships are available*

Pole Sitter - $100.00

Hard Charger - $100.00

Each B Main Winner - $25.00

Randum Driver Drawing - $50.00 min. done at each drivers meeting.



*2012 Points Fund Championship*

1 $750.00

2 $600.00

3 $500.00

4 $400.00

5 $350.00

6 $325.00

7 $300.00

8 $275.00

9 $250.00

10 $225.00

11 $200.00

12 $175.00

13 $150.00

14 $125.00

15 $100.00

Total $5,125.00



The t-shirts will start being available for purchase before the first event is held. You will want several of the t-shirts and you will be impressed on the low price. T-shirt sponsors, please get your money mailed in.



Stephan maintains the points database and will remind everyone on how points are awarded for heats and features

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I think the drop is a bad idea....and I am seriously considering asking for a refund....I had already sent my money in thinking the whole series was a done deal..... why is it called a shootout if its not....this is more like a traveliing seires...only there are not enough dates to make that true either. If someone does not want to commit to the whole series...that is their choice, they can still run for the nightly prizes.... I think the champion should be the person who attended all the races and did the best at ALL the races. I m really disappointed....how many more changes can we expect? How many more changes are people "asking" for? I would like to know... before I decide to continue to support this shootout.....AJ

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how many more changes can we expect? How many more changes are people "asking" for? I would like to know... before I decide to continue to support this shootout.....AJ




If this is a significant concern for anyone, we can refund. A refund for any entry fee would need to be requested before the first event.

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LOL...nothing can be perfect...its a shame a group work so hard to promote a big event like this and the first thread bashes it...Monty and other promoters for this....hats off to you guys for what y'all are doing

SO glad someone that has no part of something has to jump on to try and make himself feel good....I have a valid point...you have no interest in any of this..other than you dont like me....I personally want it to go back to winner takes all....THAT is how a shootout works....the person who does the best under all conditions should win....this new trend that everyone has to win does not sit well with me.....you want to win a championship....go to all the races and do good in all of them. That is what makes a champion. Not getting a free pass.....JMO

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I actually agree with AJ lol.... the fact that the shootout has grown from 2 tracks to 5 gives every driver even more of a chance to recover from a bad night. I dont wanna see a champion wrap up the thing in race 4 at cotton bowl and not even have to go to STS because they have a drop option to fall back on. It kinda takes away from the event... In no way am i bashing the series. I know you guys have to make the tough decisions, and maybe this will end up being a good one for me in the long run, but i want the champion to be the best at all 5. Maybe we can have a vote with all the registered drivers. In the end, you cant make everybody happy and whatever yall decide to do i support yall 100%...no refund needed :)

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A.J, Never have understood a race being Dropped anytime. Such as I37 does...There are NOT that many races to begin with, And Cotten Bowl is not even open as of yet...One had to wonder last week with the comments being made at I37 what would happen there...One still has to wonder what will happen there on this race.....Frank t

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All rules and decisions are carefully thought through. We do not make rash decisions or changes without thinking of all parties involved. I personally like the most points win way of doing it but understand this idea keeps more competitors within reaching distance til the end. The series has alot of top drivers but irs not strickly about them only. The series also has a lot of teams that want to strive for a top10 or top5 points finish and somes goals are to qualify for each race. Good teams will still have good finishes and great points. That fact doesnt change. If you do your job then it takes care of itself. If you stumble your not out! Keep in mind the races must be successful for the tracks as much for the series so we will also consider ways that bring the best car counts and competition within reason to each of the partipating tracks. I think everyone knows we have brought tracks together for these events but a poor showing for race 4 and 5 due to early bad luck could easily keep us from being invited back for future years. Please respect this small change as its for the betterment of the series and its competitors.

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Dispite your wanna bee conspiracy theory Frank and my personal feelings towards a few individuals I will stop you in your tracks right now! We have been working on this along time and are constantly working on ideas that may or may not happen this year. If memory serves me correctly a certain track did not want upper class drivers dropping down into the series events last year which would have eliminated your son and many others. We fought hard and kept that from happening and that helped the series be a bigger success. So before you start thinking anyone is being selfish or trying to pull something over on you I suggest you think of all the other people that are working in this, its sponsors and the competitors that are looking fwd to it. Thanks for your support!

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Good folks step up and work their butts off to make racing better for all of us and sooner or later there will be some who just have to make a stink because they don't like a decision made by the organization.


I've said hundreds of times on here. If you have a complaint, disagree with a decision, etc, how about bringing it to the folks who can do something about your issue instead of raising a stink on a public website?


I try hard to keep the forums as positive as I can and I dropped the ball for sure this time. But for the past two days I have been on the road and have been trying to keep up with the forums via my cell phone. I was wrong, but I only checked the forums that tend to draw complainers, bashers, hostile posts, etc., so I never read this one since it's always been so positive and well behaved. What a shame that anyone would even have to step in to moderate any racing forum, let alone this one.



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Its a good point and its one of many different scenerios that we have played out. But again priority #1 is to bring the biggest/best show to each track. Everything else is secondary but still important. Nothing is certain no matter what the program is. Cottonbowl is trying to open as other tracks are trying to stay open and then one of the most stable tracks of all is closed only to open one weekend for us! Just like last year and the year before that, we will learn, make adjustments and move on hopefully going fwd with little to no issues.

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LOL...nothing can be perfect...its a shame a group work so hard to promote a big event like this and the first thread bashes it...Monty and other promoters for this....hats off to you guys for what y'all are doing

SO glad someone that has no part of something has to jump on to try and make himself feel good....I have a valid point...you have no interest in any of this..other than you dont like me....I personally want it to go back to winner takes all....THAT is how a shootout works....the person who does the best under all conditions should win....this new trend that everyone has to win does not sit well with me.....you want to win a championship....go to all the races and do good in all of them. That is what makes a champion. Not getting a free pass.....JMO

It has nothing to do about liking you...to be honest I've moved on Guy...i have no interest in this as a racer...but as a reader i do...this is a forum..and anyone can post anything..but my point was...you should have dialed their number instead of making your issue where 1000's of people can read it....understand what a forum is....its not where people who are only involved with the event can discuss issues...its the internet it is amazing..good Luck promoters..

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Good folks step up and work their butts off to make racing better for all of us and sooner or later there will be some who just have to make a stink because they don't like a decision made by the organization.


I've said hundreds of times on here. If you have a complaint, disagree with a decision, etc, how about bringing it to the folks who can do something about your issue instead of raising a stink on a public website?


I try hard to keep the forums as positive as I can and I dropped the ball for sure this time. But for the past two days I have been on the road and have been trying to keep up with the forums via my cell phone. I was wrong, but I only checked the forums that tend to draw complainers, bashers, hostile posts, etc., so I never read this one since it's always been so positive and well behaved. What a shame that anyone would even have to step in to moderate any racing forum, let alone this one.



I see posts like this all too often. You do have a job that I don't envy you for in no way, shape or form. With that said, I pose this question: What do you think would happen if there were no racing forums to dicuss ideas, opinions or anything else that happens on them? What if there was no Facebook? Do you think your track/series would succeed without them? How vital has the internet become in keeping that gates open? In no way am I trying to stir up trouble but be part of the solution.


Like I said before, I understand where you come from but what if more was done to keep the "complainers, bashers, hostile posts. ect." off of the boards completely? A suggestion may be put it in black and white like a rule book is. You belly ache, bitch, moan or rock the boat in an unfavorable way you're just banned. If it is a matter of free speech then so be it for good and bad. But if it is to keep things positive then the rules are made and they must be followed; if I recall we all had to agree to terms of use. One it would make your job easier and two if anyone thinks that forums and Facebook aren't vital to track's or series' success then it shouldn't be a problem.


Very Respectfully,



Edited by Jamie
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I didn't want to post too soon to perpetuate a debate, but it is time now. We did think about the greater good for the series before making our decision. But after talking, Stephan I have revised our original post and this is done. The drop is if we have all five events. If there is an event that cannot be held, the drop is out. Four or less events being held will count all of the events. A drop only if we have all five events. My original post was not exactly like that, but we are listening, it has been clarified and it will be a drop only if all five events are held. This drop is a moot point if we end up with four or less events... Subject closed.


Healthy and logical input is good. I have known AJ for over 7 years and I appreciate the fact that he is willing to give his opinion. His style is not my style, but I am too diplomatic sometimes. But, my style works for me (by the way, I need a job in 2 years when i retire from my current career ;) ). I also know that AJ is willing to give his shirt off his back if he can help someone make a feature. The very first night I met him 7 years ago, we had trouble with our carbuerator, and he literally ran get his spare and put it on our car just in time to make the feature...... As organizers of this series and the ones who put the free time into the series to make it happen, which is a lot of our time, we have to put on our big boy pants and make those decisions about the series.


Again, if anyone has serious concern over what we've done with this, we will offer a refund before the first series event. No hard feelings. We respect any decisions like that. But, no refunds to anyone who paid to be in the series once the series starts.


I want to take us back for a moment to what this series is all about. It is a series designed so that drivers from different tracks can compete together with some give and take. If we had a hard fast set of rules with no combinations, we would be lucky to pull 15 cars per event. It brings people together from long distances. It allows fans at tracks to see fender car drivers they don't get to see otherwise. And, it is a shot in the arm for each track hosting an event as it draws both a large car count and packs the stands. Gas will likely be $4.00 per gallon by May and likely higher this summer. We have competitors that are running $1,800 cars (bumper to bumper) against competitors with $10,000 cars (bumper to bumper).... Yes it is a fact that you can easily spend 10 grand and I can speak to this first hand because I own one of each price.. lol... Think about it, Lauren's seat is almost half the cost of the entire Nova that I own. This is just how it is when we bring together a series like this. It is the very same principle at big shows for Limited Mods. Remember the tag line I put on the series "a series by racers for racers". So, when we make a decision, it is for the greater good... We also want the competitors to support their home track and not make decisions about running this series over sitting out a regular night at their track because cost is an issue. Traveling is expensive, and with fuel which will be at a record high, the drop makes good sense economically if all five events are held. It will be to everyones advantage to attend the last event just as much as the first event, because it may end up being clear who the top few could be, but the progressive fund pays a good ways down and positions will be up for grabs all the way down to the last race. Actually, it should be tight at the top by the last race if last year is any indicator. I say, don't anyone start counting chickens til they hatch on the last event.


In a not so diplomatic manner I am going to restress something. Remember to be a class act at each track hosting an event and don't act a fool to the track staff if you don't like something. Decisions about events on the track are the decisions of the track officials running the event. Be sure you think before you debate with track officials about their on track decisions. Do not approachg me or Stephan about a decision the track officials made during your race.... We do however intend to pay for a tech man who will be at all events for the series and his decisions will be his decisions without our input. That is what he is paid for.


Man, that Fifth Ton must have had a heck of a time in Corpus last December. Girl, we will try to bring some plywood for you and The Who to dance on at each race...


For those who don't know, others watched this series last year and we had inquiries about the series from folks in north and east Texas and from Louisiana wanting to do similar things. We have something so unique by providing some shows where guys and gals can bring cars under different rules and run together, make new friendships, bring something special to fans and help the tracks. Let's never forget this in how we all represent the series. Now, let's go make histrory again this year like we did last year and see if we can have some 40+ car events. I truly think we can do it.

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00 I have been around this sport ALOT longer than you...I can tell the difference in a person who has a personal agenda and a valid point. The post said...the people have spoken and we have listened....I am sure all parties have my number...I was never called...so..who did they speak too? Now..I am not bashing monty or Stephan....I just disagreed with how this was done....The concession that was made is better...but still less than ideal...but, I can live with it.



Now...on calling them up....I have done this alot of times (over the years...)....you want to know what the promoters ALWAYS say? Your the only person who feels that way...no one has ever complained about that issue. That is a fact. But, when I talk to people...they all tell me they have complained about the same issue. A Forum is the PERFECT place to bring this stuff up....the promoters can see more peoples opinions....but..of course, there are people who should not reply....since they have no stake in the outcome...other than personal vindication....but...some things will never change. Now...if you had a valid point as to why it should be one way or another...that is a different story. There is a HUGE difference in bashing, and bringing up a valid point. If this forum was only for us to tell the track or promoters how great they are...and then complain to everyone else...then that will hurt racing more than trying to work out differences. Of course...these are just my opinions...Not bashing anyone...I like Stephan and Monty and think there doing a great job. But..I dont want my crew coming up to me and telling me I did everything perfect, when they think I screwed up...I would rather hear the truth...as I think these two would.




But..on a lighter note...I got a new incar camera....and I think the car is almost ready for the shootout...here is a short clip from last weeks feature...


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00 I have been around this sport ALOT longer than you...I can tell the difference in a person who has a personal agenda and a valid point. The post said...the people have spoken and we have listened....I am sure all parties have my number...I was never called...so..who did they speak too? Now..I am not bashing monty or Stephan....I just disagreed with how this was done....The concession that was made is better...but still less than ideal...but, I can live with it.


Now...on calling them up....I have done this alot of times (over the years...)....you want to know what the promoters ALWAYS say? Your the only person who feels that way...no one has ever complained about that issue. That is a fact. But, when I talk to people...they all tell me they have complained about the same issue. A Forum is the PERFECT place to bring this stuff up....the promoters can see more peoples opinions....but..of course, there are people who should not reply....since they have no stake in the outcome...other than personal vindication....but...some things will never change. Now...if you had a valid point as to why it should be one way or another...that is a different story. There is a HUGE difference in bashing, and bringing up a valid point. If this forum was only for us to tell the track or promoters how great they are...and then complain to everyone else...then that will hurt racing more than trying to work out differences. Of course...these are just my opinions...Not bashing anyone...I like Stephan and Monty and think there doing a great job. But..I dont want my crew coming up to me and telling me I did everything perfect, when they think I screwed up...I would rather hear the truth...as I think these two would.


I have no problem whatsoever with the forums being used to better the sport. That's why have kept this place running for the past several years. Many important topics have been discussed here in the forums over the years. Some get discussed and re-discussed on a regular basis. LOL.


I do have a problem, however, with the forums being used to lodge complaints, etc., against a track or series. Instead, I encourage folks with issues to get with the people who can actually handle the issue, problem or complaint. If your don't get the results you wanted when you brought your concern up with the proper people, that must mean they chose not to do it your way.


I totally disagree with you that the next step should be to bring it up in the forums to force the track or series to see it your way. The power of the press is indeed very effective in bringing pressure to bear on people, but I chose a long time ago not to let the forums be used in that way. There are many forums out there that encourage bashing, etc, and some tracks have even closed after undergoing such attacks.


This has been my policy since day one and will remain my policy until I pull the plug, which may be sooner than later.


Thanks for reading and I sure hope Monty and Stephan don't get discouraged. They're doing a good thing for racing and I back their efforts 100%.



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I would call it a stretch (however that is spelled) to call what I just said as a bash.... All I said was my opinion...are you saying that everything that is not praise is a bash? I know society is leaning towards the everyone is a winner syndrome....but I hate to bear the bad news....its not really that way. The way I see it, there is always room for improvement. Am I to understand that you do not wish this forum to be used for that purpose? May I suggest that you state that in the rules. I did not understand that you may only post a comment if it is in 100% agreement with the track or poster. I am sorry I misunderstood. I will try to be better from now on. Sorry to everyone I offended......AJ

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  • 2 weeks later...

honestly....the race themselves pay more than a normal race....almost all the incentives are based on that nights race....THAT makes people want to run these shows. Not to mention the fun of running a race with a full field. Sure...everyone would like to win the championship....but the truth is....only 10 or so cars even really have a shot. That is just how it is....but, with the changes they made...I think this is all a moot point now anyway. You would have to run all the races (except the last one) if you cared about points. Because if any race gets rained out or cancelled, then if you skipped a race....you are done in points. SO...its pretty much back to winner take all...cause with the way the rain is this year...I highly doubt we will get all the shows in. jmo... AJ

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