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I have a 3500 pound limited late model at the house . You do not want me to unload it at the track and beat on u with it . You can't bend the frame on that car trust me I tried . This is my 2 season ever and I don't pull that kind of crap on the track because I take pride in racing. I have made it a point to meet every driver in this class. Parts aren't cheap and my patients are limited . If you can't get by some one with out putting the nose of ur car under there rear end then i think your in the wrong class . Get a pure stock the parts are easily found in a local junk yard. We are running cars worth tens of thousands of dollars and there is no 10,000$ check for winning.

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The race before last was awesome no one got tore up that I know of and the only caution was because of me . In the feature I pulled into the infield because of carb problems and didn't get far enough off . Other then that it was damn good clean racing . Does anyone disagree with what I'm trying to say here . Because from what I have heard this is nothing new . Me and my family behaved Saturday night as much as we didn't want we did .

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I have a tore up car and broken motor for the same reason. Got run over in the heat race and ended my night with alot of broken parts in a good motor from getting hit on left rear tire under full throttle. Im not usually one to complain about another driver on a forum an told Nick that Saturday evening, this is getting rediculous!! We are finally getting good car counts in our class and need to keep the class growing. You cant do that with someone taking out two or three cars a night.I voiced my opinion to this driver as to what I thought had happened and he said he didnt race like that.Well I have it on Video of the heat and he took out Chris before the flaggstand on the first lap of the feature. So I guess he still races like that and has been for as long as I can remember.If some one has a solution to overly aggressive ,out of control drivers please let us hear it .I think a few black flags or sitting out some races might do the trick, but thats just my opinion.I would rather lose one car than a bunch of tore up cars .If this was a isolated incident I would just say it's a racin deal but this has happened on sveral occasions. I will be the first to admit that I have have wrecked everything but the school bus, but these continued agrssive actions by must be dealt with.

Iknow that the wonderful staff at my favorite track will lok into this and the problem will be resolved.

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I had a chance to crawl around one of those SOS Late Models on Saturday and they are obviously not a slam-bang sort of dirt track car. There are adjustment for the adjustments and high-dollar everything. They look more like an asphalt Super Late Model than a Bomber, that's for sure.


And when they went out onto the track, they looked great, sounded awesome and put on a show that people will pay to watch.


Yes, there were some aggressive moves by a few and some torn up cars as a result. Not a good thing for sure.


But venting about a particular driver in public - even though most of you have been careful not to actually bash - rarely does anyone any good and usually just creates more problems than it solves.



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You are right this site isn't ment for bashing . I let my emotions and temper take control of the matter and I would like to apologize for that this issue needs to be addressed in an adult matter with class . I do apologize for my actions and wish to make this event into a lesson learned and not into a confrontation. I'm not trying to make enemy's .

Chris Jones.

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I have no problem owning up to my mistakes they just have to be shown to me were going to start rebuilding tonight . Who needs that side of the car it carries the left front anyways lol. See yall in two weeks .come back out again nick u didn't get a very good show .

Edited by CJonesLLM69
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I have no problem owning up to my mistakes they just have to be shown to me were going to start rebuilding tonight . Who needs that side of the car it carries the left front anyways lol. See yall in two weeks .come back out again nick u didn't get a very good show .

Chris, if there's anything I can help you with, give me a shout. Its guys like you that are going to make the class grow. You have done a heck of a job with little to no experience in a late model.


Ditto on the "not a very good show"..


-Ricky Begnaud

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We would like to thank everyone who has called and offered help in getting the car back together . It means a lot . I have been getting phone calls and messages on here all day . Asking how I was doing and how bad the car was and what can they do to help. It's not as bad as we had first though but its not perty either . Dodged a bullet this time it could have been worse. See yall in two weeks.

Thankyou Chris Jones

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u all are bashing this one driver the man loves racing and he loves to race hard. look at what happend to him a couple of weeks ago when he was pushed up into the wall it almost took out is whole car no one is bashing the driver that caused that u all know that u are going to tear stuff up or tear somone elses stuff up racing is racing crap is going to happen!!!!!!!!

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look guys i know the differance i have been crashed and i have done some crashing myself years ago i dont like to see cars getting crashed or trying to fix them but to me its just hard racing i wish you all the best of luck

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i am not trying to get into a pissing match

see yall in two :rolleyes weeks :rolleyes::rolleyes: maybe


I wasn't going to get invloved, but to defend Randy on the picture posted above, I checked up slightly to stay out of the mess happening up front (not seen in the picture). I broke a right rear shock bolt, don't think the bent quarter panel had anything to do with that. He got off of me pretty much as soon as he got into me. Just racing in my book, with some bad luck to go along.

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u all are bashing this one driver the man loves racing and he loves to race hard. look at what happend to him a couple of weeks ago when he was pushed up into the wall it almost took out is whole car no one is bashing the driver that caused that u all know that u are going to tear stuff up or tear somone elses stuff up racing is racing crap is going to happen!!!!!!!!

KACIR IS THE MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
i am not trying to get into a pissing match

see yall in two :rolleyes weeks :rolleyes::rolleyes: maybe


I wasn't going to get invloved, but to defend Randy on the picture posted above, I checked up slightly to stay out of the mess happening up front (not seen in the picture). I broke a right rear shock bolt, don't think the bent quarter panel had anything to do with that. He got off of me pretty much as soon as he got into me. Just racing in my book, with some bad luck to go along.


Yeah a picture dont tell the whole picture does it , but your explaination cleared it up perfectly. Thank you

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I want to learn how to drive a latemodel!!! this lil for banger is gettn slow!! lol.. Hey chris.. I miss racing with ya bud.. cool to see you move up to the big boys.. If I had the moeny I would convert my car to a 4bar.. If you know anyone that would like to help us out in that arena then I would so think about running there.. Beleive it or not we are actually leading the LLM class down here with stock equipment...how I dont know but Im ready to move up..

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