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Pick the ARTS Winner Contest for Oct 9

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the only forty nine i go for is the kind that includes liquor and fry bread-you know, those guys with painted faces pounding on drums....


i'll pick spillar/brian as my back up

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This thread turned into a bash session and I have deleted several posts, some of which were not bashes, but rather responses to bashes.


If people want to bash each other, please do it via email or PM.


Thanks for your understanding.


Nick Holt

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Hey Larry, Just like Charlie Brown You have to BELIEVE in the Great Pumpkin!! Watch out for the under dogs, you never know what will happen! We are not intimidated by any team or individual, we work hard and long with just a three man crew(two carpenters and a mechanic) and so far we have not done that bad!You have to BELIEVE!!!!!! And after all it is the month of the Pumpkin!!See ya in our mirror!

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