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6 Problems Surrounding Dirt Tracks Today---I think ALL tracks


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While this is "titled" for dirt tracks, I think ALL tracks, racers, fans can take equally from this article.....Most of it isn't new news and parts have been kicked around plenty on here and many other sites....




Here's a few short quotes from it.....

one way to get drivers to the track is a flexible rulebook.

Keep the tech inspection simple and fair to all drivers every week

Tracks need to limit the amount of divisions running each night

The tracks are absolutely terrible at advertising

The tracks today need to have plenty of stuff to keep the kids occupied

Listening to fan feedback is something that all dirt tracks should be doing on a consistent basis.
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The "flexible rule book" is not a good idea. Turns into "run what you brung" mentallity. Simple inspections don't catch what's being done to today's car. Often times, they need to be more intense. The rest I can agree with.


I like how they use CRAPCAR and DIRT as examples. Tracks under those sanctions can set whatever rules they want. That does not make for tracks working togethor. Maybe that's why I like IMCA right now. Tracks are supposed to use IMCA's rules not something the track creates for a buddy.

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Wayne, I took from the "flexible" part to mean not so much being 'open rules'.....but having rules close enough to other tracks that a guy can maybe add/remove some lead, change a carb or something simple enough to attract racers from rained out tracks....


I can also see your point on tech, but how many guys bitch about getting torn down.....I'd say 99%...lol


I know some people hate sanctions, complain about having to run certain parts, stamped parts, blah, blah, blah.....BUT creating rules to fit what the 'haves' want, not what the majority can afford is worse.

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I read the "flexible" part to mean rules that the track refuses to enforce. If a track refuses to enforce any rules, don't put them in the rule book. JMO


I used to be one of the drivers complaing about tech. I want it now because it helps bring some stability to a track. AS LONG AS it's fair and non-biased. I do agree with tracks having rules similar to other local tracks. This helps the teams that want to travel or when a track is rained out.


I agree with your last statement 100%. All anyone has to do is look at the SLMs and the Outlaw Modifieds, in this state, to see the result of that

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The "flexible rule book" is not a good idea. Turns into "run what you brung" mentallity. Simple inspections don't catch what's being done to today's car. Often times, they need to be more intense. The rest I can agree with.


I took "flexible rule book" to mean what we have with the LLM rules or what the SS Shootout rules are....many different types of chassis, most types of suspensions, wide variety of shocks and tires, stock bodies and fabricated bodies. And, it sure simplifies tech! Maybe tracks should take a closer look at those 2 classes.

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The "flexible rule book" is not a good idea. Turns into "run what you brung" mentallity. Simple inspections don't catch what's being done to today's car. Often times, they need to be more intense. The rest I can agree with.


I like how they use CRAPCAR and DIRT as examples. Tracks under those sanctions can set whatever rules they want. That does not make for tracks working togethor. Maybe that's why I like IMCA right now. Tracks are supposed to use IMCA's rules not something the track creates for a buddy.


What DIRT is now, under WRG, is not what it once was. There were 20 or so tracks under DIRT sanction at one time...and it made for a heck of a season criss crossing across NY, PA and NJ when they ran special events at non-sanctioned tracks. Imagine being able to run almost any night of the week with a culminating race in one location that drew 150 cars in ONE division. Tracks had to work together pull it off.


I will give you that there was the perception of DIRT having its favorites....what organization doesn't? But, IMCA does have a good thing going. If Glen Donnely had his way, DIRT would be in IMCAs shoes today.

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