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Oil pressure issue


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As mentioned earlier, a common problem is that the oil cannot drain back to the pan from the lifter valley area fast enough. Blowby is blowing up through the lifter valley drainback holes, at the same time that the oil is trying to drain downward through the same drainback holes. If the rules allow, grind the rear drainback hole significantly larger than stock. Some people install short stanchion pipes in the middle drainback holes so that most of the blowby flows upward through those holes, while the oil drains downward easily through the enlarged rear drainback hole (without fighting against blowby flow).

Oil flow volume through the engine depends primarily on engine bearing clearances. Tighter/normal clearances allow a stock volume pump to work adequately. In many cases, a high volume pump will pump the excess flow through the oil pump relief valve (returning & splashing that oil directly to the pan).... mostly a waste of the extra power that it takes to drive the high-volume pump.

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