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My situation is different from most of you. However my weeks are just as full as most of yours are.


As for $ I aint got none! With my wife and I being Full Time college students pretty much eliminates that option.

My schedule looks as follows



Im at work all day, and class on thursday nights after work


Im at School either all day or part of the day. And working on the Race truck when Im not in class.


Most of the time im working on this day as well, sometimes when Im fortunate enough to have the day off, I spend it with my wife.


I usually dont have time to spend with my family. I see my family MAYBE 1 day every 2 to 3 weeks. But you know what even though I cant be in the race car with you guys, I am one of the most deticated, and supportive crew techs you'll ever meet. I eat, drink, and sleep racing. Its in my blood.

With all the free time I have LOL YEAH RIGHT I have offered it to Aaron, Chuck, Terry Dickerson, and Jon Sagester to help better those race tracks you guys love so much to race on.


Now you see what I go through, how much time, $,SUPPORT can you spare????


Sean B)

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