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Long Range Weather Forecast for Spectacular


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This projection is as of 10 p.m. CDT. Sustained winds now at 110 mph.




Which puts Rita at the Texas Coast Friday evening.


Nick Holt


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:o:huh: We all want to race but lets be realistic. A huricane is coming and the race is still not canceled. There is a 70% chance of rain. Who ever makes the decision needs to save everyone the trouble and reschedule now. We have spent 10's of thousands of dollars trying to win the points championship. We can't afford not to go to the race but at the same time are we supposed to leave our family at home to fight the storm alone. I don't know about you but it would be nice to make plans now! What comes first family or the races. Put the racers best interest at heart and reschedule the race so we can be with our families during this ordeal. We can plan the races but we can't plan the weather so reschedule please. Please post your comments. We can always race another weekend. I want to race just as bad as you do but how could I leave my family. What is your opinion?
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10-4 on that one, we want to race as bad as anyone, we got a brand new motor coming and would like to try it out, but there are far too many racers that live on the coast line, i think they should cancell it soon, just so the racers can take care of their families and not have to worry about missing a points race. oct 22 is already the raindate maybe the powers that be should talk this over and figure out something soon, dont want to end up like new orleans too little too late.


big john

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i have bitched and moaned as much as the next guy when the races were rained out when i thought it was to early. but any decision right now is to early give it a couple of days. then we will know where this storm is really going. it could do 180 and go back thru florida like andrew in 98. every one needs to be patient. i am trying to be and it is not easy. lets just see what happens. good luck thunder hill.

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Does any one have a way to get my car to THR? My trailer is full of all my family belongings.



Brian and Mary Ann are well aware of Rita. It's their race and it's their call. You've made your point and I'm sure they will do the right thing.


Nick Holt

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Guest Mary Ann Naumann

Please trust me, we are watching everything there is to watch, I feel comfortable in telling you all that by noon tomorrow, we should be able to answer your questions and concerns. You guys and gals are like family to each of us and we are all taking this very serious, I promise you.

I have been talking with Wayne Norrell and H and I have been watching the weather all afternoon, this evening and still right now! Wayne, Brian and I will be talking in the morning.


Mary Ann

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watching one news channel awhile ago and they said this should be the biggest hurricane to ever hit the texas coast

Yeah you know it is a powerful storm when it gets 300 miles inland to Central Texas and still be classified tropical storm. The weather man said it would be at 70mph sustained winds.


Maybe if those Aggie engineers can hurry development of a motor & tire capable of harnessing the power of the hurricane maybe we'd get to race. That would be a good hybrid car...

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We need today to get prepared, tommorrow to finish getting prepared, and Friday to figure out what to do next. Sorry guys but the racing gods look like they are just not going to keep things dry. Hopefully the decision on this race is not made on the basis of how much money will be lost but how many lives are at stake. Please do the right thing. Thanks.

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Terry Dickerson called Brain Callaway this morning to discuss the weather situation. Brain said that a decision will be made by noon Thursday at the latest and that everyone will be notified as soon as possible after a decision has been made.


IF (and that's a big IF) Rita is going to turn, she should turn sometime today or tonight. If she hasn't turned away from Texas by Thursday morning.


Nick Holt

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Houston schools are cancelled so we can get our kids to safey but you guys still want to race. Come on!!

wideopen - how many times do you feel like you have to make your point? Your mind is made up, and it sounds like you're doing the right thing, so stop worrying about the race already!

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i think if my family was in harms way,thats all i would be concerned about, i wouldnt even be worrying about a race wideopen-i havent figure out the part about you "dont want to miss the race, but you already cant buy batteries or other supplies"-is that because stores are sold out in your area or ?

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