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Spectacular Postponed due to Rita


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Just received word from Mary Ann Naumann and Brian Callaway that the 9th Annual THR Stock Car Spectacular has been postponed until October 21 and 22 due to the concern for everyone's safety as Rita approaches.


More details about this two-day show to follow.


Nick Holt

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Great call. I'm sure Brian and Mary Ann did the right thing. I hope everyone realizes it was for the better and especially for the racers coming from out of town. We can race another day but we can't let "Rita" get the better of us! We all need to prepare in some way. I applaud the move of the Spectacular to the 22nd. One sidenote that will be of benefit is now the Spectacular is after the Texas Thunder race and all the "local racers" will be able to enjoy the improvements that are planned to the track. D.

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From what I here, it's going to be a two day deal.

Qualifying and heats friday, and features sat. night.


Is this correct?




There are lots of possible formats that could be used for the rescheduled Spectacular, but I do not believe that any particular format has been determined at this time.


Nick Holt

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ooo, ooo, ooo, can you throw a derby in there for the 22nd? :D Always good to end with a bang :lol:


I would have to say congrats to THR for the derbies they've had this year. They were slow to start (5 cars I think) and could've been canceled as in years past, but they stuck with it and they've grown each time. Good job THR!!

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