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Weather Channel Renders Itself Useless


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In the past two days, I've tuned into the Weather Channel for a hurricane update not less than 7 times. I have yet to see any program content. They've sold so much commercial time, there's little left for content.


When I'm looking for hurricane info the last thing I want to do is wait through a string of commercials. So, I end up switching to another channel.


As I said in the title line... They've rendered themselves absolutely useless!

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you need a weather rock to tell the weather...you say "whats a weather rock?" well its a rock on a string hanging...... if rock is dry its sunny and hot.... if rock is wet its raining.... if rock is white its snowing.... and if rock is swaying its windy.... if rock is gone then a hurricane just came thru...... thats a weather rock :ph34r:

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