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Russ Wheeler ? Wasn't that the guy in "Days Of Blunder" ? ...I guess you are just another who hides behind his computer stirring S%@# up about drivers and series. And while you are doing this you keep saying that "not to bash" crap. Is this to cover your ass in case you run into someone you are trying to offend. Why is it when a series has a good night that people like you don't drag a thread out praising ? I gotta pretty good idea who you are...(mullet head ?)

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That "snake-eye" invert possibility has been present at most every TSRS since the beginning of the series. I haven't seen a thing in the TSRS rules that says drivers have to get to the front by the 5th lap of a 75-lap race in order to win.


IMHO, those fast guys in the back, along with those almost-fast guys in the middle, just needed to give the race a few laps for everyone to get strung out a bit. Then pick them off one at a time instead of six at a time.


Stay behind few laps and save the tires for when you decide to work your way up through the pack. It's a whole lot easier (and more fun to watch, actually) than trying to pass everyone else by the 5th lap.


Nick Holt

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I gotta pretty good idea who you are...(mullet head ?)

this is texas......that dosen't narrow the opitions down enough? about 15 years ago i worked for a guy that had a mullet. he had a body shop off of twin creeks road......and he liked Oduel's...talk about defeating the purpose? j/k bro.

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Nick You said just about everything I have been thinking for the last week.


It's been over a week now since this race. Stop crying, fix the cars and go race.



I remember when I was in labor with my child I was hollering about the pain. The doctor told me if I put as much effort into my pushing as I was with my hollering I could have this baby. What do you know 2 pushes later she was out.


I bet if you put as much effort into fixing the cars as you have crying on here you could have had them fixed by now.

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I totally agree with gilligan ,fast18, and Kathy; It's over now! Just fix the cars and race again or just quit and stop crying. By the way RussWheeler18, hobby stocks are not the only class that starts the fast cars in back. All the classes start the fast cars in back and run considerably less laps with only a third of the problems. It has nothing to do with who's in front, it is merely patience, ability, and a little luck at times. Why do I say this? I've crew cheifed a street stock champion at Longhorn, a two time limited late model champion at Kyle and Longhorn, and hopefully one day a slm champion and we started in the back almost every night. Oh, by the way, in almost all of those championships we won any where from 8 to 10 features! Now that is racing!!

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