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Racing Club

Guest noclutch

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Are you thinking of leasing an existing facility or building a new one? How would the entity that signs the lease or loan be structured (in the most general of terms)? Is it a for-profit business, a not for profit member owned or something else?


In the case of leasing an existing facility, what would you estimate the total operating costs (including some reserve for maintenance and capital improvements) divided by the existing car count potential to be?





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On that point, I agree with you. The NASCAR race wasn't promoted more widely, just better. As for the racing, yeah, it was better at the two big shots, but, as you said, it's marketing, not competition.

There are roughly 1.2 million people in the Central Texas area, and if we tell them all what we are doing and why they should care, some of them will show up, just as they did for the NASCAR race. Remember, we only need a tiny percentage of the whole crowd, but we have to tell the whole crowd, not just the racing community.

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:D I get a laugh when I read a thread like this.Someone thinks the key to a better show is make the racers pay more money.Ha Ha.Some thinks catering to the ritch will save racing.More Ha Ha.Some think ( those without sin ) getting rid of undesirables will sell more tickets.Biggest Ha Ha. :ph34r: The fact is,no matter what tricks you try to sell a show,the show must sell itself!Nascar took our show and elevated it to a level unattainable by any local track.Nascar is the biggest enemy of local racing there is.Now is the time to fight back by CHANGING THE SHOW!!!!.The race nite is basically the same as it has been for 50 years,only more refined.Watch the ticket sales go down as we try to emulate Nascar without the resourses to back it up.I say,CATER TO THOSE Rif Raf types,most are hard working,hands on ,sweating,bleading workers supporting a family who on Sat nite want to get away from everyday drudgery.They have limited entertainment money and must include their family.Give them a show they can remember,food they can afford to feed the family,tickets they can afford and they will be regulars.Make the show one they can relate to.Get more women drivers,a childs competetion,and a little of plain old roughness for Dad,Add music,games,pretty girls and comedy.Have stories,happy ones and sad ones,heros and villans.A carnival deal.Let them hail their heros and boo their villans.Another words,INVOLVEMENT. There are more blue than white collar workers in America.Those tracks that cater to the ritch are gone or small.Those who want to be like Nascar should RACE Nascar.The rest of us need to re-think our show.All life changes,those that do not become extinct.Shed the "Holier Than Thou " attitude.Our show now is akin to the Hi School Bands halftime marches when you dont have a kid in it.Orderly,respectable,repetitive.Would you want that to be YOUR weekend entertainment??? :( Thumper
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I think we need Toyota to get involved at SAS some how and that will probably attract other big names, and we can have special events with music and cheerleaders. I know when the super late models are in town, there is never a problem filling the stands. They need to add some new things to the menu at least for "Fall Brawl", like turkey legs, Thunderhill had them last time, it's so close to Thanksgiving Day.

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Before this thread degenerates any further...


No Clutch - I haven't figured out yet which side of the fence you are on. Are you fishing for a response that will support a business idea you have? Are you fishing for a response to demonstrate the "dark side" of where the current racing trend is heading? Do you have any interest in supporting local racing, your pocket book or none of the above??


There are racing clubs in Texas (and most other states) that cater to weekend racers interested in just having a place to go fast and show off their toys. As mentioned earlier, the ones that come to mind are usually affiliated with a particular brand (BMW, Porsche, Corvette), some tied to a particular facility (TWS Sports Car Club) and some to multiple sites (Corinthians, SCCA). Iron Rock offers the same club setup for karts, Houston is awefully close to the club model with all their spec classes (Legacy, Mini-Cup, etc.). Somehow, I don't see the typical Hobby driver getting the same thrill from this format but maybe I'm wrong.


The main thing all these venues have in common is a total separation of the back gate from the front. The series supports itself totally from the participants with no contribution from paying spectators. Indeed, most of these are considered "non spectator events".


If the racer is totally self supporting of their racing program, it doesn't make much difference. They have no sponsor to be responsible to, no change in benefit related to how well the front gate does so they have no responsibility to anyone but themselves for how they perform or when or how often.. If you are a well heeled guy just looking for some weekend fun, that may be just the ticket..


For the sponsored racer, everything changes. They need to sell what they will do so they have a fiduciary interest in how the front gate does, how often they race, attending any special promotional functions in support of the track or series, etc.. The club model doesn't give them much marketing material so where is the benefit to them??

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The club or association concept is not new to our racing. In the early 80's at Austin, they had the "Capitol Area Racing Association."

We ran a car, and provided track parts and tire service.


What a pain in the ass, the meetings had more drama than any reality show on TV today, everyone thought they had the right idea since they were a member, no three people could agree on anything. Had one member try to ban anyone from racing at Austin that wasn't from Austin. Everyone wanted stuff done or changed, but wanted someone else to do it.

We got enough problems with our current state of racing; we don't need to be adding to those problems by trying to organize a club or association.

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Maybe the racers are too much trouble.  It may be less headaches to build a motel restaurant.

Here's a compromise clutch.....


Build a Mexican Food restaurant on Hwy 16, stay open to the wee hours of the morning, and racers will trickle in around 2 or 3 am every Sunday am.



Best of both worlds!



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Guest noclutch

Thanks jracer. Looks like that track is doing just great with the concept. I thought maybe people would feel accountable for their actions if they were part of the deal. It seems like the racers may actually promote racing if they feel like the were responisble for the success or failure of the track.

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I can't think of one single driver that has gotten into racing by wanting to please the fans or make a track rich. From what I gather they do it because they love to race. Why else would you spend $500 to $700, at least, a week to cash a $350 check???? It's true that if the fan base goes away then so will the track. Then everyone will pay the price. Trackowners, drivers and the fans will all be screwed. I'm sure that the powers at be at every track are doing what they can to make this thing work. Still wondering what a "back marker" is??

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who said anything about not caring about the fans??? Not I. Pretty sure there wouldn't be a track if not for the fans. Oh wait, there wouldn't be a track if there were no drivers either or track owners. All three have their duties to make it work. Drivers drive, fans come to watch and owners.......... own?? Not sure what the responsibilities are but I'd guess getting butts in the seat would be both the owners and drivers. Just stating that the drivers probably didn't get into racing to make cash and more than likely the owners did.


back ( P ) n.

The part or area farthest from the front


mark·er (märkr) n.

One that marks or serves as a mark.


So after a tedious trip to dictionary.com this is what I came up with. Dflo

serves as a mark on the track as the farthest from the front because he

won't change his sparkplugs or work on his car. Is that close clutch???

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I think we need Toyota to get involved at SAS some how

This is JMO, but to get Toyota involved with the track maybe a Toyota needs to race at the track. I for one would like SAS to have a local 4-cyl class. I would make that trip several times, could also bring several cars. You could laugh at the local 4-cyl. class but if it brings a big name sponsor, why not do it. Again JMO.

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In all seriousness, local tracks need to look to what is currenty on the street. Many intelligent people will point to the difficulties in racing a FWD class. I say let the innovators have reign! Start a 4 cyl intro class, then have a pro-4 and pro-6 class.. Will a FWD Chevy Nova keep up with a RWD Chevy Nova? Maybe, maybe not.. No one knows because no one has tried! Will a 6 cyl. Honda Accord have an advantage over a 4 Cyl. Accord or a 6 cyl. Maxima?? Good question! Let's find out!!

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