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Guest noclutch

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whatever happened to SAS making a 4 cylinder class, i think it was called true stock ,


that was a good class with bad rules..........all cars had to be front wheel drive only........only a driver who has never ran before could run.........if you win the championship you cant drive the following year.........it would have been a neat little entry level class, or low budget class.......but to exclude drivers with previous racing experience and to limit it to only front wheel drive was not a good move..........they should bring that class back as a bone stock, 4 cyl class.......jmo

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I have seen every combination of 4 cyl rules.The problem is every car needs something different to be fast.The rules at CC Speedway have evolved from years of tried and succeded/failed attempts to create parody between makes.The word STOCK is the worse rule because it has many meanings.Stock by brand?year model? How is it enforced?A true stock 4 cyl class will lead to 1 or 2 brands dominateing.There are not enough front drivers to make a field eather.And this "beginner class" idea has never worked.RGS went to a pure stock rule class and beginner driver status and has 5 or 6 cars,most of which are left over Thunder cars.And most of the people who race 4 cyls will never race a V8 car for various reasons,mostly resourses.If any track would copy the Thunder Car pholisiphy they would be very successful.Every rule has a reason for being.Look at CC Speedway,Thunder cars thrive.I have raced everything from pure stock to modified to outlaw 4 cyls and the true Thunder car program worked the best.RGS had 25 cars regulary until they started to eliminate drivers they thought were too good.Some were 1st year drivers.The ones that left quit racing alltogher.It seems the people who make rules for 4 cyl cars usually dont understand them at all.LOOK AT WHAT WORKS for goodness sake. THUMPER

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Dont you think that is a little selfish not caring about the fans who have paid money to watch you or the track owners who have a substancial investment in the track?

Welcome to the world of "main stream" sports...


aka...Major league baseball players, NBA players...NFL players aren't as bad, they're very community oriented...now, realize, not ALL MLB, NBA players fit into this prototype, but most do...


And as we ALL say..this is what separates racing from the "other sports.." Our DRIVERS and TEAMS and OWNERS appreaciate all that fans do, and return that favor..

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Guest noclutch


Bigfat said he did not know of a single driver that wanted to please the fans or make the track owners rich. That could be 100% of the problem. Maybe they should take lessons in manorism from the World Champion San Antonio Spurs. They care about each other, the fans, the owners and are great in the community and "I" does not exist in success.

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Actually clutch,


I said that no driver has gotten INTO racing with that on their mind. No one is going to spend all that money and invest all that time to make someone else rich or entertain another person. Once involved in the track I'm sure they will gain relationships with the fans and owners, good or bad. Regardless It's still not the reason they are there.

I'm sure the weekend race warriors would be great in the community as well if they needed giant tax breaks and got them thru monetary donations to the community. Not saying that's the only reason for every celeb that donates but it's the majority of the majority. As for caring for each other, lmao, good luck. There is an " I " in win and that's why the drivers are there. They love to race and they want to wIn.

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Guest noclutch

Sorry, Maybe I misunderstood what you were saying. I still dont understand what you mean make someone else rich? If that is the case, shouldnt the participants be the ones with the financial liability of the track for "their" passion? Why dont "I" step up and pay the bills then instead of "I" want to win a race?

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Apparently we are talking about two differnt groups of owners and racers. The ones that WacoRacer posted and the local track guys. The garages that resemble luxurious stables of a Kentucky horse farm and the gravel and rocks that make up the gargages at CC, THR and SAS. Old English architecture and South Texas thrown together. Hopefully one will not take from the other and we can all live happily ever after.

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This is what I know.After spending 30 yrs. in the racing bussiness and being around race tracks all of my life I have had very few problems with who you call riff raff in fact I have made many friends all over the country.The biggest problem I have ever had with people are the ones like you who think that everybody ought to be what you think you are. If you want to be a milk and cookie racer go run SCCA or go join a real country with all the other snobs and stay the hell away from good honest people doing what they love with people they enjoy being around.And as far as racers paying the bills at a race track they do. Go out to your favorite track duirng the week and see how many people are there watching none WHY because there's no cars there.Racers are what brings people to the race track thats the only thing that a track has to sell.

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Guest noclutch


The Busch race had 20 cars, catered to corporate folks, 4000+ fans and I am sure Over $200,000 in sponsorships were sold, so dont say there is not money out there, or something is wrong with the track.


Big Shot 250 had 58 cars, some of the biggest hot shoes in the country, catered to "supertx and his buddies" , 1,200 fans


There are plenty of cars out there right now and you are correct, right now there is nothing to sell. Now you are getting my point. There needs to be something to sell, it is not working now.

Edited by noclutch
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NoClutch I never said that there is no money out there.Your right about the car counts If the promotor does his job and puts the investment and work in that Full Throttle Productions did you can have a show like the NASCAR race. What you were talking about was having the racers pay for the race track.If you can find a bussniness that I can start and don,t have to spend my money and have everybody pay for it let me know.Im sure if you start a track and do the promotion and spend the money that F. T.P. did then the racers have something to sell sponsors for there cars so they can be well funded and professional , the promotors job is to promote his track and take care of his bussiness the racers job is to put on a good and professional show to draw fans if you have crowds then you have something to sell to your corporate sponsors.

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If the promotor does his job and puts the investment and work in that Full Throttle Productions did you can have a show like the NASCAR race....Im sure if you start a track and do the promotion and spend the money that F. T.P. did then the racers have something to sell sponsors for there cars so they can be well funded and professional , the promotors job is to promote his track and take care of his bussiness the racers job is to put on a good and professional show to draw fans if you have crowds then you have something to sell to your corporate sponsors.

I wonder what the Full Throttle Productions bottom line looked like. I hope they made a pile of cash, but doing the mental math, I'm not too sure....


supertx - You have the right formula for short track racing success if you are using the model where the front gate is supposed to make the promoter/owner money. The big problem with that model is in coming up with someone with deep enough pockets to invest in advertising and promotion. Give me enough money and anyone can fill the stands. Most people who have kind of money find someplace else to invest it.


Nick Holt

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We all know you have sold several hundred of you "Chassis" and we figure you buried all that money in your backyard. Dig some of it up and invest it in Short Track Racing. :D:D

Actually, I've blown all those millions on my daughter's braces and my son's college tuition.. <sigh>


Nick Holt

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